Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 202 Smile Fruit, Teach's Mentality Collapses

In Sage's room.


Teach gasped: "Sure enough, the worst thing happened."

Damn Sarge, why didn't he listen to persuasion, obviously as long as the fruit is given to him, it is enough for him to leave the Whitebeard Pirates.

To this point, he has violated the iron law of the Whitebeard ship, and there is no doubt that he will be held accountable afterwards.

Thinking of Whitebeard wanting to go berserk, Teach has a bit of a headache.

In his plan, even if he got the Dark Fruit, it would still be too early to fight Dad.

"But there's nothing we can do now..."

Teach turned his head to look at the fruit on the table, without any regret in his eyes.

As long as you get it, no matter how angry the old man is, it doesn't matter anymore.

Then it's time for him to be the Blackbeard to replace Dad!

Early the next morning.

Moby Dick, no longer the usual happy atmosphere, is now full of seriousness and seriousness.

"Stop it, Ace!"

"calm down!"

"My father already said that this time is a special case, and you don't need to investigate it specially.

"let me go!"

There was an angry shout, and Ace tried his best to break free from the pirate family members who were holding him: "That guy is my subordinate, if he ignores it, how will the killed Sage rest in peace!!!"

Seeing the sons who couldn't stop tugging, Whitebeard called out.


As soon as the main heart spoke, the pirate captain who was dissuading him and the angry Ace also stopped their movements.

"Forget it, only this time."

Although there was unconcealable anger in his eyes, Whitebeard shook his head and said, "I have an ominous premonition."

Seeing this, Ace said angrily: "That guy killed his companion and escaped! After being taken care of by Dad for so many years, it made you lose all face!"

"The most important thing is to damage your father's reputation. How can I just ignore this kind of thing."

Nothing breaks Whitebeard's iron code more than a family cannibalism. Even though they have only been together for more than a year, Ace has put everything about Whitebeard in the same important position as Luffy in his heart.

"I'm here to settle accounts with him``!"

Ace put on his cowboy hat and jumped off the Moby Dick island.

"call out----"

Blazing flames spewed out from under the feet, and the specially-made boat immediately rushed towards the distant sea like an arrow from the string.

Despite Marco and others on the boat shouting, Ace left without hearing.

"Father, I'm going to chase him back!"

Marco, the only one who has the ability to fly, is ready to go.

"No need, Marco, let him go..." Whitebeard sighed softly: "Don't you know Ace's character? Even if you bring him back, he will definitely find a chance to leave."

Everyone was dumbfounded, Ace's character was indeed like Mera-mera Fruit in a certain way, as long as it was something he decided, it would be difficult to pull it back even if it was pulled by ten giant bulls.

Whitebeard looked at Ace's leaving figure, maybe it was the trust and favoritism towards Ace, that is, the slight premonition that made Whitebeard silently acquiesce.

Damn Teach!!!

Looking at the sad and lonely look of the old man, many family members around gritted their teeth secretly.

Of course they knew that Whitebeard had always treated them sincerely, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people willing to call him Daddy.

Whitebeard's second team captain "Fire Fist" Ace is dispatched. This is not a clear thing in New World, but if the opponent is traveling alone, the meaning is somewhat vague and mysterious.

"Fire Fist Ace, left alone from the Whitebeard Pirates."

After receiving the news from the direct shadow guard in Whitebeard, Robin immediately reported to Mo De.

"And according to the intelligence description, Fire Fist's expression along the way was extremely angry and irritable."

"Everything has already begun to develop towards your plan."

The corner of his mouth raised a curve, and Mo De laughed: "The fuse of this end era has finally begun to ignite. It's just a pity that I can't see with my own eyes the scene where Teach has been planning for many years, but in the end he took Smile."

Without hiding his bad humor, Robin replied: "That is indeed a regrettable thing, I hope he will not collapse and choose to jump into the sea."

Even though he didn't have the same experience as the original book when he was a child, he still dabbled in a lot of books as insights, and the influence of Mo De, Robin still often easily associates with other people's inauspicious things.

"Next, do we need to arrange for Run and the others to go to sea to chase Fire Fist?"

Robin asked Mo De, she knew about Ace's arrangement best.

Since that Teach may have a change in strength due to the fruit, it may be necessary to bury another layer of protection.

"It's up to you to arrange it, but you don't need to be so anxious. Next year is the real beginning of the big event." Mo De said.

Teach really shouldn't be underestimated, after all, he is also a man who caused harm to the red hair, and such a character who is good at forbearance, will not waste his own strength too much. Especially his special physique.

But just in case it is necessary, what Mo De is worried about is not that Teach can't beat Ace, but whether he will continue to carry out Shichibukai's plan after he finds out that it is not Dark Fruit

a week later.

Fire Fist Ace has not concealed his whereabouts in New World, and has received a lot of attention for a while.

Especially after the news that members of Whitebeard's second team killed the fourth team was exposed, Ace's whereabouts became even more eye-catching.

At the same time, daring to violate the iron law of the Whitebeard regiment, or directly killing the captain of the team, such a case made Teach such a name in an uproar in the whole sea.

It's just that no one knows that Teach, who has escaped from the Whitebeard sea area and is famous all over the world, is venting and destroying on a certain isolated island at this moment.

He is very smart, knowing that Whitebeard's pursuit will be ordered the next day, especially Ace's reckless (Noma Zhao) personality, so he didn't eat the fruit immediately for night travel.

It wasn't until he disappeared, completely left the Whitebeard sea area and hid on a remote island that he ate the treasure that he had been carrying all along.

It's just that as he laughed crazily, the darkness that he dreamed of did not emerge from his body, instead, his body suddenly underwent structural changes.

"`"What's the situation, isn't this Dark Fruit?!"

It was both puzzled and frightened, and he could feel that there were fangs that shouldn't have grown on both sides of his mouth.

In this case, it is like an animal fruit.

But it's impossible!

He has dreamed about the appearance of this fruit for nearly thirty years! How could it be a Zoan fruit!!!

He couldn't accept it, but until he got to the coast, Teach's mentality finally broke down

Under the refraction of the sun, Teach in the shape of a wild boar is reflected in the sea.

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