Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 112 Successful Plundering Of Fruits, Expansion Of Alloy Technology

【Sea Circle Calendar December 1508】

After the research and development of the new alloy, in addition to maintaining the operation of the Smile element, the researchers of the man-made Devil Fruit team also temporarily put aside their work at hand and began to specialize in research on this new technological creation.

And with the deeper research, there are more directions that can be developed for metals combined with biological factors.

For example, the man-made man made of this new alloy extracts the factors of man-made Devil Fruit to realize an alternative Smile Zoan Legion, and it can also be equipped with the drug weapons that Guy is keen on, making a deadly toxin machine that can be released and used .

At the same time, the weapons made of this alloy can also be realized. Yamato has energy powers such as thunder beams and lasers, and it is better stored in it to achieve the realization of laser energy weapons.

Of course, it is still only in the development stage, but with this alloy, it is only a matter of time.

【Sea Circle Calendar March 1509】

Comps, who is more proficient in Munch-Munch Fruit, began to try the direction of the fruit ability person proposed by Mo De.

The Demon fruit power has been grabbed from the Grand Line in advance, which is a necessary element for this direction.

Not a so-called human trial, but pretty much the same.

Although it involves the way of "eating" characters, Komps' strong psychological quality is also one of the reasons why Mo De chooses him to eat Munch-Munch Fruit.

It's just a change of concept, using the mouth after Tuntun's form as a weapon and a craftsman's transformation table, and it can barely overcome the past for eating creatures.

And after the first breakthrough, swallowing later is a hurdle that can be easily crossed.

Swallow this Devil Fruit into the Tuntun space, and Komps himself will control all the matter and living things inside. Therefore, without much change in his body shape, except for being able to Munch-Munch Fruit, Komps can The sonic ability of the experimental subject was used.

Even, he swallowed the terrified Guysa, and also created a double-faced fruit ability with sound waves and gas abilities, which was dominated by Guysa.

The terrifying transformation ability of Munch-Munch Fruit, the ability to create double-fruit abilities that break the rules of the sea, has been confirmed, but before that, you have to accept that you have other people's biological factors in your body.

In this way, the combination of fruits, as well as the diversity of alloy weapons and legions, has a further development direction.

And with the dual fruit ability, they also began to experiment with double Devil Fruit.

It's just that the recombination of biological codes ended in failure.

Even the magical ability that can break many common senses, it is impossible to create a Devil Fruit with dual abilities. It seems to involve iron-clad rules, and it also reflects the gold content of what Mo De is a cheat.

Ben didn't have much hope for this, except for a little pity, Mo De didn't care much about it.

Two days later, it was still the unlucky sonic ability user as the experiment.

After mastering the [Merge] of ability users, this time is Mo De's second most important goal for Munch-Munch Fruit, which is to test the ability users to capture Devil Fruit.

At this point, Mo De believes that there are two demon abilities that can be realized, one is Munch-Munch Fruit, and the other is Dark Fruit that Mo De is also concerned about.

The former can be combined to become a double-fruit ability person in a short time, but there is a point that one cannot permanently rob the opponent's ability.

The latter, through the gravity of the Dark Fruit, can transplant the biological factors of the ability carrier to the level of the human body structure and even the soul, so as to completely seize and occupy the fruit ability of others.

Although they are different, the two have one thing in common, that is, the transformation ability of Munch-Munch Fruit, which can control the fruit ability just like Dark Fruit.

As long as it is clear that Dark Fruit uses gravitational force, combined with the Munch-Munch Fruit space that can be reorganized arbitrarily, just like Mo De did in Impel down, it is not unreasonable to endow the ability to "loot" and "loot" on new fruits. possible things.

Convinced by the general's strong imagination, Comps carried out the experiment according to Mo De's request.

For the first time, when the life state was intact, the ability to transfer failed.

The second time, when the ability user was on the verge of death, he made a knot in the Tuntun space, and a fruit with special patterns was spit out from his mouth by Komps.

Mo De was overjoyed, so he started looking out to the sea of ​​Wanokuni with malicious eyes.

Those mighty Devil Fruit abilities.

Immediately after Mo De thought of something, after having Munch-Munch Fruit, BIGMOM is full of treasures!

Powerful soul ability! And natural destroyer [horror biological factor of steel balloon!

If it is equipped with a man-made mechanical army equipped with memory shape alloys, can the so-called Seraphim of the Shichibukai gene in the original book be comparable to the emperor of the sea?

【Sea Circle Calendar July 1509】

The shadow guard tracked the pirate named by Mo De and the former Marine general, school Dies Barreiros, and successfully secretly stole Vice Admiral after he discovered the Op-Op Fruit.

In the same month, through the discussion and conception of craftsmen and researchers, the Alloy Machinery Corps began to enter the production period.

The deeper Devil Fruit bloodline factor coding than Zoan also began to unfold with the construction of the alloy legion, especially Yamato, who was the main factor of power, began to release the ability of thunder in the scientific research base from time to time.

【Sea Circle Calendar August 1509】

As the main point of the weapon's characteristics, Baby-5, which has been changed and distorted and needs a personality, began to step into it, using the characteristics of the weapon's fruit to absorb power and feedback knowledge

The research of the Department of Biology is still going on, and compared with the previous difficult directions, more practical battle suits have been successfully manufactured.

Just like the general shape memory armor of Germa 66, it is very strong, resistant to being burned by high temperature, and can withstand (may it) the pressure resistance of a heavy hammer, and is equipped with the same acceleration and suspension device under the feet .

More comprehensively, the scientific research troops have also adopted the waterproofness of the fish men island bubble film, which has a specific naval battle mode, which is convenient for those capable of wearing combat suits and is immune to seawater factors to a certain extent.

This is the comprehensive utility of First Generation products.

And after the factor coding of diversity is completed carefully, there will be even more changes like heaven and earth.

By substituting the code of the factor carrier, the wearer can be endowed with elemental attacks such as toxins, flames, thunder, amplification, and invisibility.

This is like completely obtaining a new type of ability user, and the equipped arms are completely two concepts.

Looking at the development of the technology tree caused by Munch-Munch Fruit in recent years.

Mo De is very satisfied, this is destined to be the fastest growing magazine in terms of technology for Wanokuni!

Sure enough, science is also a great human power. .

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