In fact, Amador has always had a plan in mind.

And this plan must get rid of Ci Xian.

Cixian attaches great importance to this baby as a perfect instrument. Once he knows that Konoha has obtained this baby, he will definitely choose to attack Konoha.

In this way, with Konoha's strength, there might be a chance to kill Cixian.

Of course, if Ci Xian successfully defeated Konoha, the situation would be very bad.

After all, the baby was originally in his hands, why it appeared in Konoha Village is also a big question.

But Amador also understands that if he wants to succeed, he must fight once.

And if it doesn't work, layman Guoxin can be pushed out.

Although Layman Guoxin is his confidant, to him, Layman Guoxin is also just a tool man.

Amadok never thought that relying on layman Guoxin would be able to defeat Cixian.

Seeing that Layman Guoxin hesitated, Amaduo persuaded, "Now this wedge has begun to thaw gradually. If we wait until the wedge is completely thawed, Cixian revives, and eats the fruit of the sacred tree, then it will be bad."

Hearing what Amador said, Layman Guoxin was also shaken in his heart. After thinking for a while, Layman Guoxin finally chose to nod.

"By the way, putting this next to the baby can block the induction of Ci Xian. But this can only last for an hour, so you have to do it as soon as possible." Amador showed a smile on his face, and then handed over a scientific ninja tool Gave it to the black-hearted layman.

"Understood." Layman Guoxin nodded, tore off the cloak behind him, wrapped the baby around him, and left quickly.

Seeing the back of Layman Guoxin leaving, Amador narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

Immediately afterwards, Amador looked at a container not far away.

The container contained a piece of flesh and blood.

But the strange thing is, this is obviously just a piece of flesh and blood, but at this moment it seems to have life, and it is constantly beating.

Early morning, Konoha Village.

Shizune just came to the Hokage building, and then shouted in surprise.

I saw a baby wrapped in a black cloak in front of the door of the Hokage building.

"What's going on here? How could a baby be here."

Shizune didn't think too much, and quickly picked up the baby, then looked around, and found no suspicious person.

"Is that weird?"

Shizune was a little confused, but carried the baby into the Hokage building, and was going to wait until Tsunade came.

"Master Tsunade, I have inquired, and no one in the village has lost a baby." Kakashi came to Tsunade and said.

"I see." Tsunade nodded, thought for a while, and said, "If that's the case, let our village raise it."

As a large village, Konoha has done a good job in raising orphans, so it is not too difficult to raise this baby.

"Well, then I'll carry the baby over," Shizune said.

As soon as Shizune went out, he saw Bai Ye walking over.

"Lord Bai Ye."

"Yeah." Bai Ye nodded, and was about to ask where Shizune was going, when he noticed the baby that Shizune missed.

"Is this a baby? Whose?" Bai Ye asked.

"I don't know. I saw this baby appearing at the door of the Hokage building early in the morning. I asked again, and no one in the village lost a baby." Shizune said.

"That's it." Bai Ye said, then reached out to grab the baby's left hand and glanced at it.

"As expected." Bai Ye narrowed his eyes.

I saw a black prismatic imprint on the baby's left hand.

And this is exactly the mold imprint.

It seems that this child should belong to the Ōtsutsuki family.

Now that Momoshiki and Kinshiki are dead, and Kaguya is gone, then in the entire ninja world, there is only one Ōtsutsuki family, and that is Yishiki.

In other words, this child should be Yishi Lu.

"Now it appears in Konoha Village out of nowhere. Could it be that this baby is the later Chuanmu? Yishi's perfect weapon?"

After a little thought in Bai Ye's mind, he probably wanted to understand what happened.

Obviously, someone deliberately put Chuanmu in Konoha Village in order to provoke a war between Konoha and the Shell Organization.

And this person knows without thinking.

It must be Amado and Layman Guoxin.

Apart from these two people, there is no other possibility.

"Hmph, I want to know, what exactly do you want to do?"

Bai Ye didn't care about this, even if Yishi appeared in front of Bai Ye in his heyday, Bai Ye could kill him with one blow.

It's just that Bai Ye is a little curious about Amador and Guoxin Layman, or what is the purpose of Amador.

"Master Bai Ye? What's wrong?"

At this time, Shizune's voice sounded, interrupting Bai Ye's thoughts.

Bai Ye smiled and said, "Nothing, I just think this baby is cute.

"Ah, is it? It's really cute."

Shizune never expected that Bai Ye, who is usually so cold, would say such a thing.

Could it be that Master Bai Ye is actually a person who is cold on the inside and hot on the outside?

And you love kids too?

Bai Ye had no idea what Shizune was thinking, and continued, "By the way, where are you taking this baby?"

"Oh, I'm going to be raised by the orphanage in the village."

"Well, wait a minute, I feel that this child's origin is a bit unusual, so don't take it to the orphanage." Bai Ye said.

If there were no accidents, Cixian should soon find out that Chuanmu was missing, and then come to the door.

So it's better to keep Chuanmu by his side.

"The background is unusual, does Master Bai Ye know something?" 457

"Yeah." Bai Ye nodded, since Chuanmu was sent over, there was no need to hide the shell organization.

"What, you mean that there is a mysterious organization called Shell in this world, and the leader of this mysterious organization is the Ōtsutsuki family."

In the Hokage building, after listening to Bai Ye's words, everyone present was shocked.

"Yes, and this baby is the key to the resurrection of the Ōtsutsuki family, so they will definitely come to snatch this baby, so during this period of time, they must enforce patrols and protect this baby." Bai Ye said.

"Oh, I see."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, the others all nodded with serious expressions.

After all, according to Bai Ye, this guy called Ōtsutsuki is much stronger than jumping and gold.

So they can't help but ignore it.

And at the same time.

In the hall of the Shell Organization's secret base.

At this time, many people gathered in the entire hall.

These people are all members of the inner circle of the shell organization.

It was Ci Xian who stood in the main position.

It's just that Ci Xian's complexion is not very good-looking now.

Because according to Amador, Chuanmu was stolen by Guoxin Layman and brought to Konoha Village.

Although Cixian didn't fully believe Amador's words, the most important thing now is to bring Chuanmu back first. .

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