Nautical Explosive Soldiers: The Five Elders, How Many Divisions Do You Have?

Nautical Explosive Soldiers: Five Old Stars, How Many Divisions Do You Have Chapter 95

Watch Umit stay.

Look at his uneasy look.

Jabba and Ren were originally calm.

They all looked at him speechlessly.

Anyway, it is also one of the underground giants.

Why are you so timid.

If it wasn't for Jabba being familiar with him.

We have known each other for many years.

Knowing that he cannot be a puppet of the world government.

Jabba wouldn't let him stay.

Jabba looked up at Ryan.

The scene suddenly quieted down.

"Have you seen the real side of this world?" Jabba asked directly.

It seemed that he was afraid that Ren would not be able to understand what he was going to say later.

So start with some concepts.

It's like a person who doesn't understand numbers.

It's like adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.

Jabba must first confirm that Ryan is a person who understands numbers.

"Decadence, chaos, death..." Ren made an evaluation of the world he had seen.

Jabba grinned in satisfaction.

"This world is originally ruled by the world government. Which ruler would want the world under his rule to be chaotic? Especially the most controversial one, gold in the sky!"

"In the entire sea, many countries have to choose war methods because of the high amount of gold in the sky!"

"Do you think those old guys in the world government can't see the results of the gold in the sky?"

"This kind of thing is by no means a small-scale and isolated case. It is impossible for them not to know... 0" Ren replied.

"Yeah, but they didn't even do anything to stop it, because that's what they wanted?"

"No, it's impossible, who would disturb the world under his own governance?!" Umit felt that this was contradictory!

It's like putting a thief in your own treasure house.

It doesn't make sense at all!

"What's the benefit to them?" Ryan thought for a while.

Just thought of one possibility.

When the good outweighs the bad.

All absurd things become possible!

Jabba was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Ren's thoughts to turn so quickly.

This saves him the time to explain.

Instead, Umit this guy.

Look at the problem is very simple.

"Because they're not human!" Jabba said, staring at the two of them.

"What?!" With just this sentence, Umit felt his hairs stand on end.

It's like a cat's fur!

In an instant, I only felt cold sweat.

Ren was slightly surprised.

But he thought of many possibilities.

This possibility is also included.

"How is this possible? How could it be possible that the powerful people who have ruled the world for so many years are not human?" Be it giants, orcs, villains, long-handed tribes, murlocs...these are all classified as human races!

The world has always believed that the nobles of the world are the most noble human beings.

The images they appear in front of people are also people.

How could he not be human all of a sudden!

This is something that reverses the common sense of the world for many years.

"I'm not talking about human beings, including not all existing intelligent creatures, and I don't mean they are rare races, but they simply shouldn't exist in this world! They are breeding grounds for death and chaos. In this breeding ground, They absorb the life of all living things in the whole world, so as to achieve the goal of immortality!"

"According to the truth of the historical text we currently have, this is how the five old stars have lived from ancient times to the present!"

"And behind the Five Old Stars, there is an invisible shadow controlling everything about them!"

"The more chaotic the world is, the more frequent the killings, the more joyful they are. Of course, whenever things exceed a certain limit, they will intervene."

"Being enemies of them, all life forms will be bewitched and reduced to puppets walking on the edge of death and madness!"

Jabba's face was heavy.

The whole world to those guys.

It's like a playground.

Life is nothing but something they manipulate at will.

"So, wouldn't they die?!" Umit asked in fear.

"The way to kill them completely lies in Ralph Drew. Only the captain knew it at the time. I really don't know this. Only the ability to listen to everything can perceive the truth of everything in the world! I don't have this ability! So if you If you want to overthrow the world government, Ralph Drew, I'm afraid you still have to go." Jabba said.

"Wait a minute, you said just now that those who are their enemies will be bewitched and become puppets?" Ren didn't believe all of them.

Because Jabba's words were suspected of deliberately leading him to Ralph Drew.

"Yes, what's the problem?" Jabba nodded affirmatively.

"No." If it's really just this ability.

That doesn't seem like much of an ability.

Your own mind controller can do it.

Even their abilities are 2.6 seem useless against their own regiment.

With what death? Do you have your own self-destruct soldiers who die quickly?

Still want to confuse your own people?

Ryan to his own soldiers.

Possess absolute power of life and death.

"Why do you seem to be breathing a sigh of relief?" Jabba keenly noticed that Ren's mentality seemed to be more relaxed!

What the hell is this?

Don't you see that Umit is panicking now, full of fear?

This is what normal people should do!

When he learned the truth, he was similar to Umit!

After all, what he said was something that subverted common sense!

"Have it?"



"Go on."

"They have usable ancient weapons in the Holy Land!"

"The legendary weapon that can sink an island with one shot!" Umit said solemnly.

All giants in the New World have heard similar rumors about this.

"Oh..." Is that all? Its own nuclear missiles can be even more exaggerated!

Having said that, why do I feel that the five old stars are quite ordinary.

In addition to the mysterious origin.

Listen to Ren's tone.

Jabba and Umit suddenly reacted: "That's right, you pervert have almost similar methods."

"But their power may be even more terrifying than your cannonball!" Jabba didn't want to see Ren, the god slayer, despise the five old stars.

"I see." Ren nodded on the surface, but his heart was very ordinary.

It's like saying that his nuclear missiles can't be stronger.

Hundreds of thousands more laboratories will be opened.

under existing nuclear missiles.

Increase the equivalent, no problem.

"Is there any more?"

Listening to Ren's expectant words.

Jabba suddenly didn't want to talk anymore.

He doesn't seem to take it seriously.

No wonder.

Originally, Ryan imagined the world government to be more powerful!

Jabba said so.

Ren suddenly felt that he could be a five-star star now.

70. The blood-stained princess! Miracle! Perfect extraction of Kaido ability! (seeking subscription)

"Anyway, be careful." Jabba wanted to say more.

But telling him this now is a big risk.

Because the god slayer is destined to live forever with the world government.

Even if you know the secret.

The same is being hunted down.

Otherwise, this kind of secret Jabba usually won't tell others.

That was hurting him.

Although the five old stars absorb everything in this world like a god of death.

But they also fear that one day their identities will be revealed.

Thus causing the siege of all human beings.

Human potential is terrifying.

There are always some powerful people born out of it.

There are even prophecies that they are destined to be overthrown.

After all, Wu Lao Xing is not omniscient and omnipotent.

Even if they live for many years is no exception.

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