Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 241 Landmark Land, Zou? Al Buff?

The moon and stars are scarce, the flying kingdom of lights

At this time, after returning to General City, Moder also returned to his usual extravagant and casual life.

After biting into the kebabs handed by Nami, it didn't take long for Carina's wine to follow.

Maude took a sip, and after drinking the barbecue and wine, he sighed comfortably: "Sure enough, such a day is comfortable.

Ah Shi smiled lightly, and then processed all kinds of food that Maud liked, and put them in Maud's mouth. Of course, it was inevitable to import food for a while.

Seeing Ah Shi's action of still serving her after rolling her charming eyes, Maude couldn't help laughing.

Eighteen years of time can be said to have completely changed the time and the sun and the heart into his dominant form of "107".

This also made Maude want to know what kind of pleasant shock the Wanokuni ghosts will receive when they see this scene two years later.

"However, there are only two years left before the decisive battle you want to start after the Summit War." Gion at the side table asked with great concern: "Two years... .Is it enough?"

Even though the current life is more cheerful and comfortable than the Marine where he was, Gion has not forgotten the wish to make the decision at the beginning.

And when Maud has been regarded as his own man and relied on, even if it is not for himself, because of Maud Gion, he must pay more attention to this.

"For the time being, we have laid enough hole cards, but Gion, your consideration is also in place. After all, the more hole cards, the better, especially in the decisive battle."

Maude began to think in the main seat, tapping his fingers one after another like raindrops.

The ultimate legion with fruit ability and awakening, the multiple world-destroying abilities he can display, Carina who has become a world-class singer, the shadow guard who has penetrated into the core force of Celestial Dragons, and the anti-bone bomb created by the Smile fruit

All of these can create considerable benefits for him in the battle against the World government.

And he also has two "temporary" allies, the Revolutionary Army and Kaido.

Plus he has Shirahoshi, who is already able to use the power of Poseidon, and the top battleship, Pluton.

Thinking about it this way, even in the face of a behemoth like the World Government, it is not impossible to fight against it and win.

But to say that the only thing that is uncertain is the existing and mysterious world king Im in the World government.

And what is the national treasure of Celestial Dragons, and whether it has anything to do with Uranus.

Maud tapped the table with his fingers and said, "Zou, does any of you know?"

"The country on the back of the giant elephant?" Robin said.

It was a giant elephant tens of thousands of meters high, named after the land on the back of the elephant owner, with forests, rivers, and a unique fur tribe civilization, also known as the country of Zowu.

Maude nodded: "In the whale tree at the top of Zou, there is a piece of Red's [road sign history text], then let someone bring it back.

Hearing this, everyone was a little bit strange. After all these years, it was the first time I heard that Moder took the initiative to collect the historical text of the Red road sign.


Robin also flashed a little surprise, and immediately wrote down the information, and only passed it on after the banquet was over.

"Speaking of which, Maud, do you know the fourth signpost?"

Gion couldn't help but ask, based on what she thought, Maud's sudden order should be more or less related to the complete information of Raftel.

And according to Whitebeard's words, it is not guaranteed that the big secret treasure can also become Maud's hole card.

Cao De didn't know how Gion's thinking deviated from his, but he didn't use it very much to read his inner thoughts for his retainers.

"If I'm not mistaken, the last road sign for Raftel is probably at Al Bhav.

"Al Buff?!"

Hearing this name, Gion or the retainers present were no strangers.

Especially Pudding, but according to Maud's request, he changed her sister's wishes and sent her to that country...

The prestigious titan kingdom, also because of the settlement of BIGMOM and the subsequent marriage relationship, the flying kingdom and Al Buff have privately established friendly relations.

"Does it need to be picked up? Or should Lola be in charge?" Robin asked.

Yamato, who has been working as a rice cooker, heard this, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said: "Oh, oh, oh, oh!!"

He also noticed that he was eating food in his mouth and couldn't explain clearly. After swallowing it in one gulp, Yamato patted his chest and said, "Let me go! I haven't been to Al Buff yet!"

Titan country, Yamato has always had a strong vision when he read fairy tales when he was a child.

“That said, I kind of want to go too.

Mihawk, who has always been half of the transparent people at banquets, opened his mouth, causing many people to stop eating in shock——looking at him.

Seeing that his words seemed to have attracted everyone's attention, Mihawk thought for a while, and added lightly: "I want to see the special moves there.

After saying this, even Zoro became interested.

"Being positive is a good thing." Lafitte said: "But what Lord Maud said is still speculation, and he hasn't made a decision yet.

"There is no problem going to 3.6. Since it is a guess, it is always necessary to go through the method of elimination to determine the correct answer, but it is just you, I am still somewhat worried.

Maude looked at the few people who wanted to set off, and then looked at Robin: "If you go to Al Baf, you still need Robin to take charge."

Hearing this, Robin winked playfully.

As the manager, she has rarely come into contact with travel tasks, but since it is Maud's request, she will definitely follow the action.

"However, there is no need to worry about these for the time being. In the short term, Robin, you may have a bit too much work.

After this Summit War, there are not a few guys who peek at the weapons in his hands and the BIGMOM Legion. .

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