Huo Yishen estimated that the area of ​​psychological shadow was large, his body paused involuntarily, and was instantly knocked to the ground by Jiang Ning.

He pulled his long legs under his body and twisted his arm hard.

The two bodies twisted into twists, but Jiang Ning clearly had the upper hand.

Huo Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it was rare that he didn't make a fatal counterattack, "That's right, I can beat the old master to death with random punches."

The despicable Jiang Ning got up awkwardly, "Sorry, I surprised you."

In a moment of excitement, she made another dirty trick, ashamed.

Continue to practice, after two hours, each other is sweating.

Jiang Ning blushed and panted, his sweaty body was indescribably happy.

The hungry Doudou came back with the doll in her arms, "Sister big brother, I'm hungry, what shall we eat tonight?"

Huo Yi looked deeply at Jiang Ning.

Uh, is it possible that she is asked to cook again? Those who want to eat space food with Coke.

No way, Huo Yishen offered too much, she was too embarrassed to refuse, but she really didn't want to cook, "Dumplings?"

Not wanting to be poisoned by the big brother's cooking skills, Doudou clapped her hands and applauded, "Yes, yes, the dumplings made by my sister are the best."

The same dumpling, a hundred ways to eat.

I ate boiled at noon and fried at night.

Fried dumplings, the best stuffed leeks.

Jiang Ning went back to change clothes, and came back to teach Huo Yishen how to make fried dumplings.

I have to say that the fried dumplings are really delicious.

The skin is browned and crispy, and the filling is tender and juicy.

It was on the 18th floor, and it was raining outside, otherwise something would happen.

Doudou ate until the corners of his mouth were greasy, and he patted his stomach and showed off: "Sister, look, I have a baby."

Huo Yishen, whose mouth twitched, "..."

Tong Yan Wuji, Jiang Ning can't laugh or cry.

It seems that he is going to give Doudou another education class.

After eating, Huo Yishen took the bowl from Jiang Ning, "I'll do it."

After checking Doudou's homework, Jiang Ning said hello and went back.

Just as he opened the door, he happened to meet Lu Yu coming out, "Ah Ning, come and eat dumplings."

"No, I just had enough."

Seeing that the brothers and sisters were eating deliciously, she accidentally overeat.

Lu Yu's eyes fell on 1801, and then he laughed inexplicably, "That's fine, come here if you still want to eat."

He had strange eyes, which made Jiang Ning Zhang Er puzzled, but somehow felt guilty, probably left them alone to eat alone.

But Huo Yishen didn't say anything, and she couldn't make her own proposal to invite them over.

But the dumplings are really delicious, if you have a chance, stock up more.


For the next few days, Meizizi stayed at home.

Reading, exercising, and making clothes for three of them, all ten of them survived, and they were quite heavy to carry.

She weighed it, and the biggest cub already weighed three catties, almost ready to be slaughtered.

Xiaobai gave birth to a second child, which was even worse than the previous one, with a total of twelve cubs.

It's a pity that I was born at the wrong time, and the hope of surviving is very slim.

Grandma Zhong's treatment stopped for a few days, and she continued to come to acupuncture again.

The food is good, and I feel refreshed.

She took out a bag, which contained about three catties of white powder, and said happily in a low voice, "Little Jiang, this is kudzu powder. I brought it here for you to try."

This is a life-saving material, and Jiang Ning is unwilling to accept it.

"Son, take it, this is the wish of our whole family."

Grandma Zhong held onto her hand tightly, "If you hadn't given Zhong Ping a chance, our whole family would have starved to death."

Jiang Ning smiled, "What do you say first, if you can help me, I won't be too late to accept it."

Grandma Zhong looked awkward, "You child..." is too straightforward.

Firstly, she is sincerely grateful, and secondly, she knows that the 18th floor has something to do with food exchange.

The Zhong family has been digging wild kudzu root for the past few days. Zhong Ping made a homemade grinder, which can grind the chopped kudzu root and wash it to make kudzu root powder. It is estimated that it can wash more than one hundred catties of powder.

If the end of the world does not come, it is definitely a good thing.

But now filling the stomach is the most important thing. Pueraria lobata is rich in beauty and nutrition, but it is not resistant to hunger.

The Zhong family wanted help from the 18th floor to see if it could be replaced with food.

Jiang Ning thought for a while, "How do you plan to change?"

"One catty for one catty, what do you think?"

Jiang Ning didn't give the right answer, "Let me ask for you."

Grandma Zhong didn't know what to do, she probably felt that there was little hope, "It's really not possible, you can change it to broken rice."

It seems that the Zhong family also knows it well.

If you want to replace them, are you willing to exchange new rice for kudzu powder?

In the current environment, I am afraid that women who are rich and not short of food will want it.

Acupuncture for Grandma Zhong, Jiang Ning went back to the house to make kudzu powder.

The taste of ginseng is slightly sweet, slightly bitter, and has an earthy smell.

The taste is average, but it has the functions of clearing heat and detoxifying, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst, nourishing kidney and spleen, benefiting stomach and calming nerves, clearing heart and improving eyesight, moistening intestines and defecation, and sobering up alcohol. It is also a rare thing in the last days.

Three catties of kudzu powder, Jiang Ning did not hide his secrets, and shared it equally with 1801 and 1803, and told the Zhong family about the food exchange.

The two are not interested in this.

Zhang Chao never forgot the fish that escaped from the reservoir. "It's a pity that the sharp-billed monkey came to us later and said he wanted another batch of fish, ordering 2,000 catties at one go."

Lu Yu also felt sorry, "They should have a channel to sell to rich people, otherwise who would dare to ask for such a large amount in one go.

Hearing that there were no more fish, he looked in pain, and repeatedly told him to look for them if there were any fish in the future. "

The next day, Jiang Ning told Grandma Zhong that she promised to exchange broken rice for kudzu powder, but the quality must be guaranteed.

She wants this batch of goods. As the end of the world progresses, people's health will get worse and worse, so it's good for recuperation.

Grandma Zhong was overjoyed.

A few days later, the Zhong family prepared one hundred catties of kudzu powder, and at the same time gave Jiang Ning another five catties, which was regarded as her hard work for helping.

The Zhong family father and son took kudzu powder and waited in a secluded corner outside the community.

Jiang Ning took a rubber boat, brought up the arrowroot powder, and took a Coke outside for a walk.

Go to a place where no one is around, put the kudzu powder into the space, replace it with broken rice of the same weight, and come back after walking the dog enough.

The Zhong family and his son were still waiting, and they were so happy to see the broken rice in exchange.

When I woke up from the afternoon nap, I felt that the rain was much lighter.

Jiang Ning was not happy, but frowned, guessing that the extreme cold was coming.

In the evening, the rain was sporadic, and the sky seemed to be a little brighter.

For more than three months, how many people died in this desperate flood, and now it is finally clearing up.

Looking at the sky outside, some people cheered excitedly, some cried bitterly, without exception, they all hoped that this damn natural disaster would end soon.

I hope this is just a dream, and when I wake up, it is still a prosperous and prosperous age, and my relatives and friends are still there.

1803 was equally happy, but heavier than the others, "A-Ning, are you saying it's really over?"

When the typhoon ended, they were extremely excited, and as a result, floods came soon.

When the rain stops, what will be waiting for them?

"Who knows." Jiang Ning touched his arm with a melancholy expression and said, "Why do I feel like I'm cold? It's already winter, won't the South be turned into the Great Northeast?"

"Bah, bah, you're the crow's mouth."

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