Grandma Zhong pushed for a long time, and finally each household sent back a catty of kudzu powder.

At the same time, Zhong Ping sent a self-made "bicycle" to the 18th floor. There is a heating device at the rear. Just sit on it and pedal hard to generate electricity, and the heat pipe will dissipate heat.

It can not only exercise and keep fit, but also increase the temperature in the room.

Zhong Ping pushed his glasses, and smiled extraordinarily politely, "I'm still looking for parts, which can be transformed into a charging device by then."

The 18th floor was full of sweat every day, but Jiang Ning didn't want it, "Okay, let's put the bike on the shelf first, and someday it can be recharged before sending it to us."

Sending Jiang Ning away, Grandma Zhong didn't know where to put her old face.

"I didn't expect the two families next door to be so selfish. They can't come out even though they are hiding at home. It is estimated that something will happen in the future. You should be careful when you go in and out, and try to avoid contact with them as much as possible."

The entire army that came to collect food today was wiped out, they will definitely not let it go, they will definitely come to take revenge.

It is true that the 18th floor is capable, but it is not a person who is free to show kindness.

Today they didn't say anything, but what about next time?

It really pissed them off, they could have waited for the 17th floor to be washed away before coming down.

But it is inconvenient for Grandma Zhong to accuse them face to face, after all, who is not afraid of death?

They are afraid, but not on the 18th floor? Selfishness is sometimes a reminder.

On this day, the unit buildings have different joys and sorrows.

The He Zhi family was robbed, and the survivors who had been oppressed for a long time turned around, how could they be polite to the He family.

Those who got the supplies ran away, and those who didn't get the supplies beat and kicked the He family members, even their thick clothes were taken away.

The one on the sixteenth floor didn't even catch the hair, and they had to collect the corpses of the two floors above when they came back.

Tamad is so annoying, why did the battlefield move to the 16th floor?

They simply put the door on the stairs too.

Jiang Ning returned to the 18th floor, and Zheng Weili was waiting in the aisle.

Pulling him into the room, she asked in confusion, "Ah Ning, how do you know their guns are fake?"

"I'm an amateur, so I can't tell." Jiang Ning was very honest, "If no expert nodded, I wouldn't dare to go out even if I had ten guts."

That's right, Huo Yishen is an expert, and he can tell it's true or just a bluff at a glance.

However, Zheng Weili felt that something was wrong, "He stood behind and didn't even say a word, how did you two pass the news?"

Jiang Ning was dumbfounded by the question, and after a while he took it for granted, "We live on the same floor, how many times have we had a relationship that has been fatal, can't you see it?"

Three pairs of eyes looked at Jiang Ning in unison, their faces full of meaning.

"You are amazing." Zheng Weili dared to say something, "I slept in the same room as Lu Yu, and I still haven't figured out what he was thinking in his heart? Could it be that you are a roundworm in Huo Yishen's stomach."

Lu Yu, who was named, offered his loyalty, "My wife, I see you in my eyes and you in my heart!"

Single dog Zhang Chao, "..."

What mistake did he make to accept such a critical attack!

Jiang Ning heard that there was something in Zheng Weili's words, "What do you... mean?"

Almost growing up wearing the same pair of pants, Lu Yu didn't hesitate, "How deep are you with Huo Yi?"

Estimated, a home run hit.

Jiang Ning is not real wood, but has experienced the cruel end times, seen the selfishness, greed and annihilation of human nature, and never thought of falling in love in the end times of natural disasters.

To put it bluntly, I don't want to have an intimate relationship with people anymore.

Even if it is Lu Yu and Zhang Chao, they can be friends and be partners, and they can stand side by side in danger, but they will not eat and live with them.

That's her safe zone.

Not only the body, but also the mind needs to be relaxed.

So, Jiang Ning was confused, "Did you misunderstand something?"

It's true that there is space, but she doesn't have the golden fingers against the sky, and she doesn't even know how long she can live.

What's more, the most terrifying thing in the last days is not natural disasters, but unpredictable people's hearts.

Isn't Yang Weicong's lesson enough? How could she still believe in love.

Seeing that she wasn't pretending, Lu Yu was dumbfounded, "Huo Yishen is so obvious, why didn't you see it?"

"Obvious what?"

Lu Yu was speechless, "If he's not interested in you, why do you train the dog for me?"

"I also teach Doudou how to read."

"There are so many of us, why does he only teach you fighting and capturing?"

Jiang Ning stared at him and Zhang Chao, "Do you have this talent?"

Lu Yu and Zhang Chao, who have no talent, "..."

"You slipped and fell on the roof, he knocked me away and came up to help you."

Jiang Ning, "..."

"That very cold night, he almost kicked down the door of your house and gave you a mink coat and a charcoal stove. We are also in a group, and we have nothing!"

Jiang Ning, "..."

"You go out to chop wood, and he hits a brick to save you, and then you apply medicine for him to make breakfast."

Jiang Ning, "..."

The question was so blunt that she had to think in silence.

"Look at who he has been so concerned about before, it's no wonder you two are not bothered."

Lu Yu is someone who has been here, and he put his arms around Zheng Weili to show off, "Honey, when I first saw you, I couldn't tolerate other women anymore."

Zhang Chao, who was constantly being violently attacked, "..."

In short, regardless of whether they have eaten pork or not, the three agreed that Jiang Ning and Huo Yishen were definitely related.

You can understand each other with just one look, what else can it be if it's not love?

Jiang Ning reflected on himself, and it took a long time before he spoke, "I don't know if he meant that, but I definitely don't."

She admitted that if she hadn't passed through the end of the world and met a handsome and capable man like Huo Yishen, she would definitely be tempted, and maybe she would chase after him.

But now, I just want to live well.

Lu Yu wondered, "Did you stop trusting men because of Yang Weicong?

Ning, let me tell you, I still need to find someone.

Look at me, if I hadn't met Weili, my life would have been in vain. "

Jiang Ning refused to eat dog food, "You are you, I am me, don't confuse them."

Everyone has their own aspirations, Lu Yu was born to eat this bowl of rice, even if he didn't meet Zheng Weili, there would still be Zhang Weili, Li Weili!

In any case, the matter was sorted out, it turned out that King Xiang had intentions of Goddess but had no intentions.

"You really don't think about him?" As a friend and a child, Lu Yu said with all his heart, "He is a bit cold, but he is capable and responsible. Other women are crazy."

In fact, you can live together without love. These two people are the best partners together, and they can live longer in the end of natural disasters.

But Lu Yu knew Jiang Ning's character well, so he didn't dare to speak his mind.

Jiang Ning was sure that he didn't mean that to him.

Even if there is, it is impossible to be with him, she cannot afford the price of secret exposure.

Who knows if there is an end to the end of the world, how many strong-minded people, in the rounds of natural disasters, finally polluted their hearts.

Until the day when you close your eyes, who dares to say that your heart will never change.

Jiang Ning can't even make sure of himself, so how can he be sure of others?

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