Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter Eleven: The Way To Leave, And The Sky

When Mo De judged the result, Fang Rang Gion raised his head in astonishment.

It seemed that she couldn't understand the opponent's sudden increase in strength, but it was only in an instant that she was helplessly defeated.

Although it is a bit difficult to accept, but losing is not losing.

The suppressed Gion Meimou stared and said: "It won't take long for Naval Headquarters' support to arrive on this island. You who attacked the headquarters Rear Admiral are destined to be unable to escape here!"

This sentence is true. Under the previous order, those garrisons must have already provided support to Naval Headquarters. Coupled with their relationship with Chief of Staff Crane, the speed of support will not be too slow.

Mo De looked at Gion and smiled: "Then what if I use you as a hostage?"

"Then I'd rather die!" Gion said coldly.

"Then don't worry, you must know that even an opponent is worth far more than a dead person."

Without waiting for Gion's next words, Mo De Haki burst open, and under the control of the terrifying Conqueror's, it rolled towards Gion as if falling from the sky.

Gion, who was already unable to resist, barely passed out with strong willpower, but his body inevitably lost all strength and became limp.

"Marine's pursuit will immediately bring the port under control." After being suppressed all of a sudden, Gion still looked death-defying and glared, "You absolutely can't escape from here."

No one can leave from Sabaody Archipelago as long as they control the port that also goes to sea.

Mo De laughed out loud when he heard the words, and at the same time looked at the Marine garrisons who were preparing to rescue in the distance after Gion's defeat.

"The way to leave is not only the sea, isn't the sky also very wide?"

After the words fell, Mo De bent down and pressed his hands on the ground of the No. 1 island.


The ground began to shake violently, and many Marines who were holding weapons fell to the ground due to the trembling.

The ground began to change, and the entire grass surface was changed, as if it had turned into a desert in an instant, and the quicksand and soil under the ground were given life, and they churned one by one, turning into quicksand storms and flying up in the air. Towards the surrounding Marine buried away.

The framed mortar was quickly swept down by the stone flow, and the unstoppable ground tide swallowed up all the ammunition, until it completely submerged the inescapable Marine, forming huge mounds of more than ten meters high, covering all The garrison is trapped inside.

"This... this is... the ability of the Golden Lion!"

Using Moonwalk to quickly back away from the shock range, the officer widened his eyes and trembled in disbelief.

Although he was only a major stationed here, he was one of those who were present in the battle that almost destroyed half of Marineford a few years ago.

Even if it is a different move, he is very clear about the ability to make the ground float.

The same thought also appeared in Gion's mind.

But without waiting for her to think about it, a large piece of ground where it was located, together with a part of the auction house, carried the surface and began to break away from gravity, broke free from the shackles of this island with a roar, and floated into the air.

"Damn it!"

The officer cursed, Moonwalk stepped forward, but was swung directly, and the invisible floating animal immediately slammed it back to the ground, looked at Mo De with a face full of reluctance, took the Gion Rear Admiral into the sky, and then slowly Disappeared from view.

At the same time, no one knew that there was an uninhabited pirate ship floating in the sky thousands of meters outside the Sabaody Archipelago, in an area covered by clouds.

This is the second-hand preparation made by Mo De.

Landing steadily on this airship, Mo De felt that in the world of One Piece, the ship is indeed more comfortable to exist.

Although this ship was also snatched by him.

Putting Gion on the deck, looking at the still shocked expression of the other party, Mo De couldn't help but joked: "How? I have already escaped from the Sabaody Archipelago. The so-called guarding the port is useless to me."

When bringing Gion to the boat, Mo De searched out the opponent's phone bug and other props, so that no one would know where they are at the moment.

The sky is definitely an area that is difficult for Marine to touch today.

"Unexpectedly, you are the jailer who killed the Golden Lion a few years ago."

"You recognize me?"

Mo De didn't deny it, but he was also a little curious. After years of training and food improvement, his body shape and state are definitely completely different from before, even his appearance has changed significantly.

Gion didn't answer Mo De's question, but asked self-consciously: "You killed the Golden Lion because of his fruit ability, so why did you kill Byrnndi Waldo, it is impossible for a human to have the first With two fruit abilities, you didn't have anything else in your hand when you left, so is it a so-called vendetta?"

With those words, Mo De who asked was speechless for a while: "Hey, hey, you are my prisoner now, thanks to your current state, you still have the confidence to ask me all kinds of things."

"However, it seems that there are quite a few people who are very capable in Marine, but I don't know whether it is The Resourceful General Sengoku or the chief staff officer Tsuru who is speculated, but no matter which one, it is a pity that Marine is just a lackey who obeys the orders of the World government."

Seeing Mo De shaking his head regretfully, Gion, who was still wearing the Marine justice cloak, immediately became angry, regardless of her restricted state at the moment, and said angrily: "Whether it is Marine or World government, it is The symbol of maintaining the peace of the sea! It is definitely not something you dangerous people can despise!"

Saying that he is a dangerous person, Mo De did not refute.

Lion Fruit is such a top strategic force with the ability to rewrite the map at will. To some extent, he has mastered Lion Fruit, which is indeed a dangerous existence enough to endanger the country.

As long as he wanted to, it would not be a problem to raise and fall the entire huge Sabaody Archipelago, but although he claimed to be not a good person, he was not a guy who could ignore the lives of ordinary people as nothing.

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