"Sasuke! Naruto!! These two are amazing!!"

"The ultimate eye power of the Sharingan and the increase brought by the curse seal, coupled with Sasuke's extraordinary speed and skills, the power of Uchiha is so fascinating every time I see it.……"

"And Naruto, I didn't expect that he could use the Nine-Tails chakra to such an extent. He is really becoming more and more like a jinchuriki, Sparaxi!"

Orochimaru's heart was filled with excitement and he was greatly admired, but Kabuto next to him was sweating coldly and frightened. This was simply a battle between two monsters. I did n't expect that both of them were so powerful. At this point, if he faced any of them, he would probably be killed as soon as he stepped in...

But now it seems that Sasuke is getting serious!!

"He actually wanted to use that technique. It seemed like Sasuke was under a lot of pressure. Did he really want to kill Naruto?……"

Seeing that the sky was covered with dark clouds, the weather changed drastically, strong winds started blowing, and it started to rain heavily. There was also a terrible sense of depression and suffocation between the sky and the earth. Even before the thunder fell, Kabuto had already realized what Sasuke was going to do..

How terrifying the power of that technique was, he had personally seen it with Orochimaru.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a technique capable of destroying everything.

Even if Naruto, the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, is the one, Kabuto doesn't think he can withstand this attack!

In fact, even Dai 830 Snake Maru thinks so. This is not the same as the art created by humans using chakra. In front of this art, all defenses will be useless, and it is still an unavoidable art...... and this technique is the strongest thunder escape developed by Sasuke specifically to deal with that Uchiha Itachi!!

The only drawback is that this technique requires the cooperation of natural weather, and the performer must stand at a high place!

But in conjunction with the previous Dragon Fire, I also used Fire Ball, Phoenix Fire and other fire escapes many times during this period, in order to make the surrounding thermal air flow rise, forming rain clouds, and finally thunder clouds, completing the first element of this technique...

Now Sasuke is flying in mid-air relying on the second curse seal. The second condition is also complete. Now... he just needs to send a thousand birds to trigger the thunderous power of heaven and earth to Naruto. ready!

So...Naruto-kun, no, it's Loya-kun, how should you deal with it?

Do you want to personally stop it? Or... what surprised Orochimaru was that the figure still didn't move at all, but looked at it with gusto. Could it be that he had so much confidence in Naruto?

"In an instant!!"

"This ninjutsu is absolutely impossible to avoid"

"Let me show you...what you look like when you die!!!"

Sasuke in the cursed seal state looked like a demon descending under the light of thunder. His pair of dark eyes with scarlet eyes made people look like they were falling into an abyss and made their whole body shiver.

"this……"Yamato and Sai were so frightened that their faces turned pale. Who could resist such a technique and such power?


A former partner wanted to be so cruel.

Sakura looked at that figure with a strange feeling. Even though she didn't know what Sasuke wanted to do, the alarm bells in her heart were already ringing, so she couldn't wait to plead to Loya. :"Can you help them? Only you can do it now……"

If possible, Sakura wanted to rush over and stop them in person, but she was too weak and couldn't get close at all. Just as she tried to get close, she was knocked away by the explosive wind they set off.

In her eyes, in this place at this moment, only Loya has the ability to stop them...

She doesn't want any of them to get hurt!

Obviously we all used to be such good partners.……

"Don't be so self-righteous, Haruno Sakura! Do you just cry and ask for help from others every time you feel helpless? If you are so weak, I would like to advise you to stay at home obediently and not come out. This kind of dependence of yours, Sooner or later you will only get yourself killed."

Of course Loya had the ability to stop it, but why did he do it?

In other words, why did Sakura ask herself? Just because she is flat enough? Her head is big enough?

To be honest, if she is not from the protagonist group, with her kind Personality, I don’t know how many times I have died. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But... this is the common problem of most (bgee) shounen manga heroines. They will always be a drag. , cry when something happens, look for the protagonist when there is trouble...

Well, think about it carefully, after all, he is just an ordinary person, with too little qualifications, and nothing to worry about. It is human nature to be afraid, and he also noticed that the little Sakura had worked hard before.

It was just that she was too weak... and couldn't win the high-end game at all!

"Why are they fighting? Why are they unwilling to stop even after fighting to this point? Can't you see it?"[]

After saying this, Loya didn't have the intention to deal with Sakura who was sitting there paralyzed with empty eyes and tears, because at this time Sasuke's Kirin had already been activated!! boom!!!

A heaven-shaking aura descended from the sky in an instant, making people's souls tremble.

Countless thunder and lightning, as thick as a giant python, formed an extremely huge thunder and lightning unicorn, which was extremely dazzling and released a large amount of lightning, which was extremely shocking.

With a roar, the world was shaken!

The wrath of God’s power makes people despair!

"Naruto, use the Rasengan method to use the Tailed Beast Jade to resist!!"Kyuubi's voice sounded anxiously in Naruto's mind.

If it was just a small fight before, even Kyuubi just thought it was just a fight between two brats, but now even it can't help but rise. A sense of crisis.

You must know that it and Naruto are symbionts. If something happens to Naruto, it will not be able to think about where to go. Even if the tailed beast can be resurrected, it will still cost a huge price and time.

"Damn it, as long as this seal exists, my power can only go so far.……"

So regardless of Tsundere, a large amount of Nine-Tails chakra seemed to be free of charge, almost all the chakra that could drive energy was poured into Naruto's body crazily.

But it can't break the limit.

Unless Naruto breaks the seal right now, it's too late.

"With the thunder, disappear."

Sasuke used the Chidori to activate the Kirin, and fell with one palm. In an instant, the Kirin roared down with a breath of destruction.

When the Thunder Kirin flashed by, terrifying thunder and lightning fluctuations filled the void, and the space shook slightly. , the ground within a kilometer radius was directly collapsed.

"You really want to kill me, Sasuke!"Naruto's eyes trembled, and while his mood was low, his body movements did not stop at all.

A large amount of yang-attributed blue chakra and yin-attributed purple-black chakra gathered in his mouth, causing his chakra form to change to the extreme, and Mix yin and yang in the ratio of 2:8 and compress it into an ultra-dense ball in your mouth!!

Maybe it's because of desperation, maybe it's not the influence of Kyuubi, or maybe it's because of the training during this period, and he has mastered the Rasengan. Technique.

Tailed Beast Jade actually succeeded under the first human control!

"Tailed beast jade!!".

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