Bai Ye knew that Quan Wang could no longer hold on anymore.

But he is unwilling to give up the opportunity now.

Sometimes it is often a mental or even spiritual attack.

Ten thousand times more powerful than pure physics and energy consumption!

"Every kid loves to cry, right? Crying won't solve the problem, it will only make you feel more disgusting and rubbish!"

The words Beerus said to Byakuya really made him break into a cold sweat.

The king has reached this point, he can completely destroy the entire universe and then recreate it!

At this time, Beerus was filled with depression.

He wanted to step forward to help Quan Wangbo, but was held back by Weiss.

Whis looked at Beerus with questioning eyes, and at the same time there was a lot of anger in it.

"We can't lie down in muddy water. No matter what happens, this is a battle between supreme beings. It's only right for us to think twice before we act!"

Beerus really listened to Whis' words.

The throb in my heart that had been throbbing for a long time suddenly calmed down...

Now we can only hope that the god-tier official will appear quickly and put an end to this problem.

We can all get rid of this endless battle!

King Quan was still crying with tears streaming down his nose.

From the powerful power of death before, he completely transformed into a harmless and seemingly pitiable child. Even Bai Ye moved with compassion.

Bai Ye did not completely let down his guard. He walked up and patted the young child on the back and spoke warm words.

"Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. The main purpose of what I said just now is that I hope you understand

"Everyone has the right to live in this world without being completely wiped out. I hope you will stop doing such crazy things."

After saying these words, Quan Wang cried even louder.

Bai Ye was also sure that this young man had truly admitted defeat, that's why he was like this.

"Okay, crying won't solve the problem. I can help you."

This also made Bai Ye feel a little embarrassed. This young man was really unstoppable when he cried.

At the same time, Bai Ye vaguely felt behind him again, as if there were some sharp eyes staring at him!

This strength is definitely no less than that of Quan Wang, and it is also a high-latitude existence!

"Beerus? What's going on? Do you want to attack me when I'm not paying attention? If that's the case, don't blame me for being cruel."

The shock these words brought to Beerus was hundreds of times stronger than that of all kings.

"." Bai Ye has nothing to do with me. Don't even look at who is coming. "

Beerus, who was about to continue talking, suddenly stopped.

After all, calling him by his first name would be disrespectful to the strong!

"King Quan...the most powerful person under his command is here and he is also my elder!"

Beerus has never been so embarrassed as he is now! It's so difficult, he is caught in the middle.

The fight between Bai Ye and Quan Wang was enough to make him upset.

But I never thought that the god-tier officer would also rush over to kill him after learning about the king's anomaly.

In about half a minute, he will appear directly in the universe where they are now.

It will be more exciting in a while!

"So that's it. I thought some werewolf came again, but it turns out he's here to help King Quan~"

The disdainful taunt made King Quan cry even more sadly. .

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