[Yellow Ape: Hey!!] No kidding! 】

[Karp: Luffy doesn't have such a lewd uncle. 】

[Kuzan: Ah la la ~ hahaha 】

[Sakaski: Hehe, I don't want to say anything else, I can't agree with the comment of the old fritters alone, it's really appropriate to you! ] 】

[Kaido: Hahahahaha! Don't be funny, and kick the four emperors? Although the admiral is very strong, the four emperors are not a waste for dry food, right? 】

[Charlotte Lingling: Mom, Mom! Kaido, you are a dumbby! Can't you see that this barrage network said this just to set off his old fritters? Living in vain at such an age, IQ is used to reclaim the sea! If the admiral had the level of kicking the four emperors, could the navy allow the four emperors of the sea to occupy the waters of the New World for so long? 】

[Edward Newgate: Kurala Lala! I agree with Lingling's words, the strength of the yellow ape is at most the four emperors and five five! 】

[Moka: Harm! The main thing is that the Navy is too poor and the salary is not in place! 】

[Sengoku:?] 】

[Kaido:?] 】

[Charlotte Lingling:? 】

[Kaido:?] 】

[Moka: If the salary is in place, maybe as soon as the yellow ape general makes a move, the war on the top of the whitebeard pirate group will not reach Marin Fandor! ] You're right, General Yellow Ape!! 】

[Yellow Ape: ........................].

[Squirrel: ... Moka, I can't stop you. 】

The squirrel is physically and mentally exhausted!

Marin Fando.

The yellow ape sat up straight, touched his chin and squinted.

"Which branch is this kid from? I'll have to let Orochimaru look it up later. "

The green pheasant covered his mouth and coughed, pressed the corners of his hooked mouth, and changed his posture.

"Borusalino, you can't carry a personal grudge, if I want me to see that this navy soldier is still good, at least dare to tell the truth!" Besides, people are your fans! "

Sakaski directly and unceremoniously mocked.

"Hehe, since you started preparing for the top war, which time have you done business? The warship was either arranged by me or by Kuzan, what do you say you went for? "

The Warring States also deeply agreed, and then said bitterly.

"Yellow Ape, shouldn't you really be dissatisfied with the salary of the admiral? The treatment of the general should be good, if you are really dissatisfied with something, feel free to tell me about it, and I will apply to the above to improve the treatment! This is all negotiable, you can't be angry! "

Yellow Ape: "..."

[Yellow Ape: Hmm~ I'm not convinced, this barrage net ruins the reputation of my general, it's really disrespectful! ] I need an explanation!! 】

[Edward Newgate: Kurala Lala! 】

[Moka: Yes! That's right!! I also think it's too disrespectful, how can I say that you are an old fritters! Must give a moral damage fee! 】

[Yellow Ape: ... You can not say the last word! 】

At this moment, the barrage network also jumped out to give a response.

【Ding! This barrage network is not responsible for mental damage Fei You~].

[Shanks: Hahahahaha! 】

[Roger Gord: Hahahahaha! ] 】

[Golden Lion Shiji: Hahahahaha! ] 】

[Rocks D Gibeck: Hahahaha! 】

All the pirates suddenly fell into a sea of happiness, after all, it is not common to make fun of the admiral~

[All members are banned! ] 】

【Ding! The video is loaded and will start playing soon, so please actively participate! 】

[If you are not the first to answer correctly, you will also have the opportunity to get a small gift immediately~].

[Banning lifted! ] 】

Immediately after, the video screen stabbed and began to play.

At the beginning, a cheerful music that was completely different from Sakaski's video immediately sounded, and the yellow ape's face was magnified on the screen, and it twisted magnificently!

[Kuzan: Ah la la ~ a little spicy eyes! ] 】

[Charlotte Lingling: The old lady can't eat cake for three days! ] Vomit! 】

[Sengoku: Borusalino, I didn't expect you to be like this behind your back...].

[Sakaski: Gag! 】

[Golden Lion Shiji: The spilled oil does not need to be put in more for three days of stir-frying. 】

[Roger D: Gag! Don't talk about it, Shiki! 】

[Rocks D Gibek: It's disgusting! 】

[Yellow Ape: ... Hey, the traces of malicious slander in this video are a little too heavy, right? Have I ever offended you? 】

The picture turned again, the sound of roaring artillery fire came, the naval warship was approaching an island, constantly firing guns, and the roaring sound was endless!

As soon as this familiar picture came, everyone's hearts tightened, thinking of the O'Hara incident in the previous Sakaski picture.

Could it be that what Mi Xin broke out this time?

Without waiting for everyone to speculate, the picture in the video quickly turned to the next scene.

The fluttering naval justice cloak flew in the wind, the yellow ape put his hands in his pockets, dashingly stepped on a cannonball and flew towards the island, the distant view was pulled, and the picture was called a beautiful!

[Golden Lion Shiji: Really can pretend. 】

[Rocks D. Gibek: Are you all right?] A good road does not go, the sky does not fly, the warship does not sit, how to step on a shell to appear that you are bullish, right? 】

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