[All members are banned! ] 】

[Count down to ten seconds! ] Please select your favorite reward and enter it on the screen~].

[Ten! 】

[Nine! 】

[Eight! 】

[Seven! 】


[Two! 】

Marin Fandor!

Sengoku raised his hand and pressed it tightly to the screen in front of him.

"This time I must be the first to choose the Resurrection Potion!! Never give it to Roger!! "

Karp took a bite of the senbei and laughed.

"Sengoku! Don't be so persistent! If he is really resurrected, you can't stop it, I don't know how many rounds there are ahead, he will always catch a chance! "

Sengoku glared angrily at Karp, "Less nonsense! You give me a choice too!! "

Karp raised his hand slowly.

"Hi hi~"

[One! 】

[Banning lifted! ] 】

[Roger Gord: Resurrection Potion (Choice Reward)! ] 】

[Sengoku: Resurrection Potion (select reward)! ] 】

[Karp: Resurrection Potion (Select Reward)! ] 】

[Kuzan: Resurrection Potion (select reward)! ] 】

[Borusalino: Resurrection Potion (Choice Reward)! ] 】

[Boyahan Cook: Ancient Devouring Python Queen Medusa Bloodline! ] (Select Reward)


[Roronoa Solon: Magic Sword Varam (select reward)! ] 】

[Sengoku: Abominable, abominable!! Can't you grab it like this?!! 】

[Kuzan: Ah la la ~ forget it, Marshal of the Warring States, choose a new one as soon as possible, when he is resurrected, we will have more means to deal with it! ] 】

[Sakaski: That's right! There is no need to fear him at all!! 】

[Karp: Afterimage Fist (Select Reward)! ] 】

[Kuzan: Sharingan (select reward)! ] 】

[Portcar D Ace: Golden Crow Bird Inheritance Bloodline (Select Reward)! ] 】

[Portcar D Ace: The ability of flame is very suitable for me! ] And Luffy! What are you doing, hurry up and choose one!! 】

[Monchi D Luffy: Saiyan Bloodline (Diluted One in a Thousand Version) (Select Reward)! ] 】

[Monchi D Luffy: Ah! So I still got a point! The video is so long that I almost forgot! Hahahaha! 】

[Solon: Hahahahaha!!] In the future, you fall into the sea yourself and climb out by yourself! I don't have to fish you anymore! Troublesome Ability!! 】

[Portcar D Ace: You stupid Oudou ——!!! 】

[Sengoku: Strengthen the ability to cultivate the mind of the hundred styles of Kannon (choose reward)! ] 】

[Sengoku: Then I'll choose this to strengthen my Great Buddha form! ] 】

[Borusalino: Sword of the Golden Laurel (Select Reward)~].

[Borusalino: Ten percent of the enhanced attribute (select reward)! ] 】

[Borusalino: Hmm~ This sword looks good, the golden one may be very suitable for my ability, seeing the color strengthening, I quite like it, I chose it if you didn't choose~].

[Sengoku: Good! ] These two are also barely OK! This sword is named an artifact, and it must have its strength! 】

[Silbassrelly: Captain Roger!!] Congratulations! Now it's finally resurrected! 】

[Shanks: Congratulations to Captain Roger!! 】

[Bucky: Congratulations to Captain Roger!! 】

[Golden Lion Shiji: Aaaaaa I'm so envious! Why can you Roger get points, Lao Tzu can't!! Damn it!! 】

[RoxD Gibeck: Humph!! 】

[Roger D: Hahahaha! I just looked at it, this resurrection potion can choose its own resurrection location, Renly! Shanks, Bucky! Where are you? I'll go find you!! 】

[Bucky: Ah?!! Find, find, find me, Captain Roger! Go to the co-captain or Shanks! I'm not in the place I'm in now, it's not very convenient to entertain you! 】

Bucky snorted and screamed, embarrassingly cracked into more than a hundred petals!

"I'm sorry, Captain Roger! It's not that I'm not happy to let you come!! "

He glanced back at the advancing city of prisoners on all sides, and wanted to cry without tears!

"If you come, don't you know that I am not only far from the Four Emperors now, but also locked up in prison! Damn it!! "

Thinking of this, Bucky became proud again.

"Hahahahahaha! In the future, I will become a man of the Four Emperors!! How could this little setback stump me! It's just a stumbling block on the road to a man's success!! "

[Shanks: Captain Roger! If you go to Marin Fandor, go to the Chambord Islands to find Deputy Captain Reilly! It's relatively close to Marin Fandor!! 】

[Silbazzrell: Welcome, Roger!!] 】

[Gal D Roger: Good! Then I'll go find you, Rayleigh! Hahahahaha! 】

Roger waved his hand and clicked to use the resurrection potion!

"Is it going to be resurrected!"

Sir Bazrelli walked out of the cabin and waited expectantly!

Soon, the light gradually gathered in front of him, and a familiar figure slowly condensed in front of Reilly!


Renly's eyes widened in surprise and he walked up quickly!

"It's really resurrected!"

Roger touched his body around and jumped twice excitedly.

"Hahahaha! It's a pleasure to meet you, Renly! I didn't expect that I could be resurrected to see the world again!! What a blessing! "

The two laughed heartily and hugged, and then hooked up with each other.

"Roger! Come into the house, I'll treat you to a drink!! "


[Golden Lion Shiki: Abominable Roger!] Are you really resurrected?! 】

[Rocks D. Gibeck: What about the Rogers?] Come out and speak!! Are you resurrected? This resurrection potion wouldn't be a lie, would it! 】

[Roger D: Hahahaha! Of course, I was resurrected, not only was I resurrected, but my physical condition was also restored to the best state, and I felt twenty years younger!! 】

[Golden Lion Shiji: Aaaaaa Envy me to death!! 】

[Rocks D Gibeck: What do you envy?! Lao Tzu hasn't spoken yet! You've only been dead for a few days, and you're in a hurry to come back to life! How many years has Lao Tzu been dead! If you're lucky enough to get a chance to resurrect, I think I might as well give it to the old captain!" I remember you this kind Shiji!! 】

[Golden Lion Shiji: Old Captain, are you a fool?] You've fooled me less!! 】

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