[All members are banned! ] 】

[Time, now announce the answer! ] 】

'Erlang's legs should be cocked (the dog's head)'

[This round of mountain governance scored one point! ] Congratulations! 】

[Banning lifted! ] 】

[Sengoku: Abominable! ] Let the pirates get another point!! 】

[Usopp: Oh! Yamaji, it's you who scored hahahaha, it's great!! 】

[Nami: Well done Yamaji! ] 】

[Yamaji: Hi~~Nami-chan's encouragement really makes me surging~~~].

[Rocks D Gibeck: Lucky little ghost! 】

[Golden Lion Shiji: Ahhhhhhh How are you imps so lucky!! 】

[Roger D: Really let that smart little girl say it right, hahahaha!! 】

[Rox D Gibeck: Little girl! Would you like to advise me? As long as I am resurrected, I promise to make you a pivotal figure on my pirate ship!! 】

[Monchi D Luffy: Nami is my navigator! ] So that it will not be given to you!! 】

[Rocks D Gibeck: Little Ghost! Do you know who you're talking to!! 】

[Monchi D Luffy: I care who you are!!] I snatched my navigator and flew it all!! 】

[Usopp: Hey Nami, hurry up and show your attitude, Luffy will be on the same page with that legendary sea thief in a while!] If we really have a vendetta, then we will be in trouble! 】

[Nami: Alla ~ Lord Lox, don't see our stupid captain, of course it's easy to discuss this matter, ahahah~].

[Rocks D. Gibeck: Oh? 】

[Golden Lion Shiji: Hahahahaha! Old Captain Lokes, people are rejecting you, do you hear it, and they are saying between the lines that they can't look at you ahahah!! 】

[Kaido: Hahahahaha! Old captain, I didn't expect you to have a day when you were rejected, laughing at me to death hahahaha! 】

[Charlotte Lingling: Mom, Mom!! Now the little ghost is really interesting ahhahaha!! 】

[Edward Newgate: Ace's younger brother, really found a good crew member ahahahah! ] 】

[Portcar D Ace: I once had the pleasure of meeting a very good group of people, hahaha! 】

The video continues!

With a loud laugh, violent vibrations spread out along Marin Fando!

Whitebeard crossed his hands and smashed to the sides, the air shattered, and the ocean rolled over! The tsunami slammed towards Marin Fandor's hood!

At this moment, the green pheasant sitting in the position of the general jumped into the air, and his hands launched ice edges towards the sides, with a whistling chill!

"Ice Age!!"

The tsunami roaring on both sides was frozen by inches!

Then, he took the lead, his hands interlaced.

"Two spears!"

Two arrows made of ice edges shot towards the whitebeard below!!

[Sengoku: Borusalino!! Look at the people! Look at you again! What are you doing?!! 】

[Borusalino: Hmm~ Marshal of the Warring States, don't take such a trampling, right? ] Besides, you wouldn't think that such an attack would hurt Whitebeard. 】

[Sakaski: Humph! 】

[Saab: Is this the admiral, it's really powerful, and he can actually use the fruit ability so skillfully and naturally! ] 】

The two spears shot towards Whitebeard, and Whitebeard swung out a punch, easily dissolving this attack in midair!

"Pheasant, you little ghost!!"


The green pheasant was smashed and fell to the surface of the sea, followed by an inch of ice that froze the surface of the sea, and in the blink of an eye, the inner bay ocean of Marin Fandor was condensed by frost, and the pirate ships were also frozen to the surface of the sea!

'Hahaha, the pheasant started playing soy sauce in the back. ’

'Start well, and you solve the problem later'

'The green pheasant is definitely just for fun, make a big move by the way, which means to hit the white beard and prove that he is not paddling!! ’

'Good guy, Lao Huang can't sit still when he looks at it!!!' ’

'Good boy hit soy sauce without me, hahahaha! ’

'Pheasant: Okay, it's over (dog head)'

'The green pheasant did it on purpose, hahahaha, and also specially built a road for the pirates! ’

'Pheasant: I can only help you get here. ’

[Marko: Thank you to General Qingji for the painstaking foothold. 】

[Yizang: Thank you to General Qingji for painstakingly building a foothold. 】

[Joz: Thank you to the green pheasant for the painstaking foothold. 】

The white-bearded pirate group immediately brushed a row of thanks in the back.

[Kuzan: ...].

[Sakaski: ? 】

[Sengoku: ... This wave is also barely understandable, although it is a bit far-fetched, but Whitebeard is strong, not easy to be injured, and our navy also needs a place to fight pirates, perhaps Kuzan took this into account and froze the bay. 】

[Kuzan: Is there another reason?!] Why maybe? 】

[Sakaski: Oh, maybe that's true. 】

[Kuzan: Sakaski, don't talk yin and yang weird!!] 】

[Borusalino: Hahahahahaha! 】

[Karp: Hahahahaha! 】

[Smogg: General Kuzan is not a person like General Yellow Ape, so he should not. 】

[Squirrel: It's really rare that you guy can actually speak for others! ] It seems that you have a good relationship with General Qingjian, but also, General Kuzan, the two of you are people with clear distinctions between good and evil, and it is normal to be able to talk together. 】

[Moka: Right!!] I also have the same philosophy as General Yellow Ape, so we will definitely become close friends!! 】

[Smogg: You guys call it the same smell!! 】

[Borusalino: ...].

[Moka: ...].

[Squirrel: ... Don't say it, Smogg, General Kuzan can stop one but not two. 】

The video continues!

A rushing ocean current appeared violently in the middle of the screen, and then slammed into the ground and exploded.

Under the execution table, facing it were three generals standing side by side!!

The water dispersed, and a figure appeared in the center of the screen!!

The straw hat boy holding a mast Luffy gasped and looked up at the three generals fiercely and fearlessly!!

[Karp: Luffy——?!!! 】

[Portcar D Ace: Luffy?!! Why are you on the same page with the three generals again?! This time it was three at once?!! 】

[Saab: Luffy!! You are not their opponent, run!! 】

[Sengoku: Is this kid again?! ] Karp!! You tell me why your grandson is always there?!! No matter which general's video, he is indispensable?!! 】

[Karp: You ask me who I go for?!! Luffy?! Tell me why you are here again without fear of death!! 】

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