Almost all fish were caught, and fewer and fewer came to the surface, while Huo Yishen and others caught almost three thousand catties.

Coincidentally, the fishing device was out of power.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the rubber boat was blown away. The assault boat of Jiang Ning and others crushed a lot of fish so that they were not blown away, but the people standing on it were unstable.

Those rubber boats that don't bear weight don't work when they are rowed against the wind, and they drift farther and farther with the current.

Jiang Ning frowned, faintly feeling that the water flow was not right.

It seems that there is a suction force, which is sucking in the direction of the reservoir gate.

Huo Yishen also sensed something was wrong, and subconsciously looked at Jiang Ning.

The four eyes met, seeing danger in the other's pupils.



The two drank at the same time and grabbed the rope of the assault boat's engine.

"Lu Yu, sit still!"

Jiang Ning quickly launched the assault boat and drove towards the opposite direction of the reservoir gate.

Lu Yu and Zhong Mu, who were sitting on the rubber boat, were almost thrown out, and they held on to the fixed rope tightly.

Huo Yishen was no exception, and the Zhong family father and son hugged the fish bag tightly.

Two assault boats galloped across the reservoir like a racing car.

"Brother, they ran away, let's chase after them."

"Quick, don't let them slip away, chase after them!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was only a loud crash in the distance.

That kind of feeling is like a gap was pierced in the sky, and the flood flooded out of the sky in an instant...

Jiang Ning didn't look back, raced against the flood to grab the time, and drove in the farthest direction.

Lu Yu couldn't help but look back, only to see that the horizontal line seemed to have a big gap, and a steady stream of floods rushed towards the gap, with the power to destroy everything...

The water level continued to drop, and the assault boat rushed forward through the wind and waves.

Finally, Anping reached the furthest distance.

Keep the motor running to counter the suction of the floodwater.

Seeing the opportunity, Lu Yu jumped down, climbed ashore with hands and feet, wrapped the rope of the assault boat a few times and tied it to a tree.

The Zhong family father and son did the same, they tied the rope tightly to the tree, and they worked together to drag the assault boat and rubber boat ashore.

Jiang Ning went ashore and took out his binoculars to observe the distance.

The reservoir broke its embankment, and the accumulated flood water continued to leak out. The huge water force was like an invisible tentacle sucker, sucking the people on the rubber boat towards the breached embankment.

The flower arms were slow to react for a long time. They were in a hurry and finally started the engine, but they were still no match for the huge suction force of the flood, and they were thrown on the cutting board like a dying fish.

Not only them, but all the human beings trapped in the flood, in front of the natural disasters, seemed insignificant like duckweed, no matter how they resisted and struggled, they were still ruthlessly swallowed up in an instant.

Mother Zhong's face was pale, her body was trembling, and she was panting heavily as she looked at the falling water level.

On the horizontal plane, the struggling people got farther and farther away, smaller and smaller, and finally turned into black dots and disappeared.

More than 20 people, if they say no, they will be gone.

If it weren't for the quick response of the two young people, they would all have to explain here today.

Heart, I am terrified.

Is the disaster really going to end?

Why is it so difficult to live!

Jiang Ning didn't speak, sat down on the grass next to him, and took out chocolates to replenish his energy.

Gouzi came over and stared at her, his eyes were full of longing.

Shit shovel, give it the whole point!

"It's poisonous, you can't eat it." Jiang Ning warned, putting chocolate under its nose, "Smell it, you can't eat it in the future!"

No kidding, dogs must never eat chocolate, they will really burp.

The dog who shovels shit eats alone, the dog is unhappy, and looks away depressedly!

Jiang Ning took out a steamed bun from his bag and stuffed it into its mouth.

Lu Yu was terrified, but he was very happy after surviving the catastrophe. He didn't forget to take out his mobile phone to take pictures, and even recorded a video like a fool, and took it back to share with his girlfriend at night.

Huo Yishen was in a state of confusion, staring at the falling water level in a daze.

Two hours later, the water finally calmed down, and the water level dropped by more than ten meters.

Lu Yu climbed up the tree and observed the distance with a telescope, "Fuck, the reservoir is connected to the outside."

Huo Yishen climbed to the top of the mountain and looked at the terrain of the surrounding mountains.

"The terrain at the collapsed mouth of the reservoir is low, and the water flows around the mountain and eventually extends to the road outside."

Jiang Ning thought for a while, "Could we go out with the current instead of moving fish across mountains and ridges?"

In theory it is possible.

More than 3,000 catties of fish, carried over mountains and ridges, it is no wonder that people are not exhausted to death.

Everyone decided to try it.

The mountain was gentle, and several people cooperated to push the assault boat into the water and slowly moved towards the current.

Ten minutes later, I saw a big opening in the reservoir, about 40 to 50 meters wide.

At this time, the sky was very cloudy, and the vision around him began to blur.

Jiang Ning looked around, but found no trace of the previous group of people.

Perhaps they were completely swallowed by the flood, or they survived by chance, but they have already left.

Either way, she didn't witness it.

Arriving at the delivery location, but still early from the delivery time, the assault boat stopped in a flat current and tied the rope to a tree.

The lights were turned off, and everyone sat and rested.

About an hour later, there was a faint light in the distance, and Coke looked alert, "Wow!"

Jiang Ning covered the dog's mouth and took out the night vision binoculars.

The line of sight was not very clear at night, but I still saw Lao Gao. The number of people was the same as last night, and the things on the assault boat were covered with tarpaulins.

After waiting for about fifteen minutes, no one was found following.

Jiang Ning turned on the bright lights, walked around five times clockwise, and informed them to come and trade.

Lao Gao thought they didn't come, but he didn't expect the other party to be so vigilant, if he was blackmailed...

Thinking of the delicious braised fish, boiled fish, grilled fish, and pickled fish last night, their saliva was drooling after eating dog food for several months, and they drove over in an assault boat immediately.

Three catties of fish for one catty of dog food is really a good deal. You must know that they have swept away more than 30,000 catties of dog food and hundreds of boxes of canned cat and dog food.

Many residents asked to see if they could get more fish, and then find a way to store them and eat them at a distance from dog food.

Seeing the bags on their assault boat, Lao Gao's hanging heart was completely let go.

The transaction went smoothly. 3,000 catties of fish were exchanged for 1,000 catties of dog food, and the remaining 200 catties were planned to be kept by myself. After all, there would be no fish to catch in the future.

"Old Zhong, I don't want it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I'll come back to you in a few days."

Each family can get a lot of fish, and it is estimated that they can eat it for a few days. You can't eat Hesai all at once, can you?

He almost lost his life because of these fish, Father Zhong thought that even if Lao Gao still wanted it, they couldn't get it.

"Okay, if you need to find us."

People's hearts are separated, if they know that this is the last transaction, who knows if they will want to cheat?

After Lao Gao left, Jiang Ning and others began to share the pork.

Zhong’s family still had a share of five, both dog food and raw fish, and Jiang Ning shared almost 200 catties of dog food and eight fish.

Alas, it's really not easy to stock up some food for the dog. It took less than 300 catties in two times, but it should be able to eat for a while.

Back on the 18th floor in the dark, Jiang Ning rubbed with shower gel for a long time to get rid of the fishy smell on his body.

Coke consciously lay on his back in the bathtub, and pushed the shower gel in front of Jiang Ning: Come on, the excrement shovel scrubs me for a bath.

The corner of Jiang Ning's mouth twitched. Did she raise a dog, or did she pick up an uncle?

Let's rub it, what dignity does a shit shovel need? The dog is the master!

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