Although the name of D is not given in the name, Joey Boye's philosophy undoubtedly fits with the philosophy of the D family.

Therefore, with the passage of time, Joey Boye is more and more surrounded by people in the D family, and his status has also risen.

Joey Boye believes that it is difficult to completely overthrow the rule of God by relying on the D family alone. To solve them, thousands of help from all over the world are needed.

So the concept of freedom began to spread slowly in the world with the wandering of Joey Boye.

In particular, the special races other than humans, such as titan and murloc, who are most severely enslaved by gods, are all deeply influenced by Joey Boy's ideas, and thus join the front against the rule of gods.

Because of this, the ability that Joey Boye wished to obtain began to have the famous saying of liberating Warrior "Nika".

With the addition of more combat power of the rebel organization, and the widespread appearance of Devil Fruit in the world, it has become a factor that is no longer Rare, and God's dominance over the world is weakening day by day.

The shipbuilders of Water Seven also joined Joey Boye's team after gaining freedom, and built a super battleship in order to defeat God.

That is the official appearance of the three ancient weapons - Pluton.

In order to reverse the defeat, God's side also created a super weapon, which is Ancient Weapon——Uranus.

The confrontation between two super weapons has brought the world to the brink of destruction.

In order to reduce casualties, Joey Boi, who has become the leader of the D family, sought foreign aid from the Dragon Palace Kingdom under the sea. It just so happened that the mermaid princess at that time was Poseidon who would appear once in hundreds of years and could summon several Sea Kings.

So Joey Boye and the mermaid princess at that time made an agreement to help them solve the problem of racial discrimination after the war was won, just like treating the titans, so that they can live on land equally.

In the end, the coalition forces with two Ancient Weapons and the D family defeated the gods.

And the D clan who was the first to stand up against God and lead the coalition to victory, was later called the natural enemy of God.

After defeating the gods, more kingdoms also began to appear around the world.

The D family established a great kingdom in Raftel, and built Noah's Ark in order to realize the agreement with the mermaid princess.

Everything seems to be heading in a good direction.

However, among the God Clan that was wiped out, no one knew that there was a very cunning careerist who secretly survived.

After the government of God was overthrown, that careerist sneaked into the Great Kingdom, and gradually became famous in it, making more and more people think of "Im" as an extra person.

World peace has been maintained for less than five years.

The huge ark "Noah" built by everyone's joint efforts has also reached the final stage of completion.

And the accident happened not long after that.

For five years, Im has been secretly storing his power and influence, and successfully obtained eternal life through the immortality operation, thus obtaining the only key that could control Uranus at that time.

With the decisive power to control the situation of the battle, Im began to put his plan on the surface.

I don't know when, the idea that Raftel will become the last kingdom of gods spread in the world, maybe it was just a rumor at first, but as the great kingdom became big enough to dominate the whole world.

Fear, jealousy, and jealousy are all accompanied by rumors that have gradually penetrated into the hearts of the people, especially the terrifying power brought by titan.

And coupled with Im's secret "performance" in the Great Kingdom, the scale of the Great Kingdom began to tilt unknowingly.

With suspicion, Nika's advantage of the Drum of Liberation was no longer there, and with the planet around the "sun" being affected by Im, an alien star, the great kingdom began to split internally.

Taking this opportunity, Im contacted 20 royal families including Alabasta and De Reiss Rosa to form a coalition army to attack the huge kingdom together.

A huge war broke out [this time also involved the horror of the whole world.

0…ask for flowers………

The great kingdom has internal and external troubles, even with the combination of Poseidon and Pluton, without the influence of the Drum of Liberation, the war is almost one-sided

Knowing that everything is irreversible, Joey Boye used ancient characters that not everyone can understand, combined with Wanokuni to create a historical text, telling the origin of the huge kingdom

The information and location of the Ancient Weapon, the truth of the real history, etc. were all recorded, and a letter of apology was specially written to the Mermaid using the stone tablet.

The great kingdoms finally began to fall, and the Alliance gained the upper hand.

Many are connected to great kingdoms, such as the city of Shandora, which was destroyed by the alliance.

After the great war, Wanokuni had to cut off its ties with the world and became a closed country. Titan also retreated from Al Buff for several years because it became the fuse itself. Take the world by storm again.


At the end of the war, only Alabasta knew that under the influence of Joey Boye, the Alliance of Twenty Nations was launched. At this time, the other nineteen royal families had been brainwashed by Im's theory of calling gods, and they all wanted to establish the so-called Celestial Dragons system. .

After the victory of the war, the Alliance attempted to create a false history to cover up this history, but because Alabasta held a tendency to oppose this, the fabrication of false history was restrained, thus creating the so-called "Blank Hundred Years of History".

Eventually Alabasta withdrew, and Eim became the rightful supreme dictator of the Celestial Dragons after taking control of Uranus' means.

However, Im has learned the lessons of those who used to be gods or Joey Boi. Although he is still dictatorial, he has made some articles on the surface and established the World government World Summit and Five Elders systems, so that the status of Celestial Dragons gods will be affected. Established a certain system, in order to achieve a false republic to maintain the rule of the World government.

This system continued until hundreds of years later, until it was revealed by the truth of history in the way recorded in the current inscription.

That is, the so-called D family, and the hundred-year-old truth scholars who have been blanked out. .

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