Sea Circle Calendar 1518.

The penultimate year from the beginning of the plot.

Everything is still going on without major changes.

After a lapse of four years, the World Summit will be held again.

In the world government, which once had more than 200 member countries, it is now slowly reduced to only 180 or so.

It's not just because of the fact that in the underground world, arms have begun to travel in various countries.

In addition, in these four years, a total of no less than ten revolutionary armies of the joining countries were "liberated".

The leader, Drago, is the world's most vicious criminal. Since the last time he was named, the World Government has set up a special team to solve this problem.

There is a record, the shemale king Ivankov of the Revolutionary Army cadres and some personnel were arrested and brought into Imperton, allowing the Revolutionary Army to lurk temporarily

But everyone knows that as long as the leader Drago is still around, the danger to the revolutionaries will not decrease.

As a member country, it is natural to ask for protection from the World Government as it bears a huge amount of heavenly gold.

Now, although the situation in the four seas and the first half is slowly under control under conscription, the red hair, Zephyr in recent years, and Ace, which was very popular last year, obviously have not yet shown their momentum to suppress pirates.

And under such circumstances, a revolutionary army that is even more dangerous to their power came out, which also ushered in the main statement of the leaders of the alliance countries at this meeting.

The high-level government officials who presided over the meeting have long been familiar with the strangeness.

Everyone understands that although these are indeed unstable factors, the most important thing is that these kings want to save money.

It can be said that at the World Summit every four years, there are always some high-ranking kings who are thinking about reducing the amount of gold offered in the sky.

For himself, he has for the country.

But it is rare to reach a consensus goal from this group of old and cunning high-level government officials.

Because, the conclusion of a certain meeting needs to be confirmed by the vote of the entire country, and the result of the votes must be more than half at the same time.

The reason why it is rarely achieved is of course not that every country is rich enough and does not value money, but that the world government can come up with enough arguments every four years.

The last time it was true that conscription played a big role, and Marine was also at its peak.

But this time, when it was clearly not up to the standard, many countries had discussed it in private, and jointly expressed their dissatisfaction with it.

One may not dare to say anything, but there are a group of kings around him who are like this, so naturally they have the confidence to dare to express their dissatisfaction to the World government.

After the discussion, the high-level government officials who stood at the center of the round table also bent down and replied: "We understand the opinions of King Reyes and King Galdana."

"However, before the vote on this topic, allow us to show you the latest weapons that the government is developing."

As soon as the words fell, someone next to him immediately released the video phone bug, forming an impact in the middle facing the surroundings, so that all the kings could see the content.

It was a test site full of mountains and rocks, and it was not difficult to see from the surrounding signs that it was developed by a special scientific force of the World Government.

Immediately afterwards, under the curious eyes of the kings, a huge humanoid machine made of countless steel components appeared in the picture.

The commentary also appropriately stated from the top of the government: "This is the latest weapon developed by Dr. Vegapunk, tentatively named the Pacifist."

"Its cost is extremely expensive, comparable to a Marine's highest-level battleship, but relatively, it is made of expensive alloys, has a body hardness far exceeding that of steel, and also has powerful destructive power. It has our latest research and development laser technology."

Under the explanation, the picture also correspondingly presents various forms of intensity of the pacifists, especially the laser cannon that directly blasted the mountains into powder with one blow, which really shocked many kings.

"More importantly, it has the awareness of self-judging the enemy and capturing the opponent, as well as the use of combat skills. At present, this technology is in the stage of strengthening research and development and expanding. It will be officially used to deal with the sea in less than two years. Thieves, and even in the future, will also be applied to national security.

"Mighty kings must have seen it, and this technology will be developed and gradually strengthened, so that it can easily defeat pirates at your unit level."

As if they understood that this technology had captured the minds of these kings, the high-level staff continued: "Of course, the progress of its research and development has a lot to do with Tiantianjin. Presumably all kings know that scientific research requires money, not to mention It’s still this kind of cross-age technology.”

"Research and development may still be carried out, but after that, we may have countries that will not use this technology, and of course there are countries that have exposed this technology in advance."

As soon as this remark came out, the kings who proposed to reduce the gold in the sky became a little restless.

As a king, some people may be able to see further.

Compared with the use of this technology in catching pirates, it is more important to say that it may be used in one's own country.

0...... Ask for flowers......

With a powerful system and unparalleled destructive power, it can be said that there is no force that is not envious of it.

Not only can national security be improved, but the most important thing is that this technology can become another point of balance between countries.

If the neighboring country has pacifists and you don't, this means that the status is directly and forcibly lowered by a threshold or even more, which is likely to lead to various troublesome issues of trade and even war.

Many plunders between countries are the unspoken rules of the World government.

As a result, the topic of gold in the sky remained unchanged was once again claimed by the king who previously initiated the reduction of the topic, and was recognized by most of the kings.

The number of votes directly exceeded more than 80%.

And this has also suffered some franchise countries that have become increasingly impoverished because of the money in the sky.

Although it can be said that the more than 170 member countries of the World government can be regarded as the best countries in the world today, except for pirate management.

But that doesn't mean that all of them are equally prosperous.

There are also many poor kings with bad borders, and countries where troubles are happening.

Just like Alabasta, where the national situation has become more serious in the world this year.

In addition to the lack of rain in the capital all year round, and the revelation of the king's private use of dancing powder, the country's civil war is getting worse day by day.

With the country's environment in jeopardy, raising money from the sky has directly become a troublesome issue for this superpower.

Sea Circle Calendar In 1518, apart from the accident of Alabasta and the World Summit, there was another incident that was not small.

The Spade Pirate Ship, which almost dominated Sea Circle Calendar 1517 for a whole year, failed after challenging Whitebeard. Its crew, together with the super rookie "Fire Fist" Ace, also joined the Whitebeard Pirates.

And in the middle of this year, he continued the excellent performance of the super rookie, and soon replaced Whitebeard, who had been vacant for a long time, as the captain of the second team.

Especially as the captain of the battle team and the second team, it is implicitly promoted to the signature image of the Whitebeard Pirates like Marco and Joz.

For a time, the reputation of Fire Fist Ace also became louder in New World.

In the name of the strongest newcomer, it has brought the regionality of New World.

For this reason, the young retainers of Mo De felt extremely dissatisfied and clamored to find each other to compete with each other. .

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