"The reason why the old man knows about a huge kingdom actually comes from O'Hara……"

"O'Hara?! That's the one……"

"Yes, that day, the world was in an uproar. O'Hara, the island of knowledge with the world's top knowledge, was destroyed overnight, leaving only one girl as a survivor, who was also accused of subverting the world government. The scholar group is such a hat."

Sakya's words made Yamato's eyes tighten, because she knew these things and had heard the person involved tell her about them...

I don't know why Yamato suddenly felt that she should make a call...

Sakya didn't seem to notice Yamato either. His expression and subsequent actions continued to recall all the events of that year.

"A few months after the incident, I took a boat to O'Hara, which was already a wild and scorched land.……"

"The old and deceased Dr. Clover had some old acquaintances, and planned to go and present him with a bouquet of flowers to express his condolences."

"Do you know Dr. Clover?!"

At this time, a surprised female voice sounded. It turned out that Yamato was holding a phone bug in his hand, and the person on the other end of the phone bug was Nico Robin.

Shakya was surprised, but as smart as he was, he could easily think of the other person's phone. Identity, it seems that they have a close relationship. Forget it, he doesn't want to interfere too much in this kind of thing.

And Nico Robin is an old friend and junior, plus that matter... He also has the responsibility to tell the other party the truth. , when talking about Dr. Clover, even Vegapunk couldn’t help but express his admiration.

"He was once an adventurer who was obsessed with"The Blank 100 Years" and had been searching for documents all over the world. He was arrested by the navy, imprisoned, and imprisoned no less than 10 times. As a result, Clover became the most famous person in the world. archaeologist"

"Scholars influenced by him came to O'Hara one after another, and the island gradually became a holy place for archeology. It can also be said that it was his talent that led to such a tragedy.……"

"The huge tree of omniscience was also burned. When I stepped onto the scorched earth of the disintegrated O'Hara, I was shocked by the sight before me."

Looking back on the past, even after so many years, Shakya, no, Bega Punk, still feels extremely shocked and moved.

"A large number of documents were sleeping quietly and well-preserved in the lake in the center of the island. I am afraid that the scholars did not choose to escape at that time, but took the initiative to stay on the island that was attacked by the Demon-Slaying Order. In order to protect the properties left to the future, they Gave up his life!"

"The ignorant soldiers did not know the value behind the documents. It was O'Hara who won. At that time, my whole body was shaking, and tears of excitement were flowing like water from a bursting dam."

Life is limited but knowledge is infinite!

But life is not about the length, but about living meaningfully!

It is precisely because of this that Vegapunk was deeply moved and touched him, and it also made him follow the old path of his old friends and pay attention to the blank 100 years. He has a strong sense of mission!

The truth should not be buried!

Especially in today's era, when order is collapsing, all human beings need to see the truth of the world!

For this reason, he even hid all the information from the government I read it once.

In other words, regarding O'Hara's interpretation, the mystery of the world has always been hidden in Bega Punk's mind, and is still being studied!

And Robin on the phone bug heard Shakya's words, and Jiao Her body was trembling uncontrollably, her mind was echoing with her, and before she knew it, her face was covered with tears. I’m begging you, Robin, you must escape... protect the books and transport them out as soon as possible. Museum.

Robin, history is the heritage of mankind!

We will never give up guarding the future where you are!

Young Robin did not understand why his mother, grandfather, and uncles, the scholars on the island, did this in vain. , is it really worth it?

But now she understands.

Yes, just as Savullo said at the beginning.

Her mother is so great, O'Hara is fighting the world now!

She has already I feel passionate and extremely proud of my hometown and my mother.

"You are right, O'Hara has indeed revealed the existence of a huge kingdom! Where are Huli’s documents now?"Robin wiped away her tears and asked seriously.

She confirmed Sakyamuni's suspicion that it was the truth, but now that she knew what had happened, she also wanted to take it back intact.

It was her mother and Oha. Pull the faith that all scholars have sacrificed their lives for!

Even if it is the place where she was sad, the forbidden area that she has not dared to touch for twenty years……

"I originally wanted to bring all of Punk Hassard back, but it would be all over if the higher-ups found out. In fact, I... met such a group of guys that day!"

If you want flowers to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It turns out that on the ruins of O'Hara after the demon-slaying order, Bega Punk, who was originally thinking of ways to take away all the documents, was surprised. He found that someone had beaten him one step ahead.

And those people turned out to be several giants!

Why were the giants there? Do they know the value of those books?

Just when he was feeling uneasy, he met someone who was just a young man in his youth. Dragon, the captain of the Warriors, like Vegapunk, had an old acquaintance with Dr. Clover, and came here to present a bouquet of flowers in memory of his old friend.

Vegapunk also learned from him that these giants were not thieves, but because of a A weirdo with bandages all over his body

"I will never let the property that O'Hara protected with his life disappear into history!!"

These words were said by that person at that time.

And hearing this familiar tone, Robin seemed to think of something, and couldn't stop tears from filling his eyes again, but this time they were tears of joy.

Because the name of the giant captain was Savullo, her friend!!

If it were him, Robin would have nothing to worry about, and it would be a good place to leave it to him.……


"The robot exploded!!"

And at this moment, Ayu, who was confused and didn't know what the helmeted man was talking about, couldn't help him anyway, so he might as well run to see the handsome giant armored robot.

But he didn't know what she was doing. What, that huge machine suddenly exploded!

Such a big movement also startled everyone present. Of course, Loya used his powerful knowledge to detect that it was not the explosion of the ancient machine, but the fluctuation of time and space.

Someone coming!!

"Help, it’s too bad and it failed again. Who will save me? Did time and space get distorted during the teleportation?"

In the midst of many incredulous looks, a strange old man who seemed to have been cut in half suddenly appeared, and a slightly panicked cry was heard.

"I'm here to save you!!"The kind-hearted Yamato saw that the other party was in trouble, but he didn't care who the other party was. He immediately ran over and tried to help the weird old man get out.

But Boni on the side had already changed his eyes, because that guy... was the real Bei. Add punk!!

The pirate version of Einstein appears hot!!!


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