Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 160 Force Determines Value

After listening to Mo De's words, it was like the blood of the king, regenerating vitality into the blood of the whole body, Kaido's expression changed from slightly drunk to serious.

"Even without my intervention, you who still control Wanokuni secretly, knowing this so-called prophecy, would you accept your fate calmly?...No, right!"

Even without Kaido answering himself, Mo De has already spoken the answer.

"As you expected, the ultimate goal of building a powerful animal army to manage the arms trade is not to create a dispute at sea."

"Since you also want to start a war, why don't you come with me to a war that is enough to bring down those who are born nobles and those in power who are addicted to happiness?

Kaido "Zero Four Three" showed a smile: "You are right! To drag down those high-ranking nobles and those in power, only the force of war to determine the value is what this world should have!"

Of course Mo De knew Kaido's inner thoughts, otherwise he wouldn't have said such a special thing, so he said very directly: "Then what are your thoughts?"

"I am very interested in the war you mentioned, but Laozi has a different idea from yours." Kaido glanced at Mo De: "What Laozi wants to create is a world where there is no distinction between high and low, and only force determines value. And you should not be interested in these, just want to achieve yourself to become the supreme apex.

Mo De did not deny or agree: "The ideas of those in power are just empty talk now, but at least, the forces under my management can easily crush you and Charlotte Linlin."

"What's more, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. You think that force determines the value, so displaying the value of your life in war is the proper manifestation, isn't it?"

Kaido was silent for a while, and then spit out two clear words: "Laozi will not be your free fighter, but if it is only a gorgeous enough war, Laozi doesn't want to join the fighter

"Gorgeous enough beyond your imagination, as for the value, it depends on how you personally present it.

Mo De said, looking back at Robin at the same time, ordering the other party to release him from the prison.

After breaking free from the weak restraint brought by the seastone, Kaido turned his body around, and immediately heard the sound of bones that hadn't moved for a long time, just like a giant's body, walking out of the huge prison cell directly, bringing a full sense of oppression.

Yamato immediately widened his eyes, put his hands on his hips, and there was a slight electric current running in the corners of his eyes, as if as long as Kaido made any wrong moves, she would mercilessly stop him

"Don't worry, since your father has made a choice this time, he won't regret it." Mo De said meaningfully.

Kaido snorted unceremoniously: "Before the war, how Laozi wants to act is Laozi's own business.

"Of course." Mo De said nonchalantly, "But before that, there is a place that I need you to visit."

Wanokuni's scientific research base is located in the core area.

At this time, it had been several days in a row, and several scientists directly under the army surrounded the huge instrument, constantly studying the various changes in the lineage of the factors.

In the huge culture tank in front of the instrument, Charlotte Linlin's huge body was maintained in a state of suspended animation.

The so-called suspended animation, of course, is not the kind of situation that will naturally restore the characteristics of life.

After Charlotte Linlin's ability was stripped, she undoubtedly entered a state of death.

The reason for the feigned death is that the gold liquid extracted from pure gold is used for soaking in the instrument.

Its function is to slow down the information of Charlotte Linlin's death in the body system to an extent of tens of thousands of times, so as to maintain the activity of the blood factor in the body

That is to say, the life of his soul has dissipated, but the vitality in his body still maintains a certain state of life.

This approach is to keep the bloodline factors from death as much as possible when extracting Charlotte Linlin's bloodline factors for research.

And the approach is undoubtedly successful.

On the extracted Charlotte Linlin lineage factor, its powerful recording information and encoding carrier undoubtedly made the scientists who came into contact with the new technology tree of the alloy praise again and again.

"The strength of this bloodline factor is simply beyond the limit of human beings, even much higher than the reserves of the giants!"

Guy Sa, who has also turned from large-scale weapons to in-depth research on bloodline factors, can't stop making emotional sounds under the comparison of instruments and microscopes)......

"How, can it be done? You have been researching for several days." Comps asked from the side.

"Hey hey hey, who do you think this genius is?"

Guy boasted: "I have already set up the combination chain of bloodline factors. From the perspective of fit, it has reached a high level of 80%. There is no problem at all in creating BIGMOM's natural destroyer and steel balloon!"

Comps nodded: "Construct the combination chain of bloodline factors, and then apply it to the embryonic mechanical body. With the Four Emperors physical level terrorist war weapon, it can be used as one of the biggest killers of our Wanokuni."

Guy nodded, then remembered something, and quickly said: "Then, those first-generation war weapons may have begun to be used in war.

He couldn't wait to use these mechanical legions with superpowers to the world, and then let the guy Vegapunk notice that his technology in this aspect completely surpassed the other party's!

"Didn't Master Mo De say that after Whitebeard's action, it is very likely that he will use it. Even if the other party does not come, there is enough time for them to shine at the Flame Festival."

Comps said that he is also one of the creators of the mechanical legion, and of course he will be honored for all the praises that bring voices.

Right at this moment, the machines in the strictest area passed through numerous checks, and one party stepped in after opening the door.

Guy looked back, his pupils popped out suddenly: "Guy... Kaido!!"

"Don't be nervous, I just brought him to upgrade our alloy technology."

Mo De raised his hand and pressed it, signaling to the shocked crowd to stay calm.

As for Kaido, after entering the door, his eyes were immediately attracted by Charlotte Linlin's huge figure.

The soul soul fruit was taken away by that Hancock, Linlin in front of him must be dead, but now, what is he doing around the other party?

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