Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 18 Your Highness The Fool, A Clown

There are six regions in Wanokuni, namely Flower Capital, Kuri, Nozomi, Rabbit Bowl, Linghou, and Baiwu.

And at the apex of these areas is the capital of flowers.

This is the capital of Wanokuni and the most prosperous area of ​​Wanokuni.

It's like a street parade in retro times. On the streets piled up with ancient buildings, tourists are everywhere, and businesses full of strange goods are all over the corners of the streets.

Yingyingyanyan looks everywhere, and laughter comes from all over from time to time, a scene of prosperity and peace.

This is what the city of flowers looks like every day.

Of course, as long as no one shows up.

"That guy is here again..."

"His Royal Highness Fool is also here this week."

The laughter was interrupted, and the sounds of disdain and contempt began to be heard from all over the place.

The reason is that in front of General Orochi, Kozuki Oden, who was only wearing a seat pocket, began to pretend to be crazy again.

"It's so annoying, Royal Palace."

People dislike it, even adults will often pull children to warn: "You must not become such a's too shameful!"

In a mansion in the capital of flowers, leaning on the balcony on the second floor, Mo De is watching Kozuki Oden dancing below.

This is the second time he has seen Kozuki Oden dance here, and the first time was back when he first came to Wanokuni last week.

As the saying goes, money can turn ghosts around.

Taking advantage of the wealth multiplied by the Momo fruit, Mo De easily transformed from an outsider status to a distinguished guest who purchased the mansion in the capital of flowers.

That is, not long after he moved in, he met Kozuki Oden, the captain of the second team that Whitebeard admired, and Luo Jie was fighting for.

Of course, it is still the same as in the original book, appearing as His Royal Highness the fool, entertaining the public in the capital of flowers.

"It's hard to imagine that such a stupid guy is the original successor of this Wanokuni."

Lilith, who was sitting by the side pouring tea, looked at the center of the topic in the flower capital at this time, and said with extreme disgust.

Mo De did not tell them of his plan for the three daughters he brought.

So just as a treasurer and manager, pretending to be a native of Wanokuni from other places, after a week of communication with the residents of the Flower City, naturally they all have a disgusted view.

"I heard from a geisha that he originally owned the position of general. It seems that because he was afraid of Kurozumi and the Kaido behind him, he didn't dare to resist, so he could only pretend to be crazy and dance foolishly."

"Yes, I heard that he is still one of the strongest in Wanokuni, and he caused a lot of big incidents in Wanokuni when he was young, but he is so useless now, he is completely incomparable with Lord Mo De."

Emily and Kaya also complained about the topic Lilith raised.

Listening to the discussion of the three women, Mo De looked down, and there was one word that he particularly agreed with.

That is "stupid".

The Kozuki Oden in front of me is such an evaluation in my heart.

Of course, it is not such a day-to-day dancing behavior, but the other party's stupidity and innocence.

Believe in the so-called five-year shipbuilding and leave, promise to save a hundred people with one dance, and choose to give up resistance to the rule of the snake in order to protect the kidnapped hostages.

Mo De also doesn't know if Kozuki Oden is really stupid or just pretending to be stupid. Facing threats, is he so naive that he can save the country without wanting to die?

The blind trust in the enemy, and the practice of surrendering the popularity of the people for the sake of hostages, which chills the hearts of the people, really reveals an astonishing view of the overall situation.

Don't say anything stupid about the life of a hostage. This kind of indecision because of a small loss will make Wanokuni a more miserable hell than this in the next few decades.

Since it is known from the beginning that the rule of Kurozumi Orochi is a tyranny and a poison to the entire Wanokuni, even if it causes sacrifices in battle, it is time to bring Wanokuni back to the right track.

Especially with the resources of Whitebeard and Luo Jie pirates, even if it is self-defeating, it is better than letting the whole Wanokuni fall into the quagmire of tyranny.

After all, Oden who is dancing right now is still too naive, naive to stupid, selfish and brainless, Wanokuni's tragic twenty years are inseparable from his personal relationship.

Mo De couldn't help shaking his head.

The unique image that the original manga author wanted to design is more like a "clown" in the appearance of a hero in Mo De's understanding.

Except for his strength, he has no other conspicuous advantages, and his life in Wanokuni is even worse. Madara Madara is mostly bad. Looking at the entire length of his life and deeds, only the oil pan is a little eye-catching.

But in the final analysis, it is also thanks to the opponent's stupidity that Wanokuni is in such a situation now, otherwise this country, not only Kaido, Orochi, but also him, would not be able to take it down.

Taking a sip of tea, Mo De looked at Emily, who often communicated outside, and said, "Have you heard anything about the recent situation of the Orochi Army?"

When Mo De asked, Emily thought hard for a while and recalled something, and immediately said: "When I was studying in Youdon, I seemed to hear the conversation of the Orochi Army. People start."

"Bing Goro?!" Mo De suddenly became concerned.

"Hmm." Emily confirmed again and again in her mind, and nodded emphatically.

"Okay, this time you have meritorious service, then I will reward you well." Mo De said.

Emily's face brightened, and after noticing the jealous eyes of the other two women, she deliberately showed a smug smile.

Mo De doesn't care about the confrontation between the three at this moment.

At this moment, his focus is entirely on the event that Heigoro is about to be defeated by Kurozumi Orochi.

The other party can be regarded as the "underground leader" of this capital of flowers, and the incident of being arrested can be said to be big or small.

After all, the capital of flowers has already lost the will to resist Kurozumi orochi in nearly five years of Kozuki Oden's poor performance.

But this incident was the trigger for Kozuki Oden to make up his mind to attack Kaido.

I didn't expect that I had only been here for two weeks, and the real drama was about to begin!

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