Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 151 The War Ends, The Prisoner Chooses

"Is this the so-called scene where the soul is hooked away in the true sense?

Seeing such a scene, Mo De laughed in his heart.

In fact, Hancock's use of the soul fruit is also in the development expected by Mo De.

That guy Charlotte Linlin used the famous Conqueror's deterrence to directly take away the soul and lifespan of the target who feared him.

And Hancock, who also owns Conqueror's Haki, can naturally use Charlotte Linlin's method together.

At the same time, for now, Hancock still has the biggest advantage of his own appearance, which can be used to play another routine.

It's like combining this ability with the sweet fruit ability in her original book.

From the target who will raise a peeping heart for his own beauty, directly force his soul away.

In this regard, although it is not as convenient as Conqueror's, but with the outstanding user Hancock himself, the effects and aspects can have a wider direction.

Harvesting a large wave of soul life energy directly, under the control of Hancock, it directly turned into an energy body like a blood dandelion, and flew to the side of Wanokuni's army. 06

The repairing effect brought by the soul is not only to make the soldiers who already have "Fairy Beans" recover faster.

Even those ships that were damaged due to the boarding battle also had the basis of life, and under Hancock's will, they slowly recovered.

That is the broken deck, the damaged ship pillars, etc., all of which have been beyond the normal situation, slowly recovering like a new life.

It is enough to see that the effective Paramecia fruit is so domineering, and it is also the best embodiment that the advantages of the sea outweigh the disadvantages.

Since the death of Jhin who shouted for the unyielding soul, and seeing the result of it, except for the pirates who passed out after being deprived of their life span beyond the normal range, under the two major forces of nations and beasts, there has been no screaming situation.

As a result, the war came to a complete end.

The victorious side cheered and celebrated loudly, and even with the huge reserves of combat power, they will completely resist the crushing trend of the Double Emperor Alliance, and show the sea in a grand manner.

Under the cheers, Mo De defaulted to speak, and almost everyone gave up resistance and made a choice to survive.

It's all over.

As the eldest son of Ten Thousand Kingdoms, Perospero knows better than anyone else that with the death of BIGMOM, after his mother's soul ability is taken away by the opponent's trump card, it is not only the remnants of them on the battlefield, but also those who are thousands of kilometers away. The entire ten thousand kingdoms are already prisoners of the flying generals.

Even if there is a chance to escape, in the brutally competitive New World, without the presence of Four Emperors-level combat power, it will be difficult to survive.

"Is it still over..."

Katakuri, who had been under the pressure of Gion before, gritted his teeth and made the last resistance, turned his head to look at the flying general in the distance, and his brother Perospero who looked lonely

With a brief gloomy expression, he closed his eyes wearily.

next moment.

His body, which was almost covered with blood, like countless holes, fell backwards again, lying on the ground in a big character, and the trident earth dragon came out weakly, and rolled to the ground. A few meters away.

Even if there was a secret alliance with Kaido, and they wanted to start a war, they didn't expect that after the war, the problem would be defeated.

They all underestimated Mo De's power too much.

The world is still too huge, there really is such an existence.

In a short period of time, he was able to become the Emperor of the Sea from an ordinary person on the sea, and the forces in charge reached the scale of this kind of war that crushed the forces of the Double Emperors in less than ten years.

The moment his back hit the ground, he no longer wanted to think about what he would face in the future, but instead felt a sense of relief welling up in his heart.

At this moment, a light source full of energy fell on Kataku Kaname.

Just the moment it touches the skin, the energy instantly dissipates.

The resulting effect was that Katakuri felt that his almost exhausted physical strength and painful wounds were undergoing rapid repair and recovery.

This sudden change made Katakuri, who had accepted the result of the defeat and was lying on his back with his eyes closed, open his eyes in doubt, and looked at Gion in front of him.

"Don't be surprised, even if it's not Mo De, as far as I am concerned, your value is still great." Gion said.

"Since you have made a choice, naturally capable people, even if they are currently prisoners, can get the treatment they deserve."

Although it was crushing along the way, Gion also recognized the opponent's strength.

Mastering the tyranny, predicting the future, and developing the fruit to awakening, if you don't get the speedy fruit, the situation is really hard to say.

Without obtaining the desired ability, Gion's strength has reached the level of Admiral's alternate in the original book, and his strength can be said to be comparable to Admiral's.

After having the speed ability, the most suitable ability, the effect is completely one plus one is greater than two, even now the three marine monsters 980, Gion also has a probability jump from fighting one to winning.

"Actually, you should also be thankful. After the Ten Thousand Kingdoms territory was promoted to the territory of Wanokuni, you have such a chance of being defeated and surviving. And after experiencing this battle yourself, you should be able to understand better. Everything under the leadership of that man is What a difference."

Gion said, looking at Mo De. Over the years, her personality charm, intelligence and strategy, and other characteristics have somewhat made her gradually change into the shape of Mo De.

Katakuri lowered his eyes and remained silent, and only after a while did he say: "How will my family arrange it?"

"Then it's up to you or the choices you can make. Since you are a talented person, I can tell you that in the arrangement of prisoners, there are also examiners. 11

Hearing this, Katakuri didn't say anything more.

Soon, after accepting the fact that he was defeated, he was bound by seastone chains like the rest of his family and was captured on Wanokuni's battleship.

This New World battle involving the peak of the three emperors also came to an end when the entire Ten Thousand Kingdoms Islands turned into a floating form and left the waters of Totto Land.

Under the live broadcast of Morgans, the title of air general has reached an unprecedented peak in the world. .

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