Bai Ye's face no longer felt as relaxed as before.

He looked coldly at Haz, who was still trying to toss in front of him.

A decision has been issued to him.

This time Bai Ye must make Haz completely disorganized!

But at the moment when I had this thought, I felt in my heart.

A strange voice suddenly appeared again.

This voice keeps suppressing itself.

Don't let yourself do things in that way.

"Bai Ye, I'll be there soon, you have a fairer way to solve the problem.

Bai Ye was very curious.

Who is it that wants to persuade themselves in this way?

Have that unique attitude.

Bai Ye was not cruel at this moment.

Instead, he is waiting for a guy who is very interesting to him to appear.

Bai Ye's sudden inaction.

053 filled Hatz's heart with doubts.

How do you say that Haz in front of you is afraid of yourself?

For a moment, Haz's face actually showed a very proud look.

He also knew that he had the victory in this battle.

It is no longer something that ordinary people can understand.

Haz couldn't help but become even more excited.

Harts has never been so excited.

He also knew it was possible.

It was just a trap set by Bai Ye for him.

"You want to challenge my limits my friend, I think this is a good thing!"

"(bdff) Just let me see if you are that powerful."

"In order to save your men from telling you that you are letting go, are you ready now?"

Bai Ye said it in a very teasing way.

Staring at Haz coldly.

The latter instantly entered a very angry state.

He knew that Bai Ye was deliberately targeting him.

He had no intention of hiding it.

At the same time, it quickly burst out a powerful breath.

With lightning speed, it can cover your ears.

He hit Bai Ye's body hard with his fist.

This punch didn't hurt Bai Ye at all.

At this time, Bai Ye stopped pretending.

"The strength of the weak is always so ridiculous."

Treat livestock like Hartz.

You have to use the most brutal method to completely subdue him.

Bai Ye had such thoughts.

While allowing Hearts to attack it.

He also showed a somewhat sad look.

It’s not that Hearts’ offensive power isn’t as good as before.

It's just that Bai Ye feels a little sorry for existence like Haz.

You should work for yourself.

He should be a dog he raised.

Rather than talking about a very crazy and explosive character.

"Hazi, in my opinion, your boxing skills have indeed improved very quickly.

The latter was quite proud to hear this.

One's own strength is never just something others talk about casually.

"But I must remind you that this kind of advance will not cause any harm to me."

A reminder of Bai Ye’s kindness.

Nothing for Hearts.

"Even if you can influence me, I won't show a relaxed look at this time.

Harts never thought about it.

Bai Ye turned out to be so aggressive when he spoke.

But he himself remains resilient.

Looking at Bai Ye's teasing and mocking eyes.

His heart was filled with anger.

Haz would never say that he bowed his head to Bai Ye and admitted his mistake and surrender.

A naturally rebellious person like him.

When facing anyone and anything, he will burst out with a powerful breath.

Looking at the spectator side. .

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