[Zefa: Borusalino, did you still beat me? 】

[Borusalino: ... Hey. 】

[Kuzan: Borusalino, you are a little too much, after all, Teacher Zefa is our teacher, how can you also attack the teacher? 】

[Karp: Zefa is very strong! ] 】

[Borusalino: ... This is wronged, right? How could I possibly go to Zefa-sensei to fight idly and have nothing to do? It's better to sit in the office and have a cup of tea. 】

[Sakaski: Humph! You know this about yourself quite clearly! 】

[Sengoku: Wait! ] If Borusalino hasn't done anything to Zefa now, it means that what this barrage says is something in the future! Do you remember that the previous barrage said that Zefa had done a new navy? If the barrage is not talking nonsense ...].

[Kuzan: ...].

[Borusalino: ...].

[Zefa: ... No way. 】

[Sakaski: So Zefa really set up a new navy, betrayed the world government, became a criminal who threatened the world, and Borusalino was sent to eliminate criminals!!] 】

[Sengoku: ... Zefa, I believe that you will not do such a thing easily, there must be hidden secrets in this matter, I can't advise you anything, but I hope you can think twice before making a decision at that time. 】

[Sakaski: Even if it's a teacher! But if you will do anything that endangers the safety of the world, I will not let you go!! 】

[Zefa: Sengoku, I still can't imagine why I defected from the navy in the future, but I have remembered what you said, and if it really comes to that situation, I will consider it. ] 】

[Sengoku: That's fine. 】

Marin Fandor!

Sengoku let out a sigh and rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

"Even Zefa..."

He couldn't help but mumble.

"I hope it's not that I'll still be a marshal then, these rags!"

This video has now exposed a lot of information about future changes, starting with three of the four emperors changing owners! Whitebeard Ace died again! Now there is also a Zefa who may defect in the future for some reason !!

[Golden Lion Shiki: That Zefa? Former general Zefa who does not kill pirates? Hahahahahaha! You actually defected from the Navy in the future!! What a laugh!! 】

[Roger Gord: Skee, don't say it. 】

[Rox D. Gibeck: Hmph, if such a person defected to the Navy, I am afraid that there is only one possibility, that is, the Navy has done something that he cannot accept and hurt deeply! The Navy, the Navy, has always been a bunch of hypocritical villains!! 】

[Sakaski: You are a shameless pirate who stirred up the wind and rain and destroyed countless civilian families! ] What qualifications are there to insult the hypocrisy of the Navy here ?! 】

[Rox D Gibeck: Yo yo! In a hurry! Lao Tzu stirred up the wind and rain to harm the civilians, okay, I admit it! But don't forget how ruthless your navy is when it preys on civilians! Have you forgotten O'Hara's video? Hypocritical naval imp!! 】

[Kaido: Hahahaha! The old captain is right! The Navy is all a bunch of hypocritical guys!! 】

[Charlotte Lingling: The old lady can't agree more!!] 】

[Rocks D Gibeck: Hahahaha! Saw the commoners of the world! What a hypocritical and disgusting bunch of guys in the Navy! Is such a navy still worthy of your trust?! In contrast, the pirates are much kinder!! Go out to sea and be a pirate! The world at sea is so vast, how happy is it to become a pirate!! 】

[Kaido: Hahahahaha! Let's go to sea! I, Kaido the Hundred Beasts, are waiting for you in the New World and the Country! 】

[Charlotte Lingling: Mom, Mom!! The seas of all nations of the new world will always welcome like-minded partners!! 】

All over the world!

Countless civilians saw these words in an uproar and talked about each other.

Their comments were all published anonymously!

[Are what they say true?] Could it be that the Navy is a bunch of hypocritical villains? 】

[Who knows! You guys see O'Hara in the previous video, wasn't it destroyed indiscriminately? The Navy is a bastard!! 】

[I think it's better to be a pirate than to trust the navy!] Who wants to believe in the navy! 】

[The pirates look so powerful, even the navy can't take them! ] That's cool! 】

[Sure enough, let's become a pirate, and the bounty is higher than whom's bounty! ] Hahahaha! 】

Marin Fandor!

Sengoku's face changed drastically.

"Oops! These pirates are taking the opportunity to smear the navy and advocate pirates, and we must find a way to stop them!! "

Sakaski was also full of anger and looked gloomy.

"These hateful pirates are really restless factors in the chaos of the world!! I'm going to kill them all sooner or later!! "

The Warring States slammed the table in anger, and just about to make a rebuttal, a person took a step ahead of him!

[Monchi D Luffy: To become a pirate is to be ready to die at sea at any time! ] Pirates are not a family game! 】

[Monchi D Luffy: Four Emperors BigMom, Hundred Beasts Kaido, you two are too dangerous, I will definitely defeat you and hang your territory on my pirate flag! ] 】

[Monchi D Luffy: Hey! And you idiots!! If you are not ready to die, don't go out to sea as some kind of pirate, don't joke!! 】

[Kaido: Hey! Brat! Aren't you the supernova? Who do you say you want to defeat?! 】

[Charlotte Lingling: Mom, Mom! Boy, are you looking for death! Where does the old lady talk and you interrupt!! 】

Empty island.

Nami covered her small mouth and fell to the ground.

"Luffy that guy... I'm angry. "

At the same time, the members of the Straw Hat Regiment in various places all solemnized their gazes and straightened their backs.


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