This moment.

Marine government.

Disrupted conference room here.

"So! Celestial Dragons will be attacked?!"

A Marine Vice Admiral who only felt scalp tingling stood up abruptly

Admiral Kizaru, who participated in the meeting on this trip, paused casually.

After all, he's in command of the Naval Headquarters science unit.

This time, in response to the future outbreak of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Absence from meetings is not acceptable.

And at this moment.

Hearing this shocking news.

Kizaru put down the nail clippers, stood up and said.

"Marshal Sengoku, hey, since the nobles of the world were attacked, why don't you let me go to North Blue?"

It happened in North Blue.

Now, in order to discuss how to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates, almost all the Naval Headquarters forces are present.

Even if you don't want to admit it, there are people who can rush from the headquarters to North Blue in a short time.

And only him alone.

Now the only problem.

It's just that Kizaru hopes that those crazy guys are looking for money, or a group of stupid pirates are trying to use Celestial Dragons as bargaining chips with the World government.

That might be enough to save time, given his speed

"At present, the only person who can rush to North Blue quickly is Kizaru Admiral, Marshal Sengoku. I hope the situation will come in time.",

"That's right!"

Marine Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan and others agreed upon hearing this.


Everyone present except Admiral Akainu who was silent.

Only Crane Vice Admiral, known as the great staff officer, gradually became more serious.

Because that's when Kizaru proposed to go.

She noticed that the seriousness on Sengoku's face hadn't abated in the slightest.

With her years of understanding of Sengoku.

I am afraid

The expression on He's solemn face darkened again.

What happened in North Blue should be more than just 'Celestial Dragons may be attacked'.


And at the same time.

In fact.

Crane's guess was correct.

Before this crucial meeting was interrupted.

It has been more than 30 minutes since the attack on the warship escorting Tianshangjin in North Blue.

Just when Naval Headquarters was discussing how to deal with Whitebeard.

Outside starts at North Blue.

As the news spreads.


New World.

Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa.

"Heh heh~ Marine is already overwhelmed by the Whitebeard Pirates, right?"

One of the current Shichibukai, Doflamingo looked down at the kingdom of De Reiss Rosa below, eyes sparkling under the sunglasses, and murmured:

"After all... that is known as the strongest man in the world. In this era, he is closest to the existence of 'One Piece'. If the strongest man in the world gets angry, maybe the world is at risk of being destroyed."

"Hey, Dover, at this time, the more chaotic the world is, the stronger our family will become. This is a good opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to expand."

A voice came from behind Doflamingo.

It looks like a quilt covered in blue snot, holding a scepter in its hand.

It was one of the top cadres of the Donquixote family, Torre Pol.

When Doflamingo heard this, the corner of his mouth parted into an arc of satisfaction.

"咈咈咈咈咈~ Yes, turmoil is not necessarily a bad thing, but an opportunity... The more chaotic the world is, the more interesting it is."

Doflamingo kept twitching his fingers and murmured.


"Young master, young master!"

Buffalo, a family member with fan blades around his neck, fell from mid-air, his face revealing the horror of seeing some kind of 'impossible event'.

"What happened?! Buffalo, don't you know to send someone to inform Dover before coming here?"

Torrepol frowned behind Doflamingo, seeing the flustered look of the family members, he scolded.

"No...not! Young Master, Young Master! Quickly read the newspaper that was just released today!"

Buffalo shook his head hastily, held a newspaper in his hand, and handed it to Doflamingo.


There is a hint of doubt in the eyes under the Doflamingo sunglasses.

Could it be that the Whitebeard Pirates have some new big moves?

After all, the whole world is now paying attention to what the man known as the strongest will do next.

Doflamingo glanced at the newspaper in his hand.

next second.

Doflamingo's pupils froze.

"This... this is?!"


White Island.


Revolutionary Army Headquarters.

"Dragon! It's not good! Something big happened outside!"

A crude combat conference room.

A murloc ran in quickly.

The murloc was panting, holding a newspaper in his hand.

Then I saw the eyes of everyone in the room gather.

Among them was a middle-aged man in a dark green cloak looking up.

The murloc slapped the newspaper on the table.

With lingering fear on his face, he uttered the latest news that changed the faces of everyone present.

"In, in North Blue! Celestial Dragons, the nobles of the world, were killed!"


"The nobles of the world... Celestial Dragons?!"

The cadres of the Revolutionary Army present in the room suddenly had their pupils widened.


Whitebeard Pirates resident.

"Father, the outside world sees that we have not acted for a long time, so we must be very anxious."

The Moby Dick stops before an island off the coast.

Marco jumped off the Moby Dick, and came to a tall and calm elderly man with a white beard curving up like a crescent moon.

Marco's dialogue has shown that men are not others.

It is Whitebeard who is currently known as the strongest man in the world and the man closest to the throne of One Piece!

"Gu la la la, this is exactly what my old friend Sengoku wants to see. If he is not fully prepared, Marine will not be late to reveal the news about Ace."

Whitebeard looked at his hometown not far away, then got up and held 'Cong Yunqie'. A sharp look flashed in his eyes.

"But if you want to touch the old man's family, even Marine must consider the consequences!"

Marco felt the breath emanating from Whitebeard, sighed and murmured:

"As expected of father!"


Followed by an albatross.

A newspaper floats in.

Whitebeard subconsciously took the newspaper over.

Marco didn't care about it at the side.

Whitebeard's reaction was startled.

Looking at the contents of the newspaper, Whitebeard suddenly smiled heartily:

"Interesting...that kind of thing happened over there at North Blue."

"Interesting? Dad? What happened to North Blue?"

Marco froze for a moment.

What's going on in places like North Blue that Papa would care about?

"Gu la la la, an opportunity presented itself in front of us, as for the interesting thing."

Whitebeard hands Marko the newspaper.

Marko's eyes sparkled when he heard "opportunity".

Has Dad decided how to crack Marine's plan?

As for the fun stuff...

Marco glanced at the newspaper.

Marco froze in place suddenly, his pupils dilated, and it took Marco a long time to react.

Can't help but look at Papa Whitebeard.

"Hey..hey, Dad? Is this something 'funny'?"

Marco's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

The moment he saw the contents of the newspaper, he almost fell the newspaper.

Before seeing the content in the newspaper.

Marco can't imagine...

The interesting thing turned out to be 'a lunatic out of North Blue killed a world noble Celestial Dragons directly'! ! !

"Gu la la la, isn't it interesting?"

Whitebeard laughed.

Then look at the newspaper photos taken by the albatross.

"Compared to the dead Celestial Dragons, the man up there is really interesting."


Marco heard the words and nodded in agreement.

"As long as you dare to kill Celestial Dragons, neither the World government nor the Marine government will let it go. The next step is to see if the old man can bear all this."

Marco looked at Bai Ye on the newspaper.

He murmured and sighed.

He was already trying his best to find out the impression of Bai Ye.

But no matter what, there is no impression at all.

So Marco had to classify him as some kind of 'lunatic'.

But at this moment.

Marco still doesn't know.

What kind of damage will this "lunatic" bring to the World government and the Marine government next.

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