
This moment.

On top of the heavily damaged escort ship 'Heavenly Gold'.




Marine Rear Admiral Rot held tightly to the crumbling main pole of the warship.

I found that the terrifying shock from the warship below me finally subsided gradually.

He just squatted down on the ground, gasping for breath, unaware that the cold sweat had already wet his back, and there was only lingering horror on his face.

Facing the terrifying huge wave caused by a large Sea Kings turning over just now


A heavy fear welled up in my heart.

Rotor witnessed the unforgettable scene of sea water pouring into the warship.

For the first time in his life, he felt that he had really walked through the 'Gate of Ghosts'.

As a dignified Marine Rear Admiral, even if it is only a Marine Rear Admiral promoted locally by North Blue.

It's actually as fragile as an ant...!

"That's right...that's right! That honorable lord can't have any accidents!"

Rotor managed to calm down.

Suddenly, he turned his head and subconsciously looked towards the direction of the second floor on the rear deck.

over there.

But there is one North Blue who collects all the 'heavenly gold', which is less than one ten-thousandth of the existence.

Rot got up quickly, ignoring the trembling fat under Marine's clothes, and hurriedly ran towards that side.

"Quick! Get off, get off! Get out of the way for this Rear Admiral!"

It was too late to see who the person blocking in front of him was.

Rotor now only wants to make sure that the incomparably noble adult is safe.


If it is in normal times.

He is currently on top of the warship under his feet.

Get rid of that very distinguished guest.

As Marine Rear Admiral, no one on the entire warship dared to disobey his orders.

After all, those who disobeyed his orders were all thrown into the sea to feed the fish years ago.

Even in order to avoid being found evidence, he used the excuse of exterminating pirates to completely silence all the family members of those who dared to resist him.

So in North Blue, Rott's own number one branch.

Unofficially earned the nickname 'The Tyrant' from the local town.

But he is not only not ashamed of it, but proud of it.

But now.

Panicked, the chaotic Rot was only thinking about ensuring the safety of that adult.

Not found at all.

The person he was about to bump into was not Marine at all.

Or rather.



It felt like I was bumping into an impassable mountain.

He squatted heavily on the deck again.

"Bastard... bastard!"

"You idiots! Are you courting death?!"

The veins on his forehead popped out.

Rot opened his eyes suddenly.

Without even thinking about it, he directly took out a Short Sword from his waist and stabbed it out.

What time is it now?

If something happened to that incomparably noble lord.

Cutting off the heads of these idiots was not enough to appease the anger from that lord.

At this time, I am blocking the front, and I don't know how to make way.

What are you doing if you're not courting death? !

Anger swept through my heart.

Short Sword stabs out!


Seeing the blood splatter, the idiot who dared to stop him let out a scream, and then received an unforgettable "lesson" scene, which did not appear.

What appeared before his wide-eyed eyes...

It was with a slashing light flashing in front of his eyes.

Hot blood spattered on his face.

It was a...severed hand holding the Short Sword!

After wiping his face, Xia flew over!

Rott didn't scream out immediately.

Or to see clearly the person in front of you.

Luo Te's eyes were wide open, flickering with unbelievable lingering fear.

I saw a person wearing a white shirt with gray hair...

Isn't it the 'old thing' who blocked the warship alone just now, and who is it?

But Rott hasn't waited for the answer yet.

The severe pain of breaking the palm at the root has already hit.


Unable to stop screaming, Rot was directly on the ground and Jōnin couldn't help rolling over.

Beads of sweat slid down his face.

The pain I endured at this time can be seen with the naked eye.

Bai Ye watched this scene with no wavering on his face.


There was disdain flickering in Bai Ye's eyes coldly.

"As a Marine Rear Admiral, I can't bear even this bit of pain..."

Served in the Marine for 40 years.

Although Bai Ye's past years were mostly days of clocking in and going to work to catch fish every day.

But in the face of the era where pirates are swarming.

Marine attendance is inevitable.

Even without being in the most dangerous New World.

Bai Ye's battles and injuries are not uncommon.

That's why Bai Ye has built up a daily exercise routine.

But even so.

Even the most common bottom Marine.

Anyone who has personally participated in a battle to exterminate pirates.

They will not yell directly on the spot because of the injury.

Because of the result of doing that.

It will make the pirates subconsciously attack the wounded first in the battle to destroy the pirates!

Not only will it cause trouble for your companions, but you will also have a higher chance of dying in battle!

Obviously a Marine Rear Admiral.

But they don't even understand the basics of this.

The scariest thing is.

Just such a guy who doesn't even have the slightest experience in injury.

To be able to formulate a crazy plan to destroy all the forces of the North Blue by destroying the towns under it..

One can imagine.

In the eyes of these guys.

What kind of existence are the ordinary people at the bottom of the hierarchy regarded as?

At this time.

The Marine Rear Admiral Rot in front of Bai Ye was dazzled by the great pain, and roared angrily:

"You...you old bastard! I am a dignified Marine Rear Admiral! You dare to shoot at me! You are looking for death! Come! Come on! Come on! Get this damn old bastard!!! "

Angry roars continued.

There was no trace of anger in Bai Ye's eyes.

Marine Rear Admiral?

so what?

Marine Vice Admiral?

so what?

As someone who has completely distanced himself from Marine.

Will you care about the status of a trash who only screams before dying?

the answer is...


It's like sitting in an office in Anyi, and can decide the death of other people at will.

Bai Ye is at this moment.

Wouldn't mind a dying trash rant either.

Just this scene.

In peacetime, those who think they are superior.

Now the format has been reversed.

Looking at the garbage with a severed hand in front of him.

In Bai Ye's hand was a long knife picked up from the deck.

Use Ryūjin Jakka.

Solving this kind of garbage is simply overkill.

The other party is not worthy.

But just as Bai Ye raised his long knife, he was about to cut it off.

The 'garbage' in front of him showed fear at first, but then burst out laughing.

Bai Ye stopped moving.


"Ha, ha ha! You, you don't know anything at all! Sure enough! You don't know anything at all!"

Dragging the body with the severed arm, he stopped when he saw Bai Ye.

Rotor knew that he was really afraid of dying, so he burst into madness.


"You, you attacked this ship, it would be the worst decision you made! You didn't even know!"

"There is an extremely honorable adult on this ship!"

"The incomparably noble lord?"

Heard the title again.

Bai Ye's eyes were thoughtful.

Rotor was even crazier.

"Haha! Did you know?! That lord...is from the Holy Land!"

"Holy land! Do you understand?! And the lord is on this ship, you attacked this ship! It is tantamount to declaring war on the World government... Haha! You are finished! You are finished..."


Rot:? ?

The voice has not completely fallen.

Bai Ye suddenly moved!

Slashed with a knife.

A head splashed with warm blood and flew straight up.

The madness that kept his face turned into disbelief.

Marine Rear Admiral Rott died, he couldn't figure it out.

The 'old thing' in front of him clearly heard the word 'Holy Land'.

It should be reminiscent of the legendary Celestial Dragons on board this ship...

But this 'old thing' still has no hesitation...

All kinds of ideas kept popping up in my mind.

Consciousness gradually blurred.


Rott's head hit the deck, and his eyes suddenly widened, as if he had heard something that 'subverted the world view'.

"Celestial Dragons? So what?"

Bai Ye stood on the deck, looking at the head with wide-eyed and unbelievable eyes.

His eyes were not shaken by the news of the world's nobles.

He opened his mouth slowly and said something that would make his whole body and even his scalp tremble if someone else was here.

"Don't worry, you will meet in hell soon."

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