The restricted area and scientific research base after reconstruction of Wanokuni.

The location is in the middle of the weapon processing factory near Rabbit Bowl, the military base of Babu Port, and the Amazon Lily Fortress.

Under the double protection of resources and armed forces, this is undoubtedly the core area of ​​Wanokuni's current restricted area.

The huge research area, Mo De - receives greetings from every direction.

At the same time, with the continuous expansion of its own power, Wanokuni is not only coming from outside, but also including local people, and the scientific research team is getting bigger and bigger.

To be able to enter here, in addition to knowledge and technology hardware clearance, the most important thing is to be able to listen to the inner loyalty test through Mo De.

After all, the importance of it is a curve that occupies at least 30% of Wanokuni's future situation.

Among the scientific research bases, like Yutingfan, with the continuous expansion of the "350" forces, there are also different levels of high and low levels.

Life-oriented technology application, concept design of new technology, large-scale manufacturing of new weapons, factor code interpretation, artificial fruit maintenance and development, pure gold extraction research, memory shape alloy technology tree, etc.

The difference between high and low is the leap from life to arms, from the old era to the new era.

The beginning of the interpretation based on the factor code alone is that the scientific research base is placed in the forbidden area in the center of the three.

Also starting from here, there will be professors who specialize in teaching factor coding courses, and then scientific research scholars with improved qualifications, experience, and abilities will begin to slowly enter the research team directly under Mo De.

Go straight to the largest experimental center that is built deep in the core area. This is the area of ​​factor coding, and it is also the place where top secret experiments are started.

Each door has a certified defense system made of unique scientific and technological equipment, which is difficult to break through even the highly concentrated thunder bombardment.

The highest zone that can only be entered with a special identity card that matches it.

Mo De easily crossed the threshold of protection.

On the way, I also saw the Dongtata tribe who were collecting and maintaining artificial fruits for cultivation. Because of the expansion of the scientific research base, in order to facilitate their work, a part of the jungle area was established here to facilitate the small people.

Saying hello to the cute little people who are scheduled for this week, Mo Defang is to enter the track channel and go directly to the deepest new technology tree to discover.

The direction of pure gold is not in a hurry, so Mo De will not bother this group of scientific research teams.

After scanning the mechanical door, it slowly opened towards both sides, and Mo De stepped into the memory shape alloy operated by Compus, including the laboratory where the scientific research team of Guysa and other directly affiliated institutions are located.

There is a range of thousands of meters, like a giant processing factory, and there is even a next-level area, which contains various mechanical instruments with complete facilities.

The training room, manufacturing room, and research room are all integrated in it, and on the back, there is a unique testing site built facing outward.

"Lord Mo De!"

A cheerful voice sounded not far away, and then under the eyes of the scientists, Baby-5 jumped into Mo De's arms. ?

Baby-5, which has the fruit of weapons, is here not only to provide scientists with special research on weapons.

In the research institute of this new alloy technology tree, the knowledge and scientific research achievements possessed are the places where the strength can be improved the most.

Now only thirteen years old, after mastering a certain amount of two-color Haki, the strength he possesses has completely surpassed that of the killer maid in her twenties in the original book.

Especially with the successful manufacture of energy weapons and the increasingly versatile functions of the new battle suits, Baby-5 can even become a multi-capable person who combines multiple transformation suits.

After changing the distorted personality that everyone needs, as the technology tree expands, it will become stronger in the future, but it can become the only killer maid who serves herself.

After catching the coquettish Baby-5, the rest of the scientists also began to salute after seeing the core bone.

Scientists are often immersed in the professions in their minds, and sometimes even Guysa or Comps can't bring the other party back to their senses.

However, as the rulers of the Wanokuni sea area today, the scientists who also serve him can miraculously put down their research and express their respect.

"You continue to be busy with your own business." Mo De nodded and said.

He didn't come here specially for the so-called vanity to listen to these scientists say hello.

But even if a special case is given, these scientists don't have to respect themselves when they are busy, and it will still be the same next time...

Over time, Mo De just let them go.

"Comps, how is the embryo doing?"

After letting Baby-5 hang for a while, Mo De just put it down and walked towards the manufacturing room with the largest area in the center.

This is the core experimental structure of the current concrete form alloy technology tree.

An underground institution similar to the original Germa 66.

However, the difference is that it is not a clone of life in the nutrient solution.

Each of them is a structured mechanical body. These are life robots that are manufactured through the latest memory shape alloys and can be substituted with blood factor codes.

A little more specific instructions.

That is the future pacifist form that appeared in the Summit War, a war weapon that crossed the age.

"Everything is stable, and the factor programming of the shape framework has been constructed, and it only needs to be perfected and stabilized in the subsequent stages." Komps replied.

Guy, who also slowly shifted his focus from Smile to this point, also took the initiative to explain: "Hoo! Master Mo De, everything has been constructed according to what you said."

"At that time, we will be able to manufacture in batches the top kendo geniuses and physical masters with superpowers who will complete the integration of biological factors and other energy factors!"

"Of course, what you're looking forward to the most is what you said, importing the biological factor 5.3 of a natural monster like BIGMOM, which has the defense and attack power of that monster. Pair it with the weapon I developed, and it must be the strongest. weapons of war!"

As if anticipating that situation, Guy burst into blood.

But this is not a delusion, but a fact that is about to be realized.

Mo De looked at each of the embryonic mechanical bodies, showing a sarcastic smile.

Listed under each link, each nodding robot has a different shape and posture, but this change of shape is the simplest.

They can only execute orders and are obedient, and they also have the defense of steel balloons, the high resilience of memory forms, and the mechanical army that can also import Devil Fruit abilities.

Just thinking about Mo De makes me a little excited.

But before that, you have to build a pacifist with a railgun!.

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