[Borusalino: Shh~! ] Straw hat boy, this is really scary!! 】

[Gion: Ah this…, really caught off guard! ] This damn miracle video space, even if you don’t code, give a reminder! 】

[Addition: Gion, close your eyes! ] Don’t be poisoned by this picture!! 】

[Gion: I have already seen it, there is no point in closing my eyes again. But…, it’s quite interesting! 】

[Tina: Hmm…, Tina also saw it, Tina is so shy~]

[Shiji: Hahahahaha! Don’t pretend! Anyway, no one is supervising you, you must be watching with your eyes wide open! 】

[Trafalgaro: The straw hat is in charge…, this time it is really known to the world ~~]

The screen turns ~~~

The female warrior of Nine Snake Island is eating.


“It’s time for bathing!! ——”

The protector shouted, the female warriors of Nine Snake Island were all deserted!!

“Lord Snake Ji is going to take a bath!”

“Hurry out of town…”

“Huh? I just started eating, and I’m still hungry! ”

“No, no, hurry up and put down the bowl and get out of the city quickly, otherwise your life will not be saved!”


The female warriors had no choice but to hurry out of the city.

[Don Quixote do Flamengo: Fu !! What a pomp and circumstance! It’s just a bath, and it is an exaggeration to even have martial law in the whole city!! 】

[Tina: What is this woman doing?] Just take a shower, as for it!! 】

[Tsuru: These sea thieves, there are more rules than one. 】

[Shiji: If the rules are unruly, let’s not talk about it, can you not code this time? ] 】

[Boyahan Cook: What an impudent and rude person! 】

[Mary Gorud: Don’t be rude to your sister!!] 】


A cute little girl grabbed the hand of a female warrior who protected the country with a curious face: “Why does Lord Snake Ji have to make such a big splash every time she enters the bath?” Don’t you want others to see her body so much? ”

“Little sister, how old are you?” The protector and the warrior bent down and asked gently.

“8 years old!” The little girl replied.

“Oh, that can tell you, the secret about the three sisters of Golgon.”

The female warrior nodded, and then explained: “Gorgon is a terrible monster in the sea, and once people meet his eyes, they turn to stone. ”

“The three sisters of Snake Ji braved the hardships and killed Gorgon. However, the monster cast a terrible spell on them when they were dying, and the eyes of the monster were engraved on the back of the three sisters. ”

“When they take off their clothes and show their eyes, the people around them are petrified.”

“Therefore, Lord Snake Ji does not let others get close when he enters the bath, and it is also to protect everyone!”

[Stacey: Gorgon…? Isn’t that something legendary that really exists ?? 】

[Morgans: Twitter!! If it had been before, I would certainly not have believed it. But now, even if something outrageous appears, there is nothing to fuss about! 】

[Tsuru: Indeed! With the miracle video space out there, what else is surprising? 】

[Inside Charlotte: This stupid woman actually killed that legendary monster? Such a good species, of course, should be collected in the old lady’s library!! 】

[Kaido: You crazy woman, you want to play with fire and set yourself on fire! ] 】

[Shiji: Can you guys stop beeping, open seriously, it’s time to take a bath! ] 】

[Borusalino: Hey~? Ay! ——】

[Wang Zhi: Sure enough, this evil mosaic! 】

[John: Nimama’s!! Even if you play mosaic, do you give a blurry figure? Your direct black cover, so that Temo Laozi doesn’t even have a little fantasy!! 】

[Shilbazreilly: No Love~~]

[Xia Qi: Huh~? 】

[Hilbaz Reilly: Ah! I’m kidding, hahaha! 】


When the three sisters of Snake Ji entered the bath, the female warriors who protected the country were also busy outside.

“Quick! Find the man!! ”

“Be sure to catch Snake Ji-sama before he finds out!!”

“Just now he said he wanted a boat, maybe he might go back to the city.”

“This is trouble!”

In the worries of the female warriors who protected the country, the camera turned and gave Luffy a shot.

Luffy ran from the forest all the way to the walls.

With his hands outstretched, he grasped the top of the city wall.

Sou! ——

Luffy appeared at the top of the wall.

“Since she said that there is a pirate ship, if only she could come in…”

“But Nami is not there, even if I get the boat, I can only go with the flow!”

“It would be better to let me on their boat, I don’t know if they will send me to the Chambord Islands.” I’ll go beg them to see!! ”

Luffy stood on the city wall and chopped down, and immediately saw the tallest building on the entire Nine Snake Island, the castle tower.

“Looks like I have to meet their heads.” The headman…, generally live in a tall building, right…? ”

“Let’s not think about it so much, let’s go to the tall building first.”

With that, Luffy jumped down from the high wall!!

[Addition: Hey hey!] Did you say…】

[Borusalino: It seems that something terrible is going to happen~? 】

[Shiki: No! This straw hat kid won’t be so cool, right?? 】

[John: Damn it, it’s useless to be cool! Even if he saw it, it would immediately turn to stone. 】

[Wang Zhi: That’s not right! The Straw Hat Kid is still alive now! So in the video, he will definitely not have that eye blessing!! 】

[Don Quixote do Flamenco: Fu !! Reasonable! 】

Yet the next moment…

【Oh!! ——】

On the barrage of the entire miracle video space, an exclamation erupted!!!

I saw ~~~ in the picture

Luffy jumped down and smashed through the roof of the castle tower with a bang!!

And then plopped, fell into the pool!!

“It’s over, it’s water!!”

“Ah! No, it’s hot water! ”

“Hey~? Can you step on your feet to the end? ”

Luffy originally thought he was going to drown, but at this time he stood up all of a sudden.

He looked ahead and immediately saw Boyahan Cook…

[Shiki: Shhhh ——,This guy is too happy, right!!! 】

[Borusalino: This mosaic!!! 】

[Vince Mock Sanji: Bastard Luffy!!! It’s rude to break in when a lady is in the bath!!! I’ll kill you! 】

[Roronoa Solon: How about changing you?] 】

[Vince Mock Sanji: Can’t ask for ~~~]

[Choba: I can already imagine the blood spraying from Yamaji-san’s nose…]

[Brooke: And the pink cautious eyes ~~]

[Nicole Robin: Add one, that enchanting gesture…]

[Monchi D Luffy: Hey? But…, I haven’t experienced this!! 】

[Sengoku: Huh? Is that so? It seems that the future scene has been inventoried!! 】

[Charlotte Lingling: Very good, borrowed is the battle of the Sniper Straw Hat Regiment! ] 】

[Kaido: You must not let all the members of the Straw Hats score!] 】

“Random question generation.”

“Question 10: What did Monch D Luffy see about Boyahan Cook?”

At this point, the tenth question arises!!!

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