From Bai Ye's point of view, after saying this kind of words, he is no different from a fool.

Originally, there was still room for maneuver in the matter in front of me.

But because of Vegeta's words, he immediately raised his fist.

Joined the fight between Haz and others.

It was obvious that his target was Hatz, and Sun Wukong next to him was a little surprised.

Why is this guy behaving so strangely?

"Vegita! What do you want to do, you bastard?!"

Let’s make this clear and we can negotiate together.

But he had to rush forward and show his so-called strength and influence.

Otherwise everyone will suffer.

"I'm really sorry, Bai Ye, I didn't expect Vegeta to be so impulsive!" 13

Sun Wukong apologized to Bai Ye, but Bai Ye didn't take it to heart.

"I thought this battle was supposed to be under your control."

"But now I can clearly feel a huge threat, and I can't be sure whether it is true or not.

After Sun Wukong finished speaking helplessly.

Seeing Bai Ye showing a truly miserable look.

Bai Ye could naturally understand why Sun Wukong felt so uncomfortable.

Originally, in his opinion, as long as he could listen to Bai Ye's words.

All those problems are not a big deal, but some people just don't do that.

He wanted to show his strength for this, which had a very bad impact on Bai Ye.

"Sun Wukong, this matter has nothing to do with you, I just want to see what kind of things Vegeta can come up with.

Byakuya actually supports Vegeta a little bit.

As long as you dare to think and venture, you will surely become bigger and stronger!

"King Quan, Lord God-Tier, and Beerus Weiss, none of you can take action, do you understand?"

Bai Ye was so angry that he felt light-headed.

The words he just said almost shattered the galaxy barrier set by Quan Wang.

This shocked the whole king.

For the first time, he felt like he couldn't defeat something crazy.

I don't know why, but King Quan is a little worried.

Worried that Bai Ye will hurt them in this dangerous way later.

He also sighed at this time and encouraged Bai Ye's behavior.

"Don't worry, Bai Ye, I will listen to whatever you say."

"I will not let him continue to expand the current situation. We all have to work together to find a solution."

The whole king must support Bai Ye.

He understood very well that in this matter, the price and power Bai Ye had to pay were many times more than he knew.

If you can't even take Bai Ye's face into consideration.

Then future cooperation will only develop in a very dangerous direction.

However, King Quan was worried about Vegeta's impulsive character.

If Vegeta had rushed forward in 897 and suffered some impact, his side would have suffered a loss.

"Byakuya, you should also know my feelings for Vegeta!"

"After all, he can be regarded as a warrior trained by your maverick. I am always a little worried about letting him come forward like this."

Bai Ye had long expected that King Quan would say such words.

But now Bai Ye does not focus on Quan Wang, but on the battle situation in front of him.

Hartz still insisted on having a conflict with his own alliance's manpower.

Especially Ragus now, her entire aura seems to have been absorbed. .

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