Nautical, Retired Veterans, Awakening Yamamoto Genryūsai Template

056: The Shock Of Five Elders, Go To 'Ask' That Adult!

at the same time.

'Holy Land' Mariejois.

World government.

"Has the Morgans been notified?"

Mostly empty top meeting room here.

A Five Elders with long straight white hair and a long beard was sitting on the sofa. He raised his head, exuding a sense of oppression, and looked towards the front of the meeting room.

I saw, in front of the conference room door.

This is a CPO member kneeling on one knee and wearing a mask.

Feeling the pressure in Five Elders' tone, the CPO members hurriedly nodded and reported:

"Masters Five Elders, all the news prepared in advance has been sent to the World Economic News Agency, and our people will personally check every piece of content when it is published in the newspaper.

You can be sure that no mistakes will occur. "

Hear this satisfactory answer.

Five Elders with long white beards nodded and said:

"Okay, you go down and wait for orders at any time."

"Yes, Lords Five Elders."

Hearing this, the CPO members stood up and silently guarded the corridor leading to the conference room to prevent anyone from disturbing them.

And at this moment.

meeting room.

Another Five Elders with a birthmark on his forehead watched the CPO members leave and said:

"Don't worry, Morgans is a smart guy. Morgans should be very clear about what to do and what not to do. He should be very clear about what will happen if he dares to violate the order of the World government."

After speaking, Five Elders with the birthmark on his forehead picked up a reward order and continued:

"In this way, by mastering the news of the World Economic News, we have gained the power to control the public opinion of the entire world, whether it is the untouchables living in the four seas, or the bottom guys of the Grand Line and New World You are not qualified to know the truth."


Five Elders, with short blond hair, nodded in agreement and said:

"Now we just have to wait for 'Kong' to send back the good news, and wipe out that sinner. Next, it's Whitebeard's turn, Kaido's turn, and then it's time to clean up the entire first half of the Grand Line."

The voice fell.

Another Five Elders spoke, with a cold voice:

"In my opinion, the World government has been silent for too long, and it has made the whole sea forget who is the master!"

Holding First Generation Guiche in his arms, the bald Five Elders stood by the window of the conference room, overlooking the world outside the World government, and continued:

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, just let some guys and forces who should not have ideas, sober up, and realize how stupid it is for them to dare to oppose the World government."

"That's right!"

Several Five Elders chatted here.

During the conversation.

He didn't regard the decision to "clean up" the first half of the Grand Line as a major event at all.

In their eyes, it seems that everyone and everything living on the first half of the Grand Line are nothing but captive cattle and sheep raised by the World government!

And at this time.


"No, it's not good!"

A hurried voice came from the corridor outside.

Five Elders and others collectively frowned.

"Let him in, what's going on outside? Need all this panic?"

It looked like an intelligence officer ran in with a panicked expression.

One said in a dissatisfied tone:

"Could it be that Naval Headquarters fell to Whitebeard?"

"No, no!"

The panicked World government intelligence member shook his head violently at first.

"Then what happened?"

Five Elders with short blond hair showed dissatisfaction on his face.

It seems that it is not just that the World government has been silent for too long, so that the outside world has forgotten the power of the World government.

Even the trash under his hand should be replaced.

I don't know, I thought the enemy captured Naval Headquarters, or they had already reached Marineford!

"Yes, yes, it's news about Marshal 'Kong'!"


Hearing the words, the faces of several people changed slightly when they heard that it was 'Kong'.

"What happened to 'Kong' Kong?!"

Hearing the words, Five Elders, who was holding the ghost of First Generation, stood up immediately, and a powerful aura erupted from his body.

The World government personnel in charge of intelligence suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression.

He lowered his head and reported with a firm scalp:

"Just, just now, Marshal Kong's life card suddenly burned out!"


A brief silence appeared in the conference room.


"how is this possible?!"

With a look of disbelief on the face of the blond Five Elders, he got up and looked at the other Five Elders.

Life card, this is a special paper unique to New World.

The life card will shrink when the owner is weak, and will return to its original size when the person restores health.

Therefore, many high-level World government will have this kind of thing, including the 'Celestial Dragons' living in the Holy Land.

In order to keep abreast of the situation of every Celestial Dragons traveling outside.

In contrast, if the life card is suddenly burned out

That means the owner of the life card has...dead!

In other words, Kong, who is the Generalissimo of the World Government's army, is...dead at this moment!

"Can't even "Sora" be able to deal with that "sinner"?!"

Behind, the bearded Five Elders who spoke first widened their eyes, revealing disbelief.

Subconsciously, I looked at each other with other Five Elders, and I could see the disbelief in each other's eyes.

The operation to exterminate the criminals was personally approved by them.

They can be said to be very clear about what preparations 'Kong' Kong has made.

Ten "Seraphs" who are comparable to backup Admiral civilian powerhouses and are still in the experimental phase of the PX project, plus 'Kong' Sora himself!

With that kind of combat power, even if it is to wipe out a Four Emperors pirate group on the spot, it should be more than a mistake.

What's more, 'Kong' is the target of priority elimination this time.

Is a sinner who is alone!

And not long ago, 'Kong' sent someone to send an order to wait for the 'good news'.

But they can't think of it anyway.

What we are waiting for at this moment is the news of the death of 'Kong' Kong, the Generalissimo of the World Government Army!

How can they accept this for a while?

Could it be that there is another powerful force hidden behind that sinner alone?

All kinds of thoughts arise.


A phone bug rang in the short blonde Five Elders' arms.

Five Elders saw that they were sending people to North Blue's fleet, and immediately took over.

But immediately, when I heard the news that the operation failed over there.

The short-haired Five Elders fell silent.

...asking for flowers...

The five fingers slowly clenched, and the joints turned white.

what the hell is it?!

North Blue's joint operation to erase all traces of that sinner's existence also failed?!

What are you kidding?!

The thoughts are extremely chaotic.

Several Five Elders couldn't accept the news that 'Kong' died empty.

At this time.

Sitting on the main seat of the sofa in the conference room.

Wearing a black suit, with white curly hair, a fluffy white beard, a flat hat, and a scar on the left side of his face.

Five Elders, who hadn't said a word the whole time, opened their eyes.

The sound brought the remaining four Five Elders back to their senses.

He is holding a cane in his hand.

First, he glanced at the panicked intelligence personnel.

Then he opened his mouth and said:

"Go down first.

"Yes! My lords!"

The World government reporter, who was out of breath under the pressure of the atmosphere, hurried down.

At this time, Five Elders with short blond hair wanted to say something.

The Five Elders, with their shaggy beards, raised their hands and stopped him from speaking.

Then look at the other four Five Elders.


"It's useless to panic now. Since the second phase of the "Operation Demon Slaying" has failed, then follow me to greet the "adult" so that the third phase of the "Slaughter Demon" plan can begin."

"Phase 3?!"

Five Elders stared wide-eyed, and the doctor said:

"Use "Kong" to fight that sinner, then maybe even the Sabaody Islands will not be left behind!


Five Elders, with his long white beard, also showed a touch of emotion on his face.


The so-called third stage of "Slaying Demon Project" is also the final stage.

The rest of the Five Elders know exactly what that means!

That' click away!

A terrifying power that could wipe an entire kingdom off the Grand Line!

Although the third stage was added when the plan was formulated.

But they never thought they would need to do that.

after all.

Once you have consulted 'that adult' for instructions.

Another place on the Grand Line will be completely lost to history!

"What are the Sabaody Islands? It's fine if they're not under construction, they're just some entertainment facilities and the people living on them, and they're only affected to the extent that they're affected. Even if one tenth of the people have a chance of surviving, that's enough." , The most important thing now is to completely deal with that sinner."

The tone of the shaggy-bearded Five Elders is unmistakable.

"Whether it's you or that lord, you probably don't want to see the next Rocks appear again?"


At the name, the remaining Five Elders fell silent.


The five of them got up and walked towards the depths of the Holy Land Mariejois!

That's right.

For the stability and rule of the World government.

There is absolutely no room for another Rocks in this day and age!

the other side.

When the Five Elders went to prepare to ask "Kong" for instructions, once the sky died, it would use the 'absolute power'.

Bai Ye is here.


"Hot interest!"

Occupying this sea, Kaido, who seems to be separated from one of the two worlds, has already taken office!.

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