Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 140 Ace Appears, The Situation Is Overwhelmed

The thunder on his body flashed again, with terrifying strength and Haki, Yamato quickly fought back.

——Thunder Eight Trigrams!


Amazing Conqueror's Haki.

Like invisible fluctuations, suddenly spread out from the attack under Yamato's thundering Eight Trigrams.

Hit hard at the target!

Seeing this, Katakuri's face changed, and the Conqueror's Haki also rushed forward quickly.


Like a materialized sphere, one black and one red, under the hedge, they can't stop pushing.

"Conqueror's Collision!"

While countless people were astonished, they were swept away by the strong wind.


The surface of the sea, which was originally turbulent, suddenly became majestic and violent, and the water splashed in all directions. Under the attack of the waves, it directly turned into a dangerous situation of turbulent waves. "Nine Sixty"

Haki from both sides, each with fierce thunder, fiercely intertwined, forced the vast sea to get out of the way.

The entire sky suddenly changed color.

"Woo hoo hoo..."


The incomparably violent hurricane raged lawlessly.

It seems to have experienced a century of changes in the world, but it only took less than half a minute.

The two extremely powerful auras finally decided the winner, and the Conqueror's was entangled by the winner.


The mace under the intertwined horror thunderbolt directly sent Katakuri, who was fighting in the air, flying away, and smashed it back to the main ship.

"Katakuri big brother!"

The tyranny under the collision, the impact of strength brought by the victory, directly blasted Katakuri, who was parrying with Haki with all his strength, abruptly, and hit the deck of the ship behind Wan Guo, piercing through the eye-catching crater Hole.

Looking at Katakuri who was completely lying down in the boat, countless members of the Zhenluote family couldn't help but get up.

It's not just a face-to-face meeting, but also the most perfect and powerful family in their minds except their mother, and the strength that never touches the ground is completely broken.

"how is this possible!"

Charlotte Owen couldn't accept it, and in extreme anger, flames burst out of her eyes.

"Owen! Don't be impulsive!"

Perospero cried out violently.

However, Owen, who was unable to stop the marching army, turned around abruptly, holding a naginata, and slashed at it with a terrifying flame.

Yamato raised his eyebrows, and immediately crossed them suddenly, the electric current flickered, and he teleported directly to the top, blasting down in the direction of the opponent's sudden attack!


The terrifying thunder directly wiped out all the flames set off by the heat, and with the offensive of the tyrant, it directly destroyed all of Owen's armed forces.

A violent storm was set off, hitting a cone-shaped area, and in the next moment, it suddenly burst open, turning into fragments all over the sky, scattered everywhere.

At the brief moment when Owen was blasted into the air, Yamato quickly clenched his hands again, and hit his chest with a stick.

The outward release far exceeded the strength, but the complete destruction from the outside to the inside, coupled with the destructive high-voltage current of the attack, directly caused Owen to spit out a big mouthful of blood, his eyes turned white, and his body completely collapsed from half kneeling.


Seeing this, Katakuri, who had slowed down, was about to rush to support, but his body suddenly turned into countless fluid Nuo Nuo, avoiding sharp sword lights one after another.

Quickly condensing the main body again, Katakuri looked at the coming person with a serious face, another trump card of the Oiwaban.

"It's really sharp, it's worthy of being able to develop the color of knowledge to the point where you can see the future for a short time.

At some point, Gion, who had already come to the rear of the Ten Thousand Nations Fleet, smiled and waved Jinpira at the same time: "However, I want to know whether the future you foresee can allow your body to keep up with the changes in acceleration. "


The moment the voice fell, her figure suddenly disappeared in place, leaving behind a series of afterimages, and slashed towards Katakuri at a speed that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye.

The flat and waveless attack was only an instant, and the speed of the attack seemed to have directly crossed a distance of several meters, and it was already in front of him.

But Katakuri, who had already dispersed his body to avoid the predicted attack position, felt a sudden stinging pain from his body during the change.

The sharp sword has already caused imprinting damage, leaving scars that can destroy Haki.

So fast!

No, not so much fast, but a sudden acceleration!

Obviously, the traces of the attack, as he predicted, split the body in advance to avoid it, but while walking according to the future, the opponent just swung the sword, and the attack came before the split.

This is the Devil Fruit ability!

Don't let her take the initiative to attack!

Having made a judgment in an instant, Katakuri quickly used his ability to turn his hands into strip-shaped rice cakes, and after merging with Armament Haki, in an instant, countless strip-shaped glutinous rice balls hardened with Armament Haki were quickly slapped towards Gion in all directions. and go.

Countless violent rice cakes swimming like pythons attacked Gion vigorously, even including various predicted positions, completely blocking them, leaving no room for escape


When Marine Six Styles was launched, coupled with the explosive acceleration up and down, her figure left an afterimage directly due to the excessive speed.

Strips of glutinous balls, all of which were predicted in advance, but still under acceleration, penetrated the position of the afterimage one step slower.

At the same time, countless strips of waxy balls in the air were cut off by the roots at some unknown time.

The bar-shaped rice cake arm that displayed its ability felt even more bone-chilling.

Immediately after he couldn't react in time, Gion had already flashed, and Jinpiro directly landed on the arm protected by the armed color, drawing a large bloodstain.

"It seems that not only the color of knowledge, but also your armed color is much better than the intelligence."

A figure with ease came from the constantly flickering phantom.


Katakuri gritted his teeth in pain, and suddenly activated his awakening ability. The area under his feet and the surrounding area turned into a piece of waxy ball 4.0, increasing the range of attack and protection.

The predictable but unstoppable terrifying speed, coupled with Tian Jianhao's sharp sword momentum.

Such an enemy is even more difficult to deal with than Yamato.

As the trump card of all nations, he was completely restricted, unable to support, and even had the risk of losing.

And the Gion in front of him is just one of the famous aces of the Royal Garden!

On Katakuri's forehead, cold sweat and eagerness could not help but break out.

Even though a very high judgment has been given, Wanokuni's elite terror still exceeds expectations.

Now it is only based on the advantage of numbers, but the casualties and the situation are completely crushed.

If Kaido's support is not tight enough, the army of all nations will be defeated even before the battle between Mom and Mo De is over!.

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