Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 174 The Tit-For-Tat Duo Excitedly Celebrate The Retainers

After a whole night of tossing, the next day.

It wasn't until noon that Mo De woke up slowly from the master bedroom of the palace.

The main situation in New World has been finalized, and Mo De has somewhat returned to the happy period of self-indulgence.

Some lazily yawned, it seemed that when he got up, the maids outside the palace had already held the toiletries and brought them to him respectfully.

Let Lilith and Natasha wash and dress themselves, this kind of enjoyment is completely like an emperor, and now Mo De is already used to it.

"Mo De-sama, Hancock and Yamato-sama...

Hearing this, Mo De couldn't help but look at the two girls who were still sleeping soundly in the quilt, and smiled lightly: "Let them continue to sleep.

After all, they are a tit-for-tat duo, no matter what they do, they are always compared.

After the clothes were neatly dressed and carefully taken care of, Mo De stepped out from the master bedroom.

And after Mo De left, it seemed that he felt that the warm feeling beside him was not there, Hancock slowly woke up, and immediately looked to the side.

Sure enough, Mo De Tianren has left.

And the first thing she saw when she woke up was not Mo De, but Yamato. This situation made her feel a little bad.

"Where is Lord Mo De?"

Hearing Hancock's voice, Natasha, who was staying in the room, immediately stepped forward and said softly: "Master Mo De woke up not long ago and has already walked towards the dining hall."


Hearing this, Hancock was about to get up, but his body was still a little limp, and he still felt a little tired after exhaustion.

Although these feelings can be easily eliminated with the soul, but this is Mo De's love for her, and Hancock will not be like this, so he lay back.

Noticing the delicate white hair on the side, Hancock had to admit that Yamato, who was sleeping quietly at the moment, was an opponent she could recognize in terms of strength and appearance.

The next moment, I heard Yamato murmuring dreamily: "Mo De...I still...."

Before finishing listening, Hancock's expression darkened immediately, and he turned to look at Natasha: "Quickly wake her up, and then take her back to her room to continue sleeping, she has disturbed my body to rest!

"Master Mo De said, let you rest here."

Natasha could only hold a difficult smile, and couldn't help but think, this is probably not Master Hancock's room.

Mo De doesn't know the situation in the room.

At this moment, Mo De is walking towards the dining hall, which is a dining place that can only be enjoyed in the general city. It is a specially built city hall after the reconstruction of the general city. It is like a gourmet palace. Only Wanokuni has the most superb craftsmanship. Chefs are only eligible to enter.

Here, in a certain sense, it has become the favorite place for Perona and others.

"Lord Mo De!"

As soon as he entered the hall, Nami, who noticed Mo De, yelled in surprise, and then quickly trotted to Mo De.

Behind him, there are a group of little guys who will become the mainstay of future retainers.

Carina, Zoro, Perona, Luo, Kuina, Pudding et al.

Seeing Mo De appearing, they all greeted each other with surprise and respect. Among them, Perona, who has been with him for a long time, can be regarded as Nami who was raised since childhood, and Kuina, who has been taught by Mo De, is more cordial.

Carina became Mo De's retainer not long ago, and Luo and Zoro, one because of kindness, and the other because of the same respect as the master, have a higher degree of respect.

There are also relatively restrained ones, that is, the spoils brought by the war, Runti and Pudding.

The former accepted the change of identity faster than the latter, not only because of the beast group whose strength is everything, but also because of the environment in General City.

And becoming Mo De's retainer is much better than being a prisoner. The only thing he cares about is his younger brother who is still in the archipelago. For this reason, Runti can only force him to enter Wanokuni's military base. Raise the strength of the younger brother, so as to reach the level of strength of the imperial court, and be promoted to the inside of Wanokuni.

Leading the little ones in, at the dining table, many Yu Tingfan and other retainers are already eating.

And with Mo De stepping in, it quickly attracted everyone's attention as the core bone. Of course, Mo De still needs to feel that it is different from the usual situation.

0...seeking flowers 00

"Why, are you looking at me like that all of a sudden?"

Mo De smiled, and let Nami and others find their own seats, then walked to the main seat, tasting the delicacies specially prepared by Ah Shi for his taste.

"It's not because of what happened to you yesterday, but now it's spreading all over the world, and everyone on the streets of Wanokuni is cheering for it." Ah Shi beside him said with a smile.

"So fast." Mo De was a little surprised while eating.

Regarding the news of the incident, Mo De was not surprised when he witnessed it in a place like the Whitebeard Pirates, but he did not expect it to be something that just happened yesterday during the day

Has it responded all over the world now?


"After all, Master Mo De, you defeated the strongest Whitebeard!" Luo Man said with eyes of admiration.

"It's true, as Luo said, the world's strongest is more eye-catching than the still-burning battlefield." Lafitte nodded in agreement.

To be honest, when he stepped into Mo De's camp at that time, he never thought that Mo De could reach the height he is now.

Now, he is very grateful for the choice he made at that time.

What's more, the pursuit of the goal is not limited to the strongest in this piece of New World.

Because Hancock and Yamato were not there, Hiyori sat next to Mo De and shook his body happily: "This way I have the inspiration to make up a song for Master Mo De."

"I can do it too." Maria followed with a smile.

When it comes to music, Carina, who was trained as a world-class singer, also said that she will use her singing to convey Mo De's great achievements to the world.

Although it is only a false name, but the strongest name, all the retainers are excited to celebrate it, in line with the citizens who respect the supremacy of generals.

It's just that in terms of getting closer, they can do more behaviors that make Mo De happy.

Hearing this, Mo De smiled, stretched out his hand to Robin, and quickly presented a zero to today's newspaper that would cause a sensation. .

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