Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 120 Daughter Country, Mermaid Bay, Paradise In Men's Dreams

After Mo De gave the other party a day to prepare.

The royal courtiers who stayed in the reception room finally let go of the discussion.

"Princess, are you serious about your decision to take Princess Shirahoshi to live in such a dangerous place as New World?" The left minister of the catfish mermaid still had meaning to this decision.

"Yes, you are the princess of our country. How can you move to another country to live? Let's discuss this important matter before making a decision." The Seahorse Mermaid Right Minister said immediately.

Neptune, who would always defend Otohime, was silent at the moment.

For his wife's decision, of course he was also reluctant.

"This is my determination." Princess Otohime said seriously.

Immediately afterwards, she turned to Neptune, also telling him why she chose "August 13".

"According to the letter form mentioned by the Air General, under the current situation, more than half of the people on The fish men island will be left here. If we leave, what should they do?

Neptune, who is a king, cannot make this cruel decision, and even more so is Princess Otohime, who is a kind person.

Therefore, without thoroughly angering the Air General, they can only choose the second option, a way of selling women for safety.

"And for Shirahoshi's sake, there has to be someone around to hold her back."

Princess Otohime said that the other ministers could not understand the deeper meaning, but Neptune understood it.

Today's Shirahoshi can't fully grasp that power, if it leads to too much emotional fluctuation, it will lead to the power of Poseidon without accident.

If there is any loss, it is hard to guarantee what the general will do.

Letting the wife go together is to protect, but also to test the truth.

"I also want to see with my own eyes whether the mermaids can really live together peacefully in Wanokuni. No matter what the situation is, we must fight for their future for the next generation."

"Also don't look at the lord who started negotiating with us on terms, since he personally descended on The fish men island, we don't have any choice, don't we?"

"The worst situation is something we all don't want to see. Instead of waiting for the result, making a choice now may have a chance to seize the future."

Princess Otohime spoke the truth that no one wanted to hear in a gentle tone, breaking a silence.

It wasn't until a while before Neptune said: "You are equivalent to emigrating, wouldn't it be difficult to return to The fish men island afterward.

He cares a lot about his wife, not to mention that Shirahoshi is also the favorite of his children.

"Everything is uncertain."

"Shirahoshi won't be a tool, that's what I've heard."

Knowing that Neptune said this, in his heart he agreed with his decision to go with him, and Otohime leaned on the other party and comforted him gently.

"I talked to the lady in charge, Wanokuni is now allowed to go out without restriction."

"As long as Shirahoshi is valued by that adult, these are not problems. Maybe in the end, there is no need to go to The fish men island, but the residents can change their lives on another island.

Leaning in the luxurious lounge of Dragon Palace City, enjoying Robin's service, Mo De doesn't mind giving The fish men island an extra day.

"Since my lord has made a decision long ago, shouldn't it be enough to focus on the mermaid princess from the very beginning?"

In the case of the two of them, Robin used his feelings beyond his retainers and complained a little: "I thought you really wanted to get The fish men island into your pocket" and did your homework.

Mo De smiled and looked at Robin who was listening to the speech in the outer square with Flower-Flower Fruit by the window.

"Isn't this great? At least I can feel that your speaking ability has improved a lot. Of course, your words are also necessary. It is you who arouse their minds, so that the follow-up can be so smooth."

"If you say it clearly from the beginning, you may be able to achieve your goal, but it is very different from the state of mind that the other party is making a choice now.

Mo De stretched his waist, full of an aura of ease and control.

"What's more, knowing that I have the ability to change their current and future situations, in terms of Shirahoshi, they will pay more attention to the instability in the initial stage of Poseidon.

It will be solved easily. "

Shirahoshi is different from others, she was originally a princess of a country, but now she still has a good life......

Princess Otohime is the most stable Shirahoshi who has traveled far away.

The trouble is a bit troublesome, but the effect is very good.

Of course, it's also only Shirahoshi who deserves it.

Because what he wants is a long-term and obedient rule, if it were someone else, it would be over if he directly plundered by force.

At this moment, at the square of The fish men island, a large-scale event is unfolding with the help of the appeal of the royal family in The fish men island.

The content is very straightforward, Air General Mo De will hang the flag of his name on The fish men island to overcome the difficulty of the country being invaded by others.

At the same time, some willing and outstanding residents will be selected to get the opportunity to live in Wanokuni.

Naturally, it caused a nationwide sensation, and Kexu abounded.

It's just that because of the Tiger incident, Princess Othime's signature was even taken back. Even if Mo De is a favored existence like Whitebeard, the enthusiasm has not spread to the whole country.

But even so, there are 1/4 of the entire The fish men island, more than 1 million people, who are willing to meet Mo De's population of only tens of thousands.

Mo De needs some murlocs with good strength, as they have ten times the strength of human wrists, and can do some physical work.

As for the mermaid, the place to live is the colorful coast of the Wanokuni Entertainment Zone.

Naturally, except for men, mermaids are more attractive.

Not only to create an atmosphere for Shirahoshi, Mermaid Bay is also a scene that Mo De came to this world and wanted to reproduce in his own place.

Amazon Lily, Mermaid Bay, these are the paradises of men's dreams. Isn't it an achievement in an extraordinary sense to reproduce the Mo De that doesn't hide their greed.

So after careful selection and review, one day of preparation.

Under the high-intensity work of the royal family, the population is about 30,000.

20,000 murlocs, 10,000 murlocs, and high-level residents who meet Mo De's requirements, full of shock and expectation, boarded Mo De's super-large ship that doubled Mo De's ability.

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