At the same time, the barrage in the video streaked by!!

One stick knocked out the flowing cherry, two sticks knocked out the tyrant, and three sticks directly awakened Joey Boi, Mr. Kai worked hard!! (Dog Head)

That's it!! Who dares to say that my teacher Kai is not a good teacher?!!

Woo hoo, I'm really crying to death! Kai-sensei he really !!

What does Rayleigh compare with Kai-sensei?! Damn it! I would really cry!!

Reilly, he only taught the basics! This Kaido directly has a high-level armed color, an overlord suit color entangled, and a fruit awakening of a full teaching!

Everyone follow me! Kaido! Life Mentor!!

Kai-sensei: Don't say it, I can't see Luffy becoming One Piece! I'm not blind!!

He really... What a gentle Kai-sensei!!

Don't say anything! Teacher Kai, let's start the class!!

I sign up!!

I also sign up!!

[Rox D Gibeck: I sign up too!!] 】

[Rocks D Gibeck: Grass!! You said earlier that you have such skills, how could Lao Tzu let you do some hard work on the ship?! Lao Tzu specially paid for you to run a class to contribute to Lao Tzu's pirate elite training program!! 】

【Kaido:??? 】

[Golden Lion Shiji: Grass! Kaido, I really can't see you! I actually have a talent for this!! I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it!! You have this talent, why waste it!! Why don't you help Lao Tzu awaken the fruit too?! You can't do it! If you are not a personal apprentice, you will actually hide your secrets?!! 】

[Kaido: You don't fucking crap here!!] Get lost!!! 】

Reilly snorted sourly.

[Sirbazzreli: Humph! Some people are really cunning and cunning!! He actually used such means to raise his prestige!! Grand, I am really not afraid of losing face!! 】

Always being trampled on to hold Kaido out, who can stand it?!

Renly has been unhappy with Kaido for a long time in his heart!

Who knew that this guy was actually getting more and more popular, and he had to be pulled out and trampled on repeatedly!!

Isn't this Nima's disgusting?!!

On the other hand, Kaido's face turned black into the bottom of the pot and roared!

[Kaido: Roll!!] Get lost!! All to Lao Tzu to roll!! RNM, Lao Tzu repeat!! This hell of fame who loves who wants to go!! 】

What the fuck is he dignified and called a good teacher?!

Isn't that humiliating?!!

[Zefa: Kaido, Kaido, I can't imagine that you have such a talent, even I dare not be confident that I can teach such a genius under my hand! ] Don't be modest!! From now on, the title of the first teacher of my Zefa will be completely given to you, and I will completely abdicate!! 】

[Kaido: Silly!!] Get lost! 】

Kaido's angry face was blue and black, and he gritted his teeth and roared!!


This is humiliation!!

Shame on you!!

And the video continues to play!

"Hahaha! Hahahahaha! ~! "

When everyone fell into despair, a familiar laughter suddenly came out, and instantly swept the entire island!!

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and they looked up in shock!!

"The straw hat is in charge..."

"Mr. Luffy..."

Straw Hat Brothers!!

Is Luffy still alive?!

"That kid is still angry!!"

The sound of surprise continues to come from all directions!!

And the news that Luffy is not dead itself once again makes everyone who has no fighting spirit in their hearts shine with unprecedented vitality again!!

The camera turns!

Holy Land Mary Joya!!

Five old men in black suits stood or sat in an empty hall!!

A low and cold conversation sounded!

"We lost a special agent!!"

"Wouldn't it be putting the cart before the horse if you anger Kaido like this?!"

"What if we could bear the consequences better?"

"It is the most important thing that eliminates the element of unease..."

The slender old man took the words and continued.

"The fruits of the animal line have their own will, let alone the fruits that bear the name of God..."

"Rubber fruit, there is also a name!!"

"Animals are the fruit of man, phantom beast form - Nika!!"

"His fighting is like a wild dream, and his body has the qualities of a rubber! It's hard to fight !! Person...... Liberated warriors!! "

The camera turned again and gave a close-up of Luffy, who was smiling in mid-air!!

"Sun God Nika !!"

The barrage army crossed!!

Nikanica!! Excited whoops!!

Good guy, Luffy has been shouting rubber rubber for so long, it's not easy to change his mouth now! (Dog Head)

Rubber fruit ushered in an epic strengthening!

Liberated fighters! This sentence simply suits Luffy!!

Everywhere Luffy passes, there is always laughter!!

Where there is oppression, there is Luffy (dog head) (read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

To be honest, I think Luffy's temper is suitable for the Navy (dog head)

[Karp: yes! My grandson has the blood of a naval hero in his body !! It's a natural navy!! 】

[Zefa: Oh, if only that were the case! ] 】

No, no, Luffy, this is a revolutionary move! He is clearly the heir of the revolutionary fire!! Suitable for the dry revolutionary army! (Dog Head)

[Monchi D Dragon: Reasonable!!] Hahahaha!! It is worthy of being the son of my dragon, that is, he has the consciousness he deserves!! The mantle of my revolutionary army is waiting for Luffy to inherit at any time!! 】

[Saab: Hahahaha! The revolutionary army is good! Luffy, you made the Revolutionary Army, we can continue to act together!! That's nice!! 】

No, no, no! Luffy is a man who yearns for freedom! The day he becomes the King of Shanghai Thief will be the time of the liberation of the world!! This is a liberation fighter!!


Wow (dog head)!

[Five old stars: Fart!! This little devil dreams!! Liberate the world?! Wish for the moon! This world is our world government! The authority of the world government is greater than everything!! Nothing can get past the authority of the world government!! 】

[Monchi D Dragon: World Government? Under the rule of you guys, how many countries are in dire straits, and how many countries are in dire straits?! What are you guys hiding?! Don't think everyone is a fool! The countries that joined the world government are still persecuted to this point, let alone those countries that have not joined the world government!! Their people are simply not considered human by you!! 】

[Five Old Stars: Evil Criminal!!] Do you think anyone will listen to what you say?! Don't think that you can influence the dominance of the world government by making up a few nonsense! It's ridiculous!! 】

Although the five old stars hurriedly scolded, it was inevitable that they would be fierce! ! ! Even his face is a little pale!

They are really scared!!

Don't be afraid!

Nima's Monchi family is so fucking outrageous, okay?!!

A Karp stands in the position of a naval hero, and his prestige in the navy is so high that he has done so many messes now, and the world government has not treated him well!!

A Kapu, cheering up in the Navy, I don't know how many hot-brained sailors are willing to echo and obey him!!

Karp's influence in the navy is the most feared above!!

The second is his good son Long!

As the leader of the revolutionary army, the demagoguery and followers are also wide!!

The revolutionary army is like a nail hidden in the secret, making the world government like a cattle in the throat, for fear of when the attack will come out, so it is extremely fearful!!

That's all for Nima's!!

This family actually fucking the third generation has such a color?!! Possession of the Nika Fruit?! Liberation fighters of great prestige?!!

The ancestors and grandchildren respectively control the navy, the revolutionary army and the pirates, the three major forces in the world!!

It's outrageous to open the door!!

Is the world surnamed World Government or Monchi?!!

The face of the five old stars turned green!!

At the same time, no matter what kind of turmoil there is in the outside world, and what kind of sensational impact the Nika fruit has caused, the video still continues to play without moving!!



A monstrous overlord-colored domineering aura suddenly erupted from the direction of Ghost Island and swept out towards the outside!!

That power is even greater than before!! Even vaguely overwhelmed Kaido!!

The camera turns!

Countless powerful demon fruits suddenly shook, rolled their eyes, foamed at the mouth, and fell to the ground with a bang!!

The rest of Kaido's Devil Fruits were covered in cold sweat, trembling and terrified.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?!"

"Whose overlord is this?!!

It's so terrifying! Even if it was not a point-to-point deterrent, such a large-scale deterrent could make so many powerful Devil Fruit owners kneel?!!

You know, not all overlord colors can do this!!

As long as the strength is strong enough, the overlord color itself is just a deterrent! Don't faint from oppression!!

Those who can be oppressed to faint are only those who are not strong enough!!

But where are the people present who are qualified to participate in this battle?!

Let one go out at will, it is a bounty that can impact the existence of hundreds of millions!! There is even no lack of strength that already has a billion-level existence!!

This is the strength of the elite of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group!!

But now, these elites, they are actually so vulnerable that they have all been put down by an overlord color?!

Not only them, but everyone in front of the screen also gasped for air!!

"After the Straw Hat Kid Fruit awakened... To what extent!! "

In the video!

Kaido circled around a few times, looking at his fallen subordinates suspiciously to buy!

"You guys..."

Right now!

Out of thin air, he suddenly stretched out a huge hand and accurately grabbed the body of Qinglong Kaido!!


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