Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 261 Gion Sees Kuzan, Confused Justice

justice...what is it?

Aokiji feels that justice has different opinions on different people, and it will change with the position, so Aokiji will never question the justice of others, and likewise, his justice does not allow others to hinder or deny it.

After the marshal dispute, the major decision to leave Marine was also because his justice conflicted with Akainu's justice.

Akainu's justice is absolute justice, and before justice, there is absolutely no evil allowed.

As an iron-blooded soldier, Akainu sticks to absolute justice and tries his best to protect Marine's face. As long as Marines who run away and innocent civilians become obstacles in the way of justice, he will kill them without hesitation.

Such absolute cruelty, Aokiji "May 13" was unwilling to be with Akainu, so he left Marine after Akainu won the marshal battle.

Especially when Akainu thought that they were once colleagues, and Aokiji was lenient, Aokiji was even more reluctant to stay in Naval Headquarters.

At this time, Aokiji was wandering in New World, riding leisurely on the sea on his unique means of transportation.

He has also taken off Marine's military uniform. Perhaps, he will never put on the cloak with the word "Justice" in his life.

When he was young, Vice Admiral Garp once told him that if he wanted to be free, he didn't need such a high status.

Perhaps, if he hadn't been Marine Admiral, there wouldn't have been that so-called Marshal battle, but considering the fact that Akainu had to accept most of his ruthless orders "Aokiji still couldn't stand how fat he was and left.

How much, Aokiji seems to understand that so many people become pirates, and some pirates, maybe they should be called dreamers, dreamers who pursue freedom, doing whatever they want, and feeling free is really good.

After reading this, he couldn't help muttering to himself again: "It seems that as a jobless vagrant, I can't help but start to feel confused."

"The next stop...where should I go?"

Aokiji looked at the sea, thinking about the decision, and when his head was about to be empty again, the knowledgeable color sensed the information that was only coming straight to him.

Looking around, it turned out to be a ship carrying the flag of the most famous flying kingdom in the New World coming towards him. Aokiji's previously confused eyes suddenly became sharp, until he saw the figure at the bow

The mood that was brought up was slightly put down again.

The boat stopped the other party in front of him, and Gion looked down, nearly half of which was covered with burns and scars, and his left leg was completely made of ice as a prosthetic limb. In this situation, that guy Sakazuki is really merciless."

"It should be considered merciful, otherwise I wouldn't be able to meet you here." Kuzan said lightly, not caring about his own situation at all.

"That's exactly what it is."

In this regard, Gion sneered, and continued to look at Kuzan: "Is there a purpose? I can give you a ride, Kuzan... Anyway, you are not Marine Admiral Aokiji now."

Kuzan didn't say anything, picked up his bicycle, jumped up, and easily boarded the ship commanded by H Gion in an earstep manner.

Scanning the general situation of the deck, I felt that I was boarding the ship, neither the soldiers nor the boatmen had the slightest nervousness or fear towards me, Kuzan looked at Gion again

Leaning against the railing of the boat without any tension at all, he spoke.

"You are still as beautiful as ever, no wonder that guy Jia Ji still misses you."

Hearing this, Gion's face immediately showed a strong sense of disgust, which interrupted the atmosphere of Kuzan, an old man who met and started talking about the past.

"I don't have the slightest idea about that guy. There's no need for these insignificant friendships to affect my mood. Besides, neither you nor I are Marines anymore."

Seeing Gion's frowning expression, Kuzan mourned for Jiaji's never-give-up relationship in his heart for a while, then Fang sighed again: "I've been emphasizing my current identity, so that man is paying attention again, right?" .”

"Indeed, after you left the Marine, we got the news, and then he asked me to come to you..." Gion also leaned back against the railing of the boat: "But even if there is no Maud's mission, I would Maybe I will take the initiative to talk to you, especially now that I see you with a confused face."

"Really? I think I still have a plan. It's a rare time to retire. I plan to find a hot island and take a good soak in a hot spring."

Kuzan scratched his head, and after hearing Gion's reply, he turned around, looked at the endless sea, and passed away in a daze. After a while, he said with a straight face: Even if I am not a Marine, I will not Do something against justice. "

These words showed his will, and Kuzan naturally understood the purpose of Gion coming to the door immediately after he left Marine.

"Of course I know this. Even after I turned my back on Marine, I have never troubled Marine, just like Marine and Uncle Garp's kindness to you [I still have the highest respect for Sister He."

"I used to always think that World government and Marine are the embodiment of justice, but the facts prove that Marine is Marine, and the government is the government, which cannot be confused with each other."

"Whether it is Ohara or White Town, the World government is the decision maker, and the Marine is the implementer."

Hearing Gion mention Ohara, Kuzan's expression changed a bit, and he also realized that the other party came prepared to 3.7.

"Now that the decision-maker is corrupt, Marine is also corrupt. You don't need me to tell you what the Celestial Dragons are like... And Kuzan, the reason why I am willing to come to you is because of my recognition of your justice. .”

"Instead of being confused in this sea, or entangled in the position of justice, why not go and see for yourself.

Gion looked at Kuzan, she had a high level of confidence in the flying kingdom managed by Mord and the system of other kingdoms.

Kuzan is silent, justice? He is also very confused about his own justice. After all, after leaving Marine, he is like a bird without a nest, wandering around, not knowing where to go and what to do. .

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