The video continues to play!

Luffy bounced the ash on the bomb and stood up, put his hat on, and stared at Tichy expressionlessly, without saying a word!

"Stupid guys, just make them laugh!! If you want to stand at the top, you will encounter provocations without reason!! "

"You said yes?"

Tichy grinned, laughing and squinting at Luffy!!

And Luffy never said a word, and looked at him coldly, without any intention of moving his footsteps!!

It wasn't until Tichy drank and laughed while the thief turned away, and Luffy turned around!!

The picture of the two going against each other is slowly pulled away and frozen on the last frame!!

The barrage army is coming!!

O destined nemesis!

Luffy probably also sensed that this guy was dangerous!

Blackbeard, although he understands Luffy, is no match for Luffy! Luffy's intuition is really scary!!

Blackbeard turned around first, and Luffy turned around!!

Pirates don't give their backs to guys who aren't partners!!

Different ways do not conspire against each other!!

[All members are banned! ] 】

[Fragment question: Which of the above barrages is rated as a god comment? ] 】

[Five minutes of answering time! ] 】

[Banning lifted! ] 】

[Marshall Dity: People's dreams don't end!!! ——Answer】

[Marshall Dtichy: Hahaha!! The road to pursuing your dreams will not be broken!! 】

[Sakaski: It's Over Without a Dream (Doghead) - Answer]

[Shanks: Your opponent determines your level!] Those guys don't deserve to be Luffy's opponents at all!! —Answer 197]

[Golden Lion Shiji: Could Luffy not be born to a dragon? ] I see that he looks a lot more like Shanks than a dragon!! ——Answer】

[Rocks D. Gibeck: Think about how Shanks and Luffy look quite similar... - answer]

[Monchi D Dragon: ??] 】

[Roger D: Hahaha!! Deserve!! 】

[Kaido: What garbage is making a big fuss here!!] ——Answer】

[Charlotte Lingling: They are a chicken feather pirate?! ] Although the pirates are a bunch of villains, the powerful street gangsters who fight the sea are not worthy at all! ——Answer】

[Kaido: Huh!! It's arrogant! Dare to speak so arrogantly, although Lao Tzu is too lazy to calculate so much with you, he is not allowed to be arranged by you!! I just have nothing to do lately, so let's find a cloud and jump to your island to play!! 】

[Charlotte Lingling: The old lady just happens to have a short cake to eat, it's better to go to that island and let's talk about life!! 】

Magic Valley Town!

Bellamy and the others held their breath and shivered, and did not dare to say a word!

"Hey, Boss Bellamy, those people are big people at the level of the fourth or fourth emperor..."

"Shut up!! Don't make a noise! Once noticed, we're finished!! "

[Doflamingo: Blackbeard is a complete pirate and a complete scoundrel!! ——Answer】

[Doffron (BGCJ) Mingo: Fverffofer!! Blackbeard Marshall D. Tichy? Fun and interesting!! 】

[Warring States: Summer worms can't talk about ice, why don't the frogs at the bottom of the well argue with right and wrong!! ——Answer】

[Sengoku: Although the old man doesn't want to choose the barrage about pirates at all, he can't let you pirates continue to score!! 】

[Sakaski: Shanks' influence on Luffy is really big. ——Answer】

[Sakaski: Huh!! 】

[Kuzan: Ah la la ~ I'm a little curious about the meaning of the old enemy? Why does the barrage keep emphasizing that Luffy the Straw Hat and this guy named Blackbeard are old enemies? If Blackbeard has the strength to become the Four Emperors, the straw hat kid can't catch up even if he practices for another twenty years. 】

[Borusalino: Hmm~ Although I don't want to admit it, the potential of that guy in the straw hat kid is very terrifying, maybe in twenty years he really has the strength to confront a Four Emperors! ] 】

[Shanks: Luffy will definitely surpass me!] Maybe twenty years, ten years will be enough for Luffy!! Hahahahaha!! I'm waiting for that day!! 】

[Sengoku: Shut up!! The old man thought that day would never come!! 】

[Karp: Although the old man does not want to choose, the old man agrees with the words of the Warring States!! 】


A series of people quickly chose the answer!

Time has also come to an end!!

[All members are banned! ] 】

[Time, now announce the answer! ] (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

People's dreams do not end!!!

[Marshall D Titch scored a point in this round! ] 】

[Banning lifted! ] 】

[Sengoku: Abominable!] It was actually such a troublesome guy who got the score!! 】

[Marko: Tichy, you guy!! 】

[Sakaski: Navy headquarters! ] Don't hesitate any longer!! Get ready to release the bounty now!! The search began!! 】

[Marshall Dtichy: Hahaha!! It is such an honor and honor for me to receive such great attention from you!! 】

[Portcar D Ace: Do you first calculate whether you have the ability to live until that time!! 】

[Marshall Ditch: Oh? Isn't this Captain Ace? Why, are you going to arrest me again? Hahahahaha!! 】

[Edward Newgate: Tichy——!!! Do you know what crime you've committed?!! 】

[Marshall Dtichy: Daddy!! You just have a soft heart, and your son is simply ridiculous!! Hahahahaha!! Actually, I didn't want to be a son to you in the first place!! That's why I'm staying on your Whitebeard ship for that Dark Fruit!! 】

[Edward Newgate: Tichy——!!! 】

[Marshall Dtichy: What a pity! Maybe without that dark fruit, I would have stayed on your ship honestly and be a good old man for the rest of my life!! Until you die, give you the end!! It seems that you and I will finally understand this father-son fate as soon as possible! ! ! Hahahaha!! 】

[Marko: Tichy!! Do you know what you're talking about?!! Daddy really treats you as a son, is this how you return Daddy's affection for you?!! 】

[Saatchi: You guy!! Don't break Daddy's heart here!! You really don't deserve to be Daddy's son at all!! 】

[Portcar D Ace: I will execute you with my own hands sooner or later!! The sins you have committed are unforgivable!! 】

[Marshall Dtic: Hahahaha!! What do you say, what does it have to do with me?! 】

[Edward Newgate: Enough! Sons, say no more!! From now on, my whitebeard will be regarded as a son without Tichy!! Anything he says, I won't have any more fluctuations in my heart!! 】

The video continues to play!

The main ship of the Whitebeard Regiment, on the Moby Dick!

Ace and Blackbeard Tichy sat at a table eating together.

At this time, Tiki is still a gentle old good man wearing a simple and simple white shirt without a single ornament!

Ace asked as he chewed on his bread.

"You're also an old qualification! Isn't there any opinion? "

Tichy smiled when he heard this, biting the cherry pie and said calmly without caring at all.

"It's okay, don't care!"

"I don't have that ambition!!"

"Just be, Captain Ace!!"

The barrage army streaked through!

Blackbeard's mouth deceitful ghost

To tell a joke, humans and animals are harmless to Blackbeard

You're ambitious!!

Set it a small target first, Four Emperors (dog head)

Can't look at the district captain (dog head)

Bad old man is very bad!!

Blackbeard is really able to pretend to be able to endure!!

Because Blackbeard's seniority made him understand that the captain of the second team is a position with a spell, who should be who wants to quack (dog head)

Grass hahahahaha!! Are you poisonous!!

yes, too... Captain of the second team, this has been empty for twenty years, right?

Tiqi is disgusted with Mitsuki Ota's cerebral palsy

Because he understands (dog head)

Blackbeard's ambition is not the captain, it is One Piece!

The previous Mitsuki Ota ... What a shame!! Ace better stop being it!!

【Mitsuki Ota:??? 】。

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