Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 249 Blackbeard: Weibull, My Brother!

Sea Circle Calendar Late 1520.

The Age of Pirates reboot by Whitebeard is in full swing.

Not only the Pirates of the Four Seas are growing wildly in the underground sea, but more obviously, it is also the carnival riots belonging to Pirate Paradise, New World.

As one of the most famous pirates, the Whitebeard pirates known as Legendary own nearly one-third of New World's treasure land.

Now that pillar is no longer there, and the royal group that lost the emperor is no longer the number one pirate group that others feared.

In addition, the Whitebeard site is also one of the best treasures in the New World, no matter in terms of area or zone resources, it is not weaker than the once famous Totto Land sea area.

A powerful and ambitious pirate will naturally not give up easily.

Like a bloodthirsty shark smelling the smell of flesh and blood, countless heroes flocked to launch a crazy offensive towards all the Whitebeard Pirates.

And in this battle, the combined army formed by Blackbeard Teach and Edward Weibull is the most dazzling. Almost from the moment they seized the Whitebeard territory, they have been suppressing the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates.

New World, a stronghold somewhere in the Whitebeard territory.

At this time, the town has been turned into ruins, with the corpses of Whitebeard's pirates and burning buildings everywhere.

Wearing suspenders, Edward Weibull, a burly, fat, ugly-looking man with snot coming out of his nose, threw an unconscious pirate out of his hand.

The terrifying force forced the pirate to fly backwards, knocking down the houses one after another under the impact.

Seeing this, Blackbeard Teach couldn't help shrinking his eyes. With such terrifying strength, if it is matched with his own power fruit, he will definitely be an extremely terrifying top powerhouse.

"..So why don't those bastards come out! I want to avenge my old mother!"

Edward Weible asked Blackbeard Teach in a naive and angry way.

Hearing this, Blackbeard smiled, and then kicked the pirate who was stepping on him again. With the increased strength, he directly knocked the opponent hundreds of meters away like a cannonball.

Properly showing it in front of the new recruits, Teach just explained: "Don't worry, my brother!"

"We are retaking Dad's property now. Those guys who claim to be Dad's sons will definitely come to us on their own initiative! Compared to us asking for trouble, letting them come will save a lot of trouble."


Several question marks jumped out of Weibull's head.

Seeing this, Teach said more and felt a little helpless.

Kong has a terrifying physical fitness and strength comparable to that of his father when he was young, but his IQ is really speechless.

But it is precisely because of this that he can control the opponent so well now.

It's just that the old woman was executed secretly, and then forged the so-called suicide note, which immediately transferred the anger of the mother-killing enemy to the Whitebeard Pirates.

Teach didn't care about Weibull's reaction, and raised his hand in the air to make a false grab. The magnificent gemstones in his hands shone attractively under the sunlight.

"Thieves hahaha!! We just need to wait, whether it is for your mother's revenge, or for your father's territory, only you, the true son of Whitebeard, are eligible to inherit

And I will help you together to take back what belongs to you!"

Hearing these touching words, Weibull was immediately moved with tears in his eyes, and covered his face and burst into tears: "Brother Teach! You are so kind to me. Sure enough, what my mother said is right!"

At the same time, it is located in the sea near the direction of the Sphinx in New World

"Damn it, that bastard Teach not only killed Sarge! Now he is planning to join forces with outsiders to take away the territory that originally belonged to our pirate group!"

Joz shouted angrily, and his body, which was like a chariot because of his anger, directly blasted the giant tree beside him.

After the Summit War, under the cover of Whitebeard and when Maude showed off, the Moby Dick was still in good condition, and the Whitebeard pirates returned home.

Unexpectedly, just going out for a trip, in less than a few days, many house numbers in the homeland were directly seized by others, and even the wounds caused by the war had no time to repair, and they would continue to start the war to protect the homeland.

With the departure of Whitebeard, it seems that the original huge pirate group also fell apart.

More than half of the pirates under his command directly withdrew, and even the main ship, many people chose to quit in despair.

The only ones left are the remnants of the captain, and most of the companions who have walked along the way in the long time ago.

The tens of thousands of people who traveled mightily, but now the number of people after regularization is only more than 10,000.

Although they are still a powerful pirate team in New World, (adaj) there is no doubt that they have fallen out of the status of the sea royal team.

"Marco, what should we do..." asked Vista.

Now that the father is gone, it is natural that Marco with the highest qualifications and strength will lead the current team.

"That's our home, and it's also the memory of Dad and us. I don't want anyone to take it away."

"Where should our Whitebeard Pirates go without these places?"

"And Teach, everything started because of him, we must not let him go!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, but the topic of discussion all pointed to wanting to take back their homeland and crusade against Teach.

Listening to the words of the family members, Marco raised his head and said slowly: "Then are you ready to fight for your life?"

If the old man is still there, he must be just like the brothers.

But now that the weight of the entire team has been placed on his shoulders, he naturally needs to consider many things.

Marco raised his head and asked back, making everyone silent.

Although they were filled with righteous indignation just now, they just experienced the Summit War, plus the team that fell apart, they are really not such a top team.

The strength of the current pirate group is greatly weakened, even if they try their best, they may not be able to protect their father's territory.

In addition, they are all the sons of the father who burned his own life.

"Then what should we do? We can't just watch those garbage pirates take over Dad's territory like this, right? That should be our homeland!"

Among the pirates, there is no kindness at all.

The winner gets everything, the loser gets nothing.

Everyone understands this truth, but the homeland of decades, no one will accept it easily and willingly.

"Are we going to keep silent like this, so that the whole world will think that the Whitebeard regiment is dead."

Joz raised his hands: "It doesn't matter if we are looked down upon by others, but the pirates who use daddy as their name must not let their reputation be damaged."


Marco looked at the other party. Since the Summit War, his calm personality has also become more aggressive.

These words definitely resonated with many people.

Those who can continue to stay are naturally nostalgic for Dad's kindness to them and the glory of the Pirates.

"We are already prepared! Captain Marco, please say something."

The voice was quickly shifted to Marco's side.

Marco frowned, paused for a moment, then nodded and spoke: "Since everyone has made a decision, let's protect Dad's territory together as a big family."

"However, with our current strength, it must be difficult to protect the home of so many pirates, Vice Admiral.

"So, we have to be prepared to make trade-offs."

"But one thing, I'm the same as you guys! That guy Teach, you can't let him go lightly!"

With these words, the remaining remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates began to set off towards the territory occupied by Blackbeard.

After receiving this information, the shadow guard quickly reported to Luo Bao.

Similarly, in the flying kingdom, Hancock and others have been waiting for this news for a long time. .

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