Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 194: DéJà Vu From An Old Rival

New World, Sphinx sea area.

This is the former hometown of Whitebeard, and it is also the main activity area of ​​the Whitebeard Pirates.

On the deck of the Moby Dick, Whitebeard sat upright in his seat, looking at the newspapers spread out with both hands.

There are more conspicuous scars on the body than before, and at the same time, many infusion tubes are inserted into the body to maintain the physical condition and the therapeutic effect.

The whole person looks more energetic than before, showing a somewhat unspeakable aging color.

However, although the lion is old, the prestige still exists is the embodiment of Whitebeard's situation at this time.

Since the confrontation with Mo De and the defeat from the throne of the world's strongest man, the Whitebeard Pirates also experienced a period of after-the-fact shock.

Perhaps it is because of the old man Whitebeard, not only that many members of the pirate group have begun to leave, but also the clarion call for someone to challenge Whitebeard.

It's just that as the news that Whitebeard alone wiped out all the challengers continued to spread, the rumors that Whitebeard was old and had died died down.

Although it is not as powerful as the imperial group at its peak, the Whitebeard Pirates can still be called one of the strongest pirate groups.

Everything looks like it hasn't changed.

But Teach is clear that, compared to the strongest name in the past and the pride of being the number one force at sea, the atmosphere of the Pirates, especially the main ship Moby Dick, is becoming more and more intense.

It seems that they realize that Dad is old, and the crew and captains do not take the initiative to show Whitebeard's prestige to the outside. Compared with the tit-for-tat and plundering resources that pirates should have, they want to stay at Dad's side more at this time.

This kind of situation made Teach even more anxious and annoyed, because now the situation is not very active in plundering, and it is basically like staying in the Sphinx Sea every day for the elderly. How could he come into contact with Dark Fruit because of this!

You must know that when he joins the Whitebeard Pirates, besides the strength of his father, his power is also the most important point. Joining the Whitebeard Pirates will give him the greatest chance of getting Dark Fruit.

Although it doesn't matter if you can't find it, but the strong rise of Mo De broke his state of mind to live a peaceful life. At the same time, he deeply hates Whitebeard who is aging and sick, and he doesn't want to see the person he has always admired. With this ending.

If so, it's really not as good as letting yourself be the brilliance of Shock Fruit.

Whitebeard was unaware of Teach's gradually deepening anti-bone thoughts. At this moment, he was looking at the newspaper in person, but he noticed the headlines on the title page, and couldn't help saying: "Another arrogant kid appeared on the Grand Line."

Hearing that the old man spoke, his sons immediately followed up and said: "He recently rejected Shichibukai's invitation, and he also escaped from the Marine hero Garp, and the bounty was over 100 million Bailey."

Marine Garp, that is the nightmare of the pirates, and even a powerful figure who once chased and beat the pirate group Luo Jie.

Saqi, who hadn't read today's newspaper, was also surprised: "That's really an incredible newcomer, from this point of view, the other party should directly enter the New World.

"It seems that someone saw each other in The fish men island not long ago, and it should have been in New World for a while now." Marko said.

"How long has this guy been at sea, and he is so impatient at such a young age, what big things can he accomplish?"

Whitebeard sneered, he knew very well that Garp's strength could make this kid escape, and he wouldn't believe it if he hadn't released him into the sea.

In this way, he looked deeply at Ace in the newspaper, and felt a little familiar for a while, and he felt an inexplicable sense of seeing an old opponent in his heart.

Then something suddenly occurred to Whitebeard.


Luo Jie's favorite sword, if he remembers correctly, is also called Ace.

It was just a sudden thought, but it was just such a thought, Whitebeard looked at Ace in the newspaper, thought more and more, then laughed loudly, and gave the order at the same time.

"Gu la la la, let people pay more attention to this brat."

Hearing this, all the captains couldn't help but look at the old man. This was the first time in so many years that the old man expressed interest in a newcomer.

After Whitebeard quickly sent someone to follow up and inquire about Ace's behavior.

At this time, Ace is located in an Iceland at the northern end of New World.

0...seeking flowers...

——— Woohoo!

The raging snowflakes fluttered to the sky and fell down.

Bitter cold wind blew by one after another, making the pirates wearing padded jackets and overcoats outside a certain cave in Iceland still shivering from the cold, and couldn't help shrinking their necks and tightening the necklines of their clothes to resist the cold wind. Ruthless chaos.

In the entrance of the cave, under the bonfire like a banquet, compared with the cold and frozen bones outside, it looks like a warm fairyland.

"Ace, isn't it, what's up with that kid Luffy now."

Because of Ace's visit, the redhead who specially held a banquet, handed the wine glass to the other party with enthusiasm, and at the same time paid attention to the new era he expected.

"He still keeps saying that he is definitely the One Piece King, but at present, I should be the first to become the One Piece King." Ace recalled and said confidently at the same time.

"This is the energy that pirates of the new era should have. I am very optimistic about you and Luffy." The redhead replied with a hearty smile.

"Mr. Shanks has no other ideas, after all you are also Four Emperors." Ace said suddenly.

In his opinion, compared with the so-called ONEPIECE, the main thing to become One Piece is to break through the Four Emperors one by one.

"One Piece..." Shanks showed some nostalgia, then shook his head and said, "Compared to this, I have something more I want to achieve.

"Is that so..." Ace nodded and didn't say much. After all, he wanted to become One Piece, not for that position at all, but to find out the value of his birth in this world, and to find out who A man's past.

"Let's not talk about that, it will affect the atmosphere of the banquet, anyway, when you have to challenge, maybe it's for Luffy's sake, I will show mercy.

Shanks laughed, bringing joy back to the somewhat changed atmosphere.

Ace greeted him again with a smile: "It may take a while, I put you in the last position.

"Before that, I want to find the Air General, or Whitebeard as my first challenge target after entering New World!"

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