The wounds on Marko's body slowly healed on their own, and he sneered.

"It's useless!!"

The picture turned to the yellow ape, and I saw that the lewd face showed an even more underwhelmed expression, and slowly said a very unintentional word!

"Less deception -"

Then, Marko faced the yellow ape's eight-foot qionggou jade, rushed to the top of the yellow ape's head without injury, and gave it a kick fiercely with a twist!

The yellow ape raised his hand to resist, and a strange smile appeared on his half of his face.


Marco snorted in disbelief.

"Less deceiving people!!"

However, the yellow ape was stunned and kicked out by Marko's kick, turned into a light bullet, and slammed into the wall behind the navy with a loud bang, shattering a city wall!!

The picture turned again and gave a close-up of the yellow ape who landed!!

I saw that his two feet stepped on the ground steadily, not at all like he was kicked by someone without resistance, and he walked away from the battlefield leisurely in a flash! ! !

Then, he slowly raised his hand and stood in the group of lieutenant generals and commanded.

"Giant troops~Pay attention to the sky~"

[Sengoku: ......].

[Sakaski: ...].

[Kuzan: ...].

[Borusalino: ...].

[Marko:?] 】

The barrage army exploded with a bang, spinning and blossoming to the yellow ape card!

'What is the man who dares to play in the pinnacle race!' ’

'Red Dog: You play me?! ’

'Good guy, Brother Pony is shocked, how powerful is his kick? ’

'Backhand blew up your own base hahaha!' ’

'Hurry up and get out of the battlefield!' ’

'Knowledgeable Bastard Guide! ’

'Get off work early! ’

'This is the legendary speed is both weight haha!! ’

'What about Oscar? Hurry up and move in for the old man himself!! ’

[Kaido: Hahaha! 】

[Charlotte Lingling: Hahahaha! 】

[Rocks D Gibeck: Hahahaha! 】

[Golden Lion Shiji: Don't tease hahahaha! ] Really laugh me to death! 】

[Golden Lion Shiji: Can't you choose yet? I want to choose now, the barrage is so apt and wonderful! I literally said everything I wanted to say!! 】

【Sengoku: Borusalino——!!! 】

[Borusalino: Marshal of the Sengoku, I can explain this...].

[Sakaski: Huh! I believe you when you say you were blocked, but you were kicked by Marco or not, do you believe it yourself?! You ask Marco to believe it or not!! 】

[Kuzan: ... It's too obvious, Borusalino, it's so bad to pretend. 】

[Sengoku: What's the matter?! ] Being kicked and flying and making it so big, I can't wait to tear down the entire Marin Fando, right?! You are good, when you fall, your feet stand firmly on the ground, and you don't shake a bit!! You broke that wall yourself, didn't you?! 】

[Borusalino: ............].

Even though the person had already gone away, the yellow ape couldn't help but slowly hold his head with a headache.

"Ah, this is a big trouble, this barrage net is really excessive~"

The Warring States are obviously angry to death, and if they go back at this time, they will have to be beaten one by one, and maybe they will have to fight.

It's not that he's afraid of the Warring States, the main thing is that more is better than less, fighting is so tiring, why bother to make trouble for yourself!

"The leisurely life seems to be gone forever..."

[Moka: How can you say that about the Yellow Ape General! It's called tactics!! 】

[Smogg: What tactics?] Early departure tactics? 】

[Moka: Hey Smogg, you're talking too much! 】

[Smogg: Oh, there's something even more excessive. 】

[Squirrel: ... Forget it, Smogg, if you provoke Moka and beat you up, I can't stop him." 】

[Dusty: Brigadier General Smogg! Don't say it, Lieutenant General Moka is very strong and scary, if I beat you to death, I won't have a boss!" 】

[Smogg: Dusty !! 】

[Gal D Roger: Hey! I still appreciate this admiral! Arrange it reasonably! 】

[Marko: I'm not ambitious, but I really don't believe that an ordinary kick in the video can kick a flying general. 】

[Joz: Marko, isn't that Yellow Ape General Ace's brother's uncle?] Isn't that also Ace's uncle? How normal it is to help your nephew! We have to thank him! 】

[Namur: Yes, Marko! He helped us so much, we must thank you! 】

[Marko: Yes, we should thank General Yellow Ape! Hey General Yellow Ape, we are going to save your nephew together, do you want to join forces with us?" 】

[Eizang: Marko, you seem to be a little wrong about that, right? Although Ace and Luffy are brothers, they are not fathers! Ace's father is Gol D Roger, Luffy's father is Monchi D Dragon, how can the yellow ape not be Ace's uncle, right? 】

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