Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 128 Huge Human Body Experiment, Phantom Beast Species, A Deception Of Great Enlightenment


The moonlight is sparse and bright, and the stars are like embellishments.

Even in the wartime stage, the fame of the Fire Festival is still held as the main event of the year, held under the Hanabi, which is celebrated nationwide.

It's just different.

This year, however, there were no usual competitions and invitations to the flame festival.

As the New World is about to usher in a huge feast before the New Year's calendar, this is unusual, but it makes the Dark World and even the World government pay special attention to it.

It was like a sense of depression before a storm, spreading over the sea, and many forces were keenly aware of a trace of unusual meaning, and the undercurrent was surging.

Also in Wanokuni at this moment, although there is no usual most lively contest, there are bonfires with different characteristics lit up everywhere, and the residents gather around the bonfires to drink and revel, watch festival music and dance, and hold a grand ceremony banquet.

Under the jubilant festival, some people had other thoughts and did not gather together with the majority to frolick under the stage of the grand ceremony.

Instead, he took this opportunity and slowly sneaked towards the research base in the forbidden area.

According to their inquiries, the annual flame festival is the most relaxing place here.

Here, someone has already met them 717.

That was a soldier wearing a special guard uniform, and he was also one of the guards in charge of guarding this area.

It's like a sneaky secret transaction, taking over the huge amount of money in the hands of those four people.

The soldiers looked around as if pretending to be ignorant, and after confirming that there was no one there, they gave the other party a few sets of special guard costumes and let the four of them sneak in.

It wasn't until the other party went deep for a while that the guard took out the phone bug, dialed the contact person and said respectfully: "Master Robin, you have been released.

The four people who entered the scientific research base were unaware of the changes in the outside situation.

Instead, as if he had never seen the world, he looked up the various technological equipment, instruments and facilities around him curiously.

Curious and pleasantly surprised at the same time, because as expected, there were no other scientists around, and they all went to the fire festival outside for the time being!

In this way, the risk of being discovered can be greatly reduced, even if they have changed into guard clothes.

Until one of them reminded: "Okay, we don't have much time, we have to take advantage of this great opportunity to find that treasure, if we are found, we will be punished by Xingba."

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the people thought of something, trembled in fear, and then quickly searched for something in front of these instruments.

"Stupid, how can something that can make people live forever in this first room, isn't there an open door here?!"

One of the four spoke suddenly, and the rest just noticed a double alloy door lying open.

They didn't even have any thought of prudence, and under the tension of racing against time, the four of them walked towards it directly.

After turning the corner, their vision changed, and they immediately noticed the frightening thing, and they couldn't help but startled: "This... what is this? A giant? What's the situation?!"

In the center of the front, under a huge infusion culture device, there was a strong green-haired woman about ten meters in length, who was soaked in it.

In front of the instrument, there is also a notice of the sign.

Two of them couldn't help walking forward, noticed the sign on the notice, and couldn't help but read aloud: "Human body giantization experiment, normal human beings are cultivated into giants...

His mouth followed his eyes, but before he finished reading, he couldn't help but feel a huge shock in his heart, and stepped back a few steps in unacceptable panic.

It seems to have discovered a big event, it's terrible, it's better to leave as if you don't know anything.

The two couldn't help but hastily backed away, forcefully looking away from the terrifying female giant.

The next moment, the voices of the other two followed closely: "Come and see, we found (agch), pure gold is here!"


Apart from whispered conversations, there was a sudden sound of objects hitting the ground in the extremely silent research room.

The two who shouted to find the pure gold suddenly noticed that the other two companions who were watching the giant had collapsed to the ground at some point.

There was obviously no sign of anyone around.


The sound of air being slid suddenly came from the ear.

Immediately afterwards, the head was suddenly hit by a terrible heavy hammer, and the two of them also followed the signs of being knocked out by the hammer.

Under such circumstances, there is no one in the environment,

As if the environment had been recolored, the camouflage effect flickered in the air, and Baby-5, wearing a combat maid outfit, appeared with a weapon in hand.

After knocking out all the infiltrators, Baby-5 went to the training platform for the experiment of gigantic human body, and turned off the machine.

The potion-like liquid faded away until it disappeared to the bottom, and the delicate alloy glass unfolded to both sides.

Among them, the female giant suddenly opened her eyes that had been closed all the time, and then moved the communication device for mouth, nose and breathing with her hands with difficulty, and walked out of the huge infusion tank.

The huge body of nearly ten meters is slowly returning to the normal world of two or three meters.

"Sandersonia, how do you feel?" Baby-5 asked with a smile, obviously teasing.

"Ah, it's really uncomfortable, soaking in this instrument for an hour or two."

As if due to maintaining one movement for a long time, Sandersonia rubbed her shoulders up and down with some soreness.

Since the elder sister Boa·Hancock became the emperor of Amazon Lily, the two sisters, Sandersonia and Marigold, naturally followed suit and continued to become stronger.

Especially with the experience of being arrested and taken away because of his weakness, he became more and more hardworking after accepting Wanokuni's high-intensity systematic and mechanized training.

Now, like Boa Hancock, she has become the three strongest women in Amazon Lily, possessing a strength that is much higher than that of the red sheath warrior.

Among them, Sandersonia, the second younger sister of Hancock, was given the reward of the first competition due to her outstanding physical skills and armed color, and Koshiro returned in the form of the human fruit, phantom beast, and great enlightenment.

Its ability not only has the unique power of Zoan, and the ability to improve the high-intensity quality of the body, but also has the blessing changes of the phantom beast species.

The form of Dao Dao is the giant form that just appeared, which can make itself bigger and has a huge body like a giant. Under the development of Sandersonia, it can even become as huge as a mountain tens of meters, and This is not the limit.

This is the third powerful ability of the Amazon Lily Fortress, which is a forbidden area, that has not been exposed to the sea. .

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