[Magellan: ... General Sakaski, when will Hannibal's transfer be processed? 】

[Sakaski: I have thought about it, I am afraid that such a talent will not be blessed, so I will leave it to you. 】

[Magellan: ..."

The video continues to play!

A powerful voice sounded, followed by darkness, swallowing up the entire navy behind Hannibal!!

"Don't say anything good and evil!! Hahahahaha!! "

Blackbearded Tichy's figure emerged from the darkness and kicked Hannibal straight out!!

"Even if you look for that kind of thing all over the world, there is no answer, right?!!!

Barrage streaks by!

Blackbeard NB!!

This statement is true!

Blackbeard sees it very thoroughly!!

It is indeed a big truth, there have been successes and defeats throughout the ages, and history is written only by the winners.

The world is not black and white, and justice and evil are just slogans shouted out.

Blackbeard is really a hero!! I don't approve of his actions, but I admire his vision!!

That's what the rules of the world are! The strong live, the weak die!!

This is the ambition of One Piece, One Piece Tichy!!

The wildest careerist!!

As this scene fell, almost everyone who watched the video fell into a deathly silence!!

If the previous video is mixed with many touching parts, parts that make people laugh, under that rendering, whether it is pirates or navy people have an unreal feeling.

But many of the heavy things contained in this video are not hidden at all!!

The evil of the pirates is vividly interpreted on Blackbeard!! Many people were also covered in cold sweat and fear at this time!!

Yes, neither Straw Hat Luffy nor Whitebeard could bring them a sense of oppression, and at this moment it was thoroughly interpreted by Blackbeard!!

This! It's the pirates!! He is both a conqueror of the sea and a great villain who crowns the sea!! Ordinary people are simply vulnerable in the face of such power!!

In their eyes, the people are worse than grass!!!

[Sakaski: The Scourge of Shit!! 】

[Sakaski: What shit crookedness!! Since the strong live and the weak die, then those who are not afraid of death just come!! I will let you know that justice in the Navy is not written with a pen! It was punched with a fist!! The weak are always stupid pirates!! 】

【Sengoku: Tichy?!! Why did he appear in that place?!! Is it possible to enter the city as soon as anyone wants to enter?!! Blackbeard Tichy's bounty order is mentioned again!! This person can't stay!! You have to kill him sooner rather than later!! 】

[Zefa: His presence is too dangerous!!] I have a hunch that if this guy continues to develop, he may not even be just a threat!! 】

[Karp: Where did these barrages come from?! Sometimes it feels like what they say is not marginal, but sometimes they can say sober words such as success and defeat, and history is written by the winner!! Without certain experience, it is impossible to comprehend this, but they have experienced the rise and fall of countless regimes?!!! 】

[Kaido: Karp! What are you afraid of!! Hahahaha!! After decades of seeing, you have become so daring!! 】

[Roger D: Hahahahaha!! Karp, I do agree with Kaido!! This barrage net is a miraculous thing, even if there is a group of immortal immortals on the other side of the barrage?! Even if they are idle and bored, why not make fun of us sea powerhouses?!! As long as the benefits they come up with are really on me and so on, why bother so much? 】

[Charlotte: It's boring!! Mom, Mom!! 】

Marin Fandor!

Karp and Sengoku looked at each other in silence a few times, and both saw the horror in each other's eyes.

It's not that they are afraid, in fact, at their age, they know too much about the inside affairs of the navy, even including the one above - Im!!

That existence that can be called the emperor of the world government, but he has lived for more than eight hundred years to this day, and he is an out-and-out immortal!!

If the real barrage is also the same immortal, then who is standing behind this so-called barrage net is terrifying!!

These two veteran-level peak figures of the navy couldn't help but sweat white!!

"Karp, you're the same as I thought... ~..."

"Yes, Sengoku, if of course it is like that..."

Both were covered in sweat!!

Of course!!

If Moka knew that the two of them were scared like this, or because of the unwarranted fantasy in his mind, he would definitely laugh!!

What kind of immortal, isn't that?!!

The guys behind the barrage are just ordinary people who only have a hundred years to live for!! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

They can have this opinion not because they have personally experienced regime change, but because they are backed by a historical civilization that has been 5,000 years old!!

It is not people who live forever, but civilization itself!!

The video continues to play!

"You're Blackbeard?!!"

Luffy's pupils contracted suddenly, staring at the blackbearded Tichy who appeared in front of him!!!

"Oh? Haven't I reported myself yet? Hahahahaha!! "

Tichy smiled arrogantly and said defiantly.

"Is it okay if you stay here?! Your eldest brother's public execution is about to begin!! "

Then, Tichy pointed to Klockdar, who was standing behind Luffy on the side, and said sarcastically.

"Later, I heard that it was not you who defeated the original Nanabu Haiklodar there?! Straw Hat Kid Luffy!! "

[Sengoku: What?! ] Sling the bull!! Go and gag him!! The one who brought down Klockdar was clearly Commodore Smog of our Navy!! 】

[Doflamingo: Furffofer!!] What an interesting news!! Sand crocodile, I haven't seen such a pull for a few days ?! You were actually defeated by that little ghost?!! Hey, isn't it!! Just such a smelly brat who defeated you?!! 】

[Klockdar: ... Doflamingo !!! 】

[Sengoku: No kidding!] It wasn't the Straw Hat Kid who brought down Klockdar at all, and why did you get together?!!! 】

[Smogg: Marshal of the Sengoku!! This is something that the Navy did not do right!! Although I don't want to admit it, my strength can't beat Klockdal at all!! It was Luffy the Straw Hat Kid, who defeated Klockdar!! 】

[Sengoku: Hey!!] Smogg ——!!!! 】

[Smile: Well! I think this matter is the wrong decision of the top level of the government!! Our navy is not yet going to take the credit of others!! Even if the other party is a pirate, he will not be so desperate!! 】

[Sengoku: Laugh!! That's what you look like!! 】

[Karp: Hahahahahaha! Worthy of being my Karp's grandson!! 】

[Sengoku: You fucking !!! 】

The video continues!

The vista pulled away, and Blackbeard said hoarsely with a sneer on his face.

"At that time, for me, who is aiming for the position of the Seven Martial Seas, obtaining your first rank is the most effective way to show my strength to the government (Qian Zhao)!"

"But!! Fate protects you!!! "

The barrage army crossed!!

Will pretend, you have the guts to try ah!! wear

Want to fart eat you.

Shanks, Dragon, Karp now shows a nuclear smile (dog head)

The pheasant and Karp were there at the time, and his uncle and grandfather were not dead!!

Fate protected you Blackbeard!!

[Monchi D Luffy: Blackbeard!! You caught Ace?!!! If you have the guts, you will come at me!! 】

[Shanks: Was it originally planned to attack Luffy...]

[Karp: You fucking stare at the grandson of the old husband or the grandson of the old husband!! You beast!! The old man is going to kill you with his own hands!! 】

[Monchi D Dragon: Although Luffy has his own adventures, it is too early for him to be targeted by such a troublesome guy!! If you dare to do something to my son, I will wipe the Blackbeard Pirates out of the world!! 】

[Saab: What a dare!!] Blackbeard Tichy!! Dare to attack my brother one after another!! 】。

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