Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 187 Tampering With The Queen's Memory

The time came to midnight.

Stussy in the blanket didn't know if the Fire Festival was still going on, but she really didn't have the energy to think about it now.

With pain and softness, even a feeling of fatigue that makes it difficult to move a finger, this is the state of Stussy at this moment.

Even as the Queen of the Pleasure District, she has seen and heard quite a few scenes. Although it was her first personal experience, both the process and the result exceeded her highest expectations.

It should be said that it is Mo De's extraordinary talent as a man, or his strong nature that matches the strength of a king.

Or maybe both.

Logically speaking, her physique is not weak, but she is still like a flat leaf in the sea, only being impacted by the waves.

Stussy looked at Mo De, not only surprised and relieved by the other party's unaffected state, but also the emotion that he didn't know how to describe after the dedication.

It is undeniable that this night was perfect, so perfect that Stussy even forgot the purpose of coming here, identity and other factors.

It's just that the weakness after Yu Yun now, in addition to a sense of fullness in her heart filling her whole body, comes with her identity and task awakening.

For this reason, Stussy endured the aches and pains all over his body, forcibly pulled up the little strength left, and stuck to Mo De.

"Now, the little girl is already considered to be one of yours, Lord Mo De, so can the conditions we mentioned earlier be established~~"

"Although it is disappointing to say these words at this time, it is also one of the charms of your Queen of the Pleasure District." Mo De embraced the other party, and he could feel the so-called skin like cream

"Since you have become my people, these are of course just a question of one sentence."

Hearing this, Stussy smiled excitedly and joyfully, and was really happy about it in her heart. What she wanted was not the transfer and shelter of Happy Street.

It was Mo De's sentence that became his property, which shows that she has also begun to play this role slowly, gradually infiltrating into the general forces headed by Mo De.

Knowing such a result, Stussy was completely relaxed, and his body softened again.

Just at this time, a clear knock on the door came from outside.

Stussy looked around, and following Mo De's order, a cute girl with light brown wavy hair and slanted bangs on her forehead came in from the door.


Stussy couldn't help saying the little girl's name in his heart.

This is one of Charlotte Linlin's youngest children, and she even got to meet the newborn at a tea party combined with the birth a few years ago.

Of course, this is not the reason why she mainly pays attention to the other party, after all, Pudding is only a little girl about six years old now.

The reason why Stussy especially remembers the other party's appearance and name is because the other party and that Jun became a general's retainer this year.

She also investigated this, but apart from knowing that the other party is of the blood of the Three-Eyed Race, she knew nothing about it.

She couldn't help guessing whether it was the awakened three-eyed tribe, which could bring some help to Mo De.

Of course, now, compared to these, Stussy still wants to know the reason for the other party's arrival, and judging from Mo De's expression, it seems that he is not surprised by this.

"Then let's begin..."

Under Stussy's puzzled gaze, Pudding kicked off his shoes, crawled towards the bed, and then stretched out his hands to his shoulders.

There was a moment of alertness, but Mo De was by his side, and what the other party said earlier did not seem false, Stussy could only watch Pudding's little hand gradually stretching out with a smile unchanged.

Is it a massage?

This idea was just born, when suddenly his head hurt, and Stussy fell into a coma before he could react.

And Pudding, who was about to move his hands to the opponent's head, couldn't help but stop, blinking and looking at the adult.

"It's still safer to have me take the shot."

Mo De smiled, and also released the manipulation of the mind, and then ordered: "Let's start to transform her memory."

"I see."

Pudding obediently Kaidō, directly put his hand into his head, and pulled out the designated memory and some blank memories like a film.

The function of memory fruit is not limited to reading and taking out, but it can also achieve the effect of replacement and tampering.

Stussy's life is very long, and the time is only one night, so it is doomed that the major changes made on the whole are not realistic. Even if they can be changed, it will be difficult to convince Stussy of the brainwashed memory.

After all, when Mo De became famous, Stussy had already been the CPO and even the queen of Happy Street.

Especially if Stussy can climb to the current position, a certain unreasonable point may be suspected of being pregnant by the other party as a spy.

Memory fruit can indeed achieve the effect of brainwashing, but not all have to be forcibly changed brainlessly, especially if Stussy is to play the role of a reverse spy, the memory of its CPO needs to be preserved.

But a big change can completely change a person, but a small change can also have a change that affects the attitude of others.

So, as Mo De requested, a reel of real memories (good good) about the absolute devotion to the Celestial Dragons, with some vignettes embedded in it.

At the same time, the blank memory film created some memories of Mo De's emptiness but with a special angle, and combined with the episode of this night, subtle changes were made.

He's confident that a few more memory shocks later will turn Stussy from the government's lackey to his.

Looking at Pudding, who was editing and changing like a movie film, Mo De rubbed the other's little head as a reward.

That's why Mo De didn't have the idea of ​​taking away her fruit when she was only six years old.

Regardless of whether things are good or bad, right or wrong, Pudding only listens to all Mo De's demands, and even has a little black-bellied personality. .

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