Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 218: Thunder Eight Trigrams Boom Straw Hat

Ever since he handed over the fruit that he thought was not a good thing, Enel has always had an indescribable feeling of regret in his heart.

Especially after joining the Straw Hat Pirates and knowing the real powerful ability of that fruit from the Devil Fruit illustrated book, the regret is even stronger.

Enel has always wanted to become the most powerful person in his heart due to his childhood experience.

Although the fight with the Straw Hats turned enemies into friends, the desire to destroy Sky Island was dispelled.

But the idea of ​​becoming a strong man who can't control his life has not changed.

And with such a mentality, after learning that Thunder Fruit, one of the top abilities in Logia, can become a more powerful existence in one step, and was sold by him at a price of several million Baileys, How could Enel feel better.

Especially the person who took away the ability that originally belonged to him is right in front of him at this moment.

The electric field that instantly turned the ground into scorched black with a single swipe, the more shocking it looked, the deeper Enel's state of mind burst at this time.

He tightly grasped the technology stick that Franky and Usopp built for him, and stared at Yamato, as if he was ready to fight.

The straw hat Luffy was more direct. Faced with Yamato's warning, he just paused for a moment, and then stepped towards the electric field without any hesitation.

The high-voltage current that can instantly turn the ground into scorched earth, but the straw hat Luffy just passed through this terrifying line of defense, and did not suffer any damage except for the white smoke from his clothes due to the high temperature.

"By the way! Luffy has the ability of Rubber Fruit! Rubber is not afraid of lightning!" Usopp, who was about to call Luffy to be cautious, shouted immediately when he saw this situation.

"Rubber? It should be Nika fruit, right?

Yamato just looked at Luffy, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

Regarding the real name of this fruit, as one of Mo De's closest vassals and aces, Yamato naturally knows the real name of this fruit, and is even more aware of the possible meaning of this fruit.

It was the symbol of "Qiboi" that I and Mo De said in the prison at that time.

According to the period of prophecy, it means that the straw hat Luffy in front of him is the core figure in the future turbulent era.

At the same time, it is also the key pawn that Mo De is preparing to play.

Yamato looked deeply at Luffy, while grabbing the mace on his waist.

"I should have said that I am not responsible for any accidents."

Stopping not far away from where Yamato blocked, Luffy looked at the three people behind him who were fighting fiercely, then stared at Yamato again and said: "I hate people in the flying kingdom!

"Whether it's bullying my friends or now influencing Uncle Rayleigh and holding us back.

Luffy put his fists on the ground, using his feet as pumps, his skin instantly turned red, and overheated steam rose from his surroundings.

"So, I must beat you to the ground!"

— Rubber-jet machine guns!

Under the sound of catharsis, the figure of Luffy in the straw hat disappeared instantly, faster than the usual shaving, like an air bomb.

In the blink of an eye, Luffy, who was breathing white, flashed into the office in front of Yamato, and the strength of the rubber condensed in his hand was blasted head-on like a machine gun.

Although it is possible to dodge with knowledge or even an instant dodge, Yamato just didn't dodge or dodge, letting the impacting fists under countless accelerations hit him.



The rubber machine gun directly passed through Yamato's body [the location where the fist was bombarded turned into countless electric currents and flickered.

This is the most basic elementalization of Logia, but it is also the easiest way to avoid it for Luffy who does not have any Armament Haki in front of him.

The machine gun attack under the high temperature and acceleration even directly smashed the ground under Yamato's feet. Looking at the opponent who did not dodge or dodge and was still unharmed, Luffy shook his waist back and forcibly retracted his fists.

Seeing this, Yamato did not pursue for the time being, the doctor smiled and said, "Is there any other means of attack?"

Luffy didn't answer, but suddenly bit the thumb of his right hand and blew it up like a balloon.

———Third Gear Giant Pistol!

Turning into a fist bigger than a giant, Luffy roared and slammed towards the front of Yamato, covering a distance of more than ten meters around him.


Looking at the slow movements in front of him, Yamato's whole body turned into a flash of lightning the moment the fist hit him.


The ground was directly blasted into a deep hole by the third gear pistol.

Immediately afterwards, Yamato, which turned into several electric particles, recondensed above Luffy.

He moved slightly lower, holding the mace tightly with both hands, his pupils flashed suddenly, violent Haki surged out, and wiped out crackling blue-red arcs in the air.

With the strength of the twisting of the waist, he pulled the thunder and the tyrant to wrap around the anxious and terrifying thunder, and Yamato threw it out forcefully, and the air immediately made the sound of tearing apart.

——Thunder Eight Trigrams!!

Like (well) the speed of lightning flashes, just in the blink of an eye, the mace has been bombarded head-on on Luffy's turned abdomen.


Luffy couldn't help crying out in pain, and even more blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, like a missile, the thin body was directly bombarded to the ground.


The ground trembled violently.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and gravel splashed.

A huge air wave erupted, like an air wave constantly sweeping through a frenzy, sweeping away everything around.

Seeing this, Rayleigh waved his sword and slashed with a terrifying sword force, forcing Zoro and Kuina to retreat. Although the latter's insightful eyes were quickly detected, Rayleigh had already achieved his goal. The subordinates quickly rushed towards the huge pothole where Luffy was. .

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