Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 165 Talking Under The Situation, Flying To Sky Island

The repressed change of aura made everyone in the white group look at the red-haired eyes also changed, as if they had received a signal from their father, many people showed their weapons one after another, waiting to see.

Observing the same situation, the originally friendly red-haired group looked around as if they were all ready to go, and they didn't feel the slightest timidity from going deep into the place. ?

Whitebeard, who caused the change in the atmosphere, did not speak slowly until after a while: "Do you know what you are talking about!"

"It is because I know that I came here." The red-haired expression did not change, as if he was acting as a peacemaker: "If it is only because of the incident of The fish men island, there is no need for you and Wanokuni to have any conflicts."

"It's more or less because of the Air General, the difficulty of The fish men island at that time..."


A loud noise interrupted the red-haired voice.

He smashed the jug aside "Seven Zero Three", but cleverly did not break the ceramic, but rolled it a few times, letting most of the delicious wine seep out.

"You can stand in front of me and speak, it is because of your face as the captain, it does not mean that you are qualified to shout the so-called truth in front of me!"

Whitebeard's unceremonious words fell, and then a terrifying momentum vented from his body, attacking the red hair suddenly.

The red hair didn't back down again, so he released the same powerful momentum.

Two terrifying streams of Conqueror's Haki collided.

Earth-shattering changes instantly took place on the entire Moby Dick.

As if time had been frozen, under the terrifying aura, many weak-minded people fell to the ground in pieces. Only a small number of strong-willed old crew members were able to withstand the Haki under the impact of these two people without falling into a coma.

"That guy actually owns Conqueror's Haki!!"

Many members of the Baituan who had seen the world were shocked immediately.

What is even more frightening is that the other party, Haki, was able to endure such a long time with their father!


The solid wood on both sides of the ship's side cracked unbearably, which is enough to show how thick the two sides are. Haki is making some comparisons.

Whitebeard was also a bit strange, he didn't expect the redhead to master such Conqueror's skills at such a young age, but he felt relieved when he realized that Mo De was about the same age as him, and even several times scarier than the other party.

On the vast sea, there is never a shortage of terrifying monsters.

But what's the matter, he, Whitebeard, is the one who came out of those monsters!

"Since you have also mastered Conqueror's, you brat, you should know the inviolable bottom line among kings, let alone Laozi is Whitebeard!"

While speaking, Whitebeard pulled Cong Yunqie behind him, and slashed towards the red hair.

Shanks quickly pulled out the saber Griffin behind him, and said in a serious tone: "Then if this matter continues, it will start an era of rampage that no one can stop! It's me! I'm also the captain! I don't want to see this situation! "

At the moment when the two knives collided, the mighty Haki slammed into each other instantly, and a powerful breath soared into the sky!

The impact caused by the terrifying power even formed a fierce howling gust of wind, causing many people around to be directly blown away by the air current.

Seeing this, Qiao Zi said: "That damned red-haired man actually dared to attack Dad! Did he want to start a war with us!"

Marco said seriously: "If that's the case, no one can leave alive!"

The captains of the various teams on the main ship also began to stare at the red-haired group with real hostility.

For the red-haired group, the situation was in a precarious situation, but at the next moment, the violent aura in the center of the main ship suddenly ended and once again attracted everyone's attention.

It seemed that it was just a brief confrontation, the two figures, one tall and one short, were already closing their hands.

It's just that one side is still standing like a giant, while the red-haired one is sitting on the ground in some embarrassment, but what remains unchanged is still his firm gaze.

As the two faced each other, their gazes collided like sharp swords in the void, and electric sparks bloomed invisible.

"No matter what your choice is, Whitebeard, I sincerely hope that you can seriously consider my suggestion. I don't want you to take revenge, but I just don't want you to now. No one can fathom the riots and changes in the New World."

The redhead stood up slowly from the deck, and his tone was sincere and even pleading: "I don't know if Captain Luo Jie expected this unexpected event to unfold, but there is no doubt that the uncontrollable runaway is now It's over."

Now this place has been cleared by Conqueror's Haki's attack, and some things can be said directly by the redhead.

After he settled in the windmill town of East Blue, not only Luffy ate the "Rubber Fruit", but also the redhead who bet on the new era has already decided...

That is, in the future prophecy period, it will take over the straw hat and complete the "Joey Boi" expected by Captain Luo Jie!

And before Luffy goes to sea, he can't let New World change too much.

Listening to Shanks' words, he could also comprehend the meaning expressed in it. He turned Cong Yunqie in his hands like a windmill, and a violent gust of wind hit his feet. With a bang, Whitebeard lifted his hands from Yunqie to the ground with ten hands.

"This battle, I'm not so confused as to let it develop into an all-out war." Whitebeard looked at the red hair: "But! No matter what the reason is, that bastard Mo De provoked me on my name's territory first, this matter It will never end like this!"

Although he didn't know the specific facts about Raftel from Luo Jie, Whitebeard can guess one or two based on Luo Jie's character and behavior.

So he is supportive, whether it is his experience from childhood to adulthood, or for his beloved hometown.

But under the premise of this support, there is another corner that cannot be ignored, and that is his own pride as Whitebeard, and his image as a father to his sons.

If you can't even solve the time when people are looking for trouble first, then the protection that the strongest man can give to his sons is not a ridiculous statement?

Hearing the answer given by Whitebeard, the redhead sighed, but although it failed to prevent the confrontation between Whitebeard and Mo De, as long as there is not another all-out war, it will be much better. 1.8

If even Whitebeard is included, New World will directly become the situation where Mo De's family is the biggest, and that is the unfolding of events that redheads do not want to see.

Taking a deep look at Whitebeard, Shanks turned and left without hesitation. For a person who has reached this level, as long as it is a decision, it is almost impossible for others to change it. Now that Whitebeard has made a decision, it is useless for him to say more.

Of course, he didn't mean to help. Compared with saying it verbally now, he might be beaten again. It's better to pay special attention to the incident, and it's better to disrupt the situation midway if something unexpected happens.

The red-haired man who thought this way was about to walk along the deck to the stairs at the end, but suddenly found that the sun in the distance seemed to be blocked by something.

He couldn't help looking around, and saw huge islands flying from the sky, slowly attacking here. .

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