Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 27 Voluntary Will Last Forever

"I bet you!"

With a nervous and quick look, he couldn't help but look at Kozuki and fell into the trap step by step, Mo De wanted to cover his face to hide his smile.

Threats can naturally achieve their goals, but the state of mind after voluntary gambling is still very different from being forced. Only by planting a persuasive reason in your heart can you achieve long-term stability.

Getting rid of Kurozumi orochi and eliminating the hidden danger of Kaido is what Mo De has to do when he comes to Wanokuni. What's more, the problem of Kaido has been solved first.

Kozuki felt that this was a good bet, but Mo De felt that this was an additional benefit that could be collected after he had to act.

"In that case, Mrs. Shi, please come with me." Mo De said as he opened the door and walked out.

Gritting his teeth without any choice, Kozuki followed Mo De and stepped out.


As soon as he stepped out of the room, a voice of joy came immediately, and a petite figure familiar to Kozuki jumped into his arms.


Immediately, Kozuki also clasped his hands together, and then looked Hiyori's whole body up and down, until he realized that there was no injury, and he was not restrained by chains like her, and he was relieved in his heart.

"Mother, I'm fine! And thanks to this Mo De big brother who saved us from the bad guys and allowed us to stay here and protect us."

Kozuki Hiyori said, looking at the tall Mo De aside, eyes full of gratitude.

For a girl who is only a child, after experiencing major events such as the separation of her relatives and family accidents, she can be rescued by others under great trauma.

Hearing this, Kozuki glanced at Mo De, then smiled bitterly silently, smoothed Kozuki Hiyori's hair and said, "Yeah, as long as you're fine."

"Mother, what is this?"

Kozuki Hiyori naturally didn't understand the inexplicable look in Kozuki's eyes, but she also noticed a handcuff on each of her mother's wrists.

"This is a restriction for your mother. Your mother intends to keep you and go out alone. Even if it means sacrificing yourself, you have to do some dangerous things." Mo De said.

Now outside, there are all bad guys like Orochi and Kaido.

Hearing this, Kozuki Hiyori immediately burst into tears unacceptably: "Huh?! Mom doesn't want it!! Now it's just my mother and me! I don't want a life without a family!"

In Oden Castle, I can still watch my mother's behavior firmly. Now that I am safely informed of such a thing, I naturally start to cry twice as much.

"No, mother won't do these things, and won't leave Hiyori alone." Kozuki was infected at the time, and he also cried to comfort his daughter.

Although it is touching, as long as the bet fails, Mo De knows that the other party will still take the risk to sow the seeds of resistance for the whole country for the next twenty years.

"It's very dangerous outside, you just stay here and someone will take care of you, Mrs. Shi."

Mo De said, looking towards Kozuki with extra emphasis.

When they walked to the main hall, they didn't look at the situation where the two were crying.


Hearing Mo De's call, the tall and beautiful Emily, wearing a kimono, immediately came to Mo De's side.

"Explain to Lilith and the others that your first priority is to take good care of the two people in the room, especially Kozuki, understand." Mo De said while touching his delicate face.

Although the girl blushed, she nodded firmly.

In this extremely huge house, it is naturally impossible that the three daughters of Lilith brought by him are the only ones.

But without spending time on winning people's hearts, Wanokuni is now the most able to listen to him, and these three women are the only ones.

Although at the level of three ordinary people, it is impossible to keep an eye on Kozuki who has good skills, but it is enough to make the other party notice this situation.

Looking at the tallest tower in the Capital of Flowers, Orochi City, Mo De has no time to take care of the two of them for the rest of the time.

The most important and simplest part of the plan, he planned to implement it.

Different from the scene of discussions outside the street, inside the general's mansion, the grand banquet held at this moment is even more extravagant with flowers and brocades, like a fire cooking oil.

The burly, bald, big headed, wearing a crown, Kurozumi Orochi, a typical villain image, is drinking good wine at the moment while admiring the dance of several geisha in front of him.

On the banquet table full of delicious food and wine, each of the royal court fans who took refuge in Orochi sat.

"So hehehe, Kozuki Oden has been completely solved this time, and I have completely sat on the position of general. From now on, the entire Wanokuni will be under my control!"

Hearing Orochi's drunken laughter, the members of the Imperial Court hurriedly raised their glasses to congratulate Kurozumi Orochi: "Congratulations General Orochi! From now on, you will be the highest status existence in Wanokuni."

Orochi, who likes to hear compliments, laughed even more when he heard the words, but when he put his eyes on the empty seat beside him, he paused in displeasure at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Hmph, only that guy Kaido, he won't come to participate My party!"

As he said that, the emotions brought about by the drunkenness surged up, and he began to talk about things one after another with a sullen face: "Obviously I beat my important retainer Higurashi to death, and I failed to let the red sheaths escape, and I didn't bring Kozuki Oden with me." It's really infuriating to come to my place for execution in vain."

Normally, he would not dare to say more in front of outsiders.

But the things in front of him are all loyal to him, and coupled with his happy mood, he wants to spit out his unhappiness.

"The group of guys have been disappearing in Jiuli, and there is no trace of them in Wanokuni. It may be that they are afraid of Lord Orochi's prestige, and fled outside Wanokuni in embarrassment."

Naturally, the royal court fans dare not follow Orochi to speak ill of Kaido, they can only report some information that Orochi is more concerned about.

"Hmph, count them running fast, otherwise they must be cooked to make up for my regret." Kurozumi Orochi said.

But at this time, the phone bug in his arms suddenly rang.

The Kurozumi Orochi is taken out, and it is the phone bug with Kaido's signature that is making the sound.

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