Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 134 Pirates Should Do Anything For Profit!

The next period of time.

Whether it is the nations in the Totto Land sea area or the Wanokuni sea area, there is no further news. Both sides seem to be preparing for the upcoming battle.

This war, which is destined to be closely related to the New World Four Emperors structure, has fermented more and more over time.

Marines, pirates, common people, and even all kinds of underground forces, large and small, all turned their attention to the border sea area where the conflict was about to break out.

Under a seemingly peaceful atmosphere.

The undercurrent is already surging.

New World, an island belonging to the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Father, it looks like the BIGMOM Pirates are about to come out~ it's moving."

Harta, the captain of the twelfth division, said solemnly: "This situation is bound to have another impact on New World.

"Halta, your temperament is too stable. Pirates are not such a creature."

The captain of the 7th team next to him, Lakeyo, chuckled, turned to look at Whitebeard, "Father, this is an opportunity, isn't it just that guy is messing with our territory, and we can take this opportunity to repay them well."

Obviously the site refers to The fish men island with the flag.

Whitebeard, who was half lying on the rattan chair, did not answer this question, but looked at Yizang aside: "What do you think, Yizang?"

Everyone present knew that Yizang, the captain of the 16th squad, who was considered a veteran, was from Wanokuni.

When asked about himself, Yi Zang couldn't help but hesitate, but soon turned his head and said: "You don't need to care about me, my family now is you."

"Cool la la la la!"

After laughing loudly, Whitebeard suddenly sat up straight, grinned and said, "That's right, it's good, how can the pirate turn a blind eye to it, not to mention that brat has been very arrogant recently."

Marco smiled slightly, "Yes, we are the Whitebeard Pirates!"

It was like an absolute cheering slogan. As soon as Marco said this, the people around him immediately became excited like a chicken blood.

"What to do, Biddy. W

Quite a few were excited, and it was their way of showing the world the strength of their Whitebeard regiment.

"Thief hahaha!"

Teach bit the donut and laughed suddenly: "Dad, I have an idea."

Whitebeard looked at the core bone, and the rest naturally followed to look at Teach.

Although he is not the captain, he is also a veteran who grew up in the Baituan, and he can still have the respect he deserves in a family atmosphere.

Teach showed a simple and honest smile, and then said: "We can take advantage of the critical moment when the BIGMOM pirates are fighting against Mo De, and directly attack Wanokuni.

Hearing this, many people were speechless for a while, thinking that the other party would come up with better ideas.

But it is undeniable that this idea is really good, although it is insidious, no matter from the perspective of rewarding Mo De or the degree of profit, it can gain a lot.

Whitebeard frowned slightly. Marco, who knew his father best, knew that his father never liked sneak attacks while others were not prepared, so he immediately shook his head in denial.

"Teach, your idea is not bad, but it's too cheap for us. Even if we succeed, what will people in the world think of us? How will they think of Dad?"

"Papa is the strongest man in the world. With this method, no matter how great the benefits are, it can't make up for the damage to Papa's name."

The pirates who originally thought that Teach had a good idea changed the direction of the wind immediately.

What Erke said is right, what benefits are far worse than the reputation of the old man. "

"That's right, Wanokuni is not easy to attack. After all, it has a steep terrain, and as Mo De's base camp, all kinds of protective deployment must be very complete."

The rest of the captains followed suit.

Seeing that his own words were generally recognized, Marco also stood up from the steps: "I don't think it's better than this. Since Mo De is going to war with BIGMOM, he must have taken a fancy to the other party's territory."

"Let's just wait after the battle and join the turf battle. Mo De intervenes in our turf, and we will plunder his achievements.

After speaking, Marco turned his head to look at Whitebeard, waiting for the other party's answer.

Compared with Teach's statement, of course, Marco is more in line with his wishes, Whitebeard did not hesitate at all, waved his hand, and readily agreed.

"Ku la la la la la, just act according to what Marco said, there is no objection [Teach."

"How come, father."

Teach immediately scratched his head with a smile on his face: "I'm just raising an idea, I didn't consider Dad's reputation, if I thought about it, I would definitely be the same as Captain Marko

Whitebeard nodded in satisfaction, he didn't care if he had different ideas or concepts, because his sons could be said to come from all over the world, as long as they didn't touch the iron law of the ship, that was enough.

0...seeking flowers...

As the pirates with Whitebeard as the core, when the husband opened his mouth, everyone else followed Marco's idea.

Teach followed suit, with a smile that was half true and half false.

After so many years, he does not deny the powerful strength of Whitebeard, and sincerely agrees, admires and desires.

In fact, he didn't have much hope at the beginning, after all, it was too difficult to find a specific Devil Fruit in such a big world.

He even thought that if he couldn't find the Dark Fruit, he would just stay in the Whitebeard Pirates for the rest of his life.

However, after seeing Mo De who turned out to be born a few years ago, and possessed the ability of double Devil Fruit, the ambition that has been suppressed in Teach's heart "slowly appeared a crack that wanted to be released.


Obviously he can also have the capital of dual abilities, but for his ultimate goal, he can only choose to endure.

At the same time, there is a lot of jealousy and jealousy towards Mo De, who is now the emperor of the sea.

And the sudden war between the two emperors was supposed to be able to use the hands of the old man to severely damage such a troublesome force for his possible future, but he was rejected by such a ridiculous reason.

A pirate is a pirate, a guy who is supposed to use all means for profit, but actually gave up such a good proposal because he cared about his reputation.

As for the so-called terrain protection, would Dad, who has the strongest ability in the world, be afraid of this?!

Taking a piece of steak casually, Teach looked at this group of companions in a warm family atmosphere, and couldn't help but feel nauseous from the bottom of his heart.

Sure enough, it's good to be under the protection of the father's name, but this kind of family atmosphere like playing house is really not to his liking, this is no longer a pirate.

After taking a breath, Teach muttered in his heart again after a second thought.

With his ambitions getting stronger and stronger, even without Dark Fruit, he no longer intends to be an obscure little person for the rest of his life.

He is also twenty-nine years old now, not young, but with the background of the Whitebeard group still at its peak, he can still wait!

After all, the sea is changing rapidly, and people's dreams will never end!

In the conversation between Dad and Luo Jie, he knew the meaning of "D", which is also one of the symbols in his name!

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