Nautical, Retired Veterans, Awakening Yamamoto Genryūsai Template

058: Kaido With The Strongest Form Of Human And Beast, Bai Ye: It's Time To End This Battle!


Kaido's gigantic body in the form of a 'green dragon' suddenly fell from the sky!

It seems that the black shadow covering the sky occupies the entire sky!

Afterwards, Kaido slammed into an island like a meteor!


I saw Kaido just touched the surface of the island!

The terrible aftermath instantly shattered the earth with a radius of five or six hundred meters!

A lot of gravel and dust are flying, and the shock force visible to the naked eye continues to spread circle by circle!

Under the thick dust and smoke, the whole island couldn't stop trembling crazily.

It seems as if it will be torn apart in the next second!

One can imagine.

How terrifying is the impact carried by Kaido's huge body!


The thick dust and smoke have not yet dissipated.


A roar emerged from the center of the dust cloud.

In an instant, all the dust and gravel in the vicinity were crushed, and the surface of the nearby earth was inevitably blown away! The bare ground was exposed!

This is Kaido's ferocious faucet sticking out again.

It's just compared to what it was just now.

clear and distinct.

At this moment, the Kakuzu on Kaido's head is half broken, blood dripping, and there are large and terrible burns on the upper part of the dragon's body!

It looks like a serious injury!


If it is an ordinary person, this degree of injury is indeed enough to die.

But Kaido is different.

As the strongest creature of "Sea, Land and Air", eat the Devil Fruit with the strongest recovery power.

This 'extremely serious' injury was not life-threatening for Kaido.

But even so.

At this moment, Kaido looked at Bai Ye's figure in disbelief.

He actually lost in the 'head-on collision'?!

Although it was an act of desperation, relying solely on the collision of physique.

But since eating the green dragon fruit.

Relying on strong resilience and physique alone.

Kaido thinks that no one in this world can be stronger than him physically!


"What are you kidding"!"

As the Four Emperors pirates of the current era.

His opponent is just a remnant from the old era who should have been abandoned by the new era like Whitebeard, whose physical strength must have been severely depleted after successive battles!

Just such an opponent!

As long as he shows his true strength!

Here today, the man in front of me is destined to die here!


Kaido's eyes flashed with mixed killing intent and fighting intent, and he opened his bloody mouth and roared to the sky.

"Laozi will definitely kill you! Kill you!"


A strong hurricane blows from beneath Kaido's 'blue dragon' form!

Then there is the purple thunderbolt falling suddenly from the re-clouded sky!


Inside the hurricane, Kaido's body began to surge with flesh and blood, shrinking visibly with the naked eye

At the same time, the powerful aura emanating from Kaido's body has not diminished but increased!

As the hurricane and lightning dissipate.

This is the center of the big pit that collapsed hundreds of meters, revealing Kaido who is 7.1 meters tall, holding a mace "Eight Fasts", entering the strongest human and beast state!

next second.


The compressed breath on Kaido burst out!

It suddenly expanded the range of the nearby big pit that was already sunken hundreds of meters!

For a moment, the entire island was blown away by Kaido's explosive breath, trembling continuously!!!

And at this moment.

Kaido, who showed the strongest human-beast state, stared at Bai Ye and roared fiercely:

"watch out!"


The pitch-black Armament Haki first surged onto Kaido's arm, and then passed on to the eight fasts.

Kaido growled.

The figure suddenly disappeared in place, leaving only the sunken collapsed ground!

Haki is wrapped around the mace, flashing purple lightning light.

Head towards Bai Ye with an extremely fast attack!

"Thunder... Eight Trigrams!"

The air whistled distortedly, and Kaido came to Bai Ye across a distance of hundreds of meters almost instantly!

Hit it hard!

"Good job! Let me see the strength of the so-called Four Emperors!"

The flame that Reiatsu turned into bathed his whole body.

Under Bai Ye's eyes flashed a sharp look!



The scorching flames, the sky full of dark clouds, and the thunder and lightning.

The two collided fiercely again!




"Your flame is very weird, but Laozi just needs to not touch it! Laozi doesn't believe it! Your physical strength will be unlimited! Oooohoo!"

Kaido, who entered a frenzied fighting state, jumped into the air.

The muscles in both arms swell instantly, and the blue veins burst out!

Waving the 'eight fasts' in his hands.

In the next second, the air tore apart!

A column of stick air pierced through the sky and flew directly towards Bai Ye!

々Diamond Dysprosium!"

Followed by.

Kaido's pupils froze.

Conqueror's Haki exploded! It seemed to shatter the entire void!

Kaido then grasped the 'Eight Precepts' fast!

Conqueror's Haki and the purple lightning falling from the sky wrapped around the iron rod and struck towards Bai Ye violently!

"watch out!!!"

The air roared, and the space distorted!

Facing Kaido who took out Four Emperors should have the level of madness.

Bai Ye's indifferent eyes were sharp and unchanged.

"I said, this will be the last scene of this world you saw before you were buried!"

Ryūjin Jakka easily shattered the incoming stick energy as the high temperature that burned the sea erupted.

Face the Kaido who follows.

The scorching heat instantly detonated everything around Bai Ye!

Bright and fiery white light magnifies directly under Kaido's pupil color change!

Bai Ye's current physical strength will indeed not be unlimited as Kaido said, good Zhao.

Shinigami's Reiatsu is not in common with physical strength.

After these successive battles, Bai Ye lost part of his physical strength.

However, with the remaining half of the physical strength.

Getting rid of Kaido is enough!

Now Bai Ye is actually waiting!

"It seems that the World government should have no other means to exterminate this time."

Witnessing the bright and hot flames drove Kaido back.

Bai Ye glanced at the entire battlefield that continues to influence the outside world.

The so-called "absolute power" of the World government that "Kong" talked about just now.

If there is, with the current movement, the World Government should have taken action long ago.

So it seems.

Bai Ye placed Ryūjin Jakka with one hand across in front of him.

Looking at Kaido who is in a frantic fighting state in the distance, ready to use more powerful moves,

It's time to end this fight!

Hot as hell!.

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