Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 102 Father's Kindness And Son's Filial Piety Still Exist

Events unfold around the world, and Naval Headquarters, too.

The only difference is that in the Marine Marshal's office, the information learned is far more than that in the flame ceremony.

To shirk his need to work and create a space to be alone, Sengoku just took out the phone bug that was ringing in his arms.

As he expected, not long after, the phone bug rang again.

Sengoku picked up the phone bug, and after a while, a voice came from the receiver.

"Mini fruit!"

"Big senbei."

The other party took Sengoku's signal, and then said again, "It's me."

Hearing this, Sengoku's voice continued to sound just now, "Rosinante, how are you doing these days, I haven't heard from you for a while, I am very worried about you.

Corazon tightened his hand holding the microphone slightly, and explained while feeling warm in his heart: "Recently, I participated in the Wanokuni Flame Festival with Doflamingo together with four other cadres.

This is the news that has been heatedly discussed in the world in recent days. Naturally, Sengoku has visited it many times, that is, he is satisfied with Wanokuni's environment and feels palpitations about the country's combat power.

In particular, the Thunder Fruit that has been hidden for a hundred years reappears, and it still matches a girl with extremely high talent.

Every time he reads this, he feels extremely regretful, why such talented and fruitful people don't appear in their Marine.

"What I want to say this time is that Doflamingo participated in the action between the Four Emperors."

Rosinante's words brought Sengoku back to his thoughts. He also knew this through the information from the World government. Doflamingo exchanged Snow-snow Fruit for this reward, and the secrecy was very high.

So these days, Sengoku has been waiting for Luo Xinnan's report.

"What Doflamingo is involved in is an incredible situation in every sense, and it is definitely an important task that can change the New World pattern~"!"

Hearing this, Sengoku's expression turned serious: "Say it."

After confirming that there were no outsiders around again, Corazon continued: "Doflamingo, will be in charge of... the man-made Devil Fruit produced by Wanokuni! It is mainly the transaction and delivery link in this industrial chain. The first batch , will be shipped to Kaido in half a year!"


The tea that Sengoku hadn't had time to swallow was sprayed all over the table, and he immediately put the microphone next to his mouth with a look of horror, "Are you sure it's true?!"

"It's true, it's the information he shared with us when he came back. As for the man-made Devil Fruit, we haven't seen it with our own eyes, but it shouldn't be fake.'

After a while, Sengoku, who had been silent for a while, continued to ask: "How much do you know about man-made Devil Fruit?"

"It seems to be Zoan in general, and there are certain side effects. I don't know more specifically."

Rosinante explained, and then spoke his mind: "Doflamingo will deliver this first batch himself, and I can figure out his route, and then I can let Marine intercept it halfway."

"No, it's a big risk to do so." Sengoku Fu refused without hesitation.

Even after figuring out the route of Doflamingo, the crane has always had a hard time catching the flexible Doflamingo.

Especially after this revelation, Rosinante will be at great risk under that investigation.

What's more, this is only the first batch at the beginning.

Hearing this, Corazon didn't speak, quietly waiting for Sengoku's reply.

"Rosinante, you can continue to maintain the status quo, and then report to me the specific time of delivery, Kaido will have our people infiltrate."

"Currently, the priority is to find out the situation of this man-made Devil Fruit, understand!"

After hearing the answer from the other party and giving instructions to pay attention to safety, the phone bug hangs up in Sengoku's hands.

Rubbing the forehead with some headaches, Sengoku immediately took out the phone bug that was connected to the top, and began to convey the information that should not be underestimated to the five Elders who were connected.

As a result, as Sengoku said, since a dedicated industrial chain has been formed, the World government naturally pays special attention to this product of change in the new era.

But before that, how effective it is, as well as side effects, can be experimented with Beasts Pirates.

If it is acceptable to the world government, they don't mind getting involved in the industry chain afterwards.

After all, whether it's arms deals or seastone processed products, one of Wanokuni's big buyers in a sense is the World government.

As long as it is beneficial to the World government, trading with pirates will not make them feel ashamed.

As for Kaido, he still doesn’t know that the man-made Devil Fruit news has been leaked.

The Beasts Pirates, at the moment, are still worried that their captain is in an unstable period of rage.

In the center of a certain island in New World, where Kaido is located in the base camp area, the sound of violent anger is heard from time to time

"`" Mo De that guy, that's Laozi's son! When did he become that bastard?!"

"And that brat Yamato, with Laozi's blood flowing through his body, actually insisted that he would fight Laozi as Mo De's side!"


With a roar, the table was directly reduced to crumbs under the sound of Kaido venting.

After learning that Yamato has Thunder Fruit, Kaido failed to ask Mo De, and this situation came into being.

Mo De, who is far away in Wanokuni, will not be used to Kaido.

If we were afraid at the beginning, now Mo De is higher than Kaido in terms of strength (well done) or status.

What's more, I still occupy a dominant position in the Smile industry chain, Kaido's anger, and dare not really contradict himself [it is true that Song Neng has become a catharsis of incompetence and rage.

"Good performance."

Mo De rubbed Yamato's shaking white hair.

"How could I leave Mo De's side because of that stinky old man!"

Yamato contentedly enjoyed the warmth from above his head.

In various senses, under his influence, he has become the highest status in Yamato's heart.

Not to mention that Kaido had previously bargained with Yamato as a commodity in the phone bug, but deliberately let Yamato listen to him verbatim.

In one fell swoop, Yamato's sense of recognition of the beasts has been minimized, and now it is for himself, the father is kind and the son is filial. In this time and space, there is still a father. .

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