Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 323 End The War, The New King Of The World!

Multiplication is the concept of Momo Fruit, which can increase the speed, volume, size, etc. of the objects it touches, up to 100 times.

And to achieve awakening, then there is a completely different concept from this rule.

As long as it is within Maude's mind, everything can be multiplied as Maude thinks.

No matter all objects in reality, or cells in the body, Constitution, sword power, Haki, etc., are all in the concept of multiplication.

Even the degree of doubling is far more than before.

If the usual maximum is a hundred times, then after Mord awakens, he can continue to give one hundred times and then give another one hundred times, reaching a continuous energy surge that Im can't surpass in any case.

It's just that the consumption of this kind of ability is almost more exaggerated than Carina's ability to cover the whole world. Even using life potion and pure gold can't last for half a day, so it's naturally not in the common cards that Maude considers.

But after obtaining the Immortal Constitution like Im, this ability with extremely strong shackles was naturally released.

Im's pupils constricted, and even if Maude didn't express the ability after awakening, she could guess this situation.

But the more so, the more unwilling she was.

If the Divine Tree can play the expected role, she will definitely win!

Involuntarily, a big mouthful of blood spewed out from Im's mouth! Following the spurt of this mouthful of blood, Im suddenly became extremely sluggish.

"It seems that you also know the result."

Looking at Im who looked sluggish and completely lost the power to fight back, Maude said indifferently: "It's just a burst of pure energy, losing all the skills that come from planning, and a beast that has no energy for a lifetime will naturally not be my opponent. .”

"It's over, Em."

After Maud announced, he mobilized all his power and poured it into Sakura.

The shock wave enough to wipe out the divine strike, the momentum and aura of pure kendo, the black and red of Ultimate Haki, the energy of Piao Piao and Momo converged and multiplied, at this moment "Cao De mobilized all the energy systems he could master.

All kinds of energies are intertwined on Sakura, and finally mixed into a hazy Seven Colored halo.

Feel the surrounding energy and breath being evacuated, and the result that cannot be escaped or avoided.

"It's over... eh~*?"

Im feeling the surrounding energy and breath being emptied, and the result that cannot escape or avoid, said with a hoarse voice: "Jin De, what kind of origin do you want to create?!"

"Of course it is a world where all things are centered on me and have me as their will."

Seeing Maude's vigorous answer, Im only felt extremely unhappy.

"Ridiculous concept! The world will never be able to surround a single force, whether it is the once huge kingdom or the World government! As long as the desire called greed and ambition is still there, there is no guarantee that your so-called era will not repeat the same mistakes I am now!"

"I'm not going to be like a turtle after I get the world like you. Since I have eternal life, how difficult is it to create an eternal kingdom text?"

Whether it is the rule of fear or the rule of force, as long as the world rule is maintained, it is a good means.

After Maude finished speaking, Qiu Sakura fell.

Between whistling, it continuously multiplies and changes in milliseconds.

In an instant, the sky was instantly enveloped by this huge energy, like a second sun hanging high in the sky.

The attack was completely locked on Im who had given up resisting, a blow that couldn't escape even the space, and with a dazzling light that seemed to swallow everything, he slammed down swiftly.

bang rumble

Following a brief silence, terrifying roars erupted.

The light even covered half the world!!

Im, the Holy Land Mariejois...everything is turned into nothingness under the energy shock.

Seeing that the Red Line, which was several million meters below, was obliterated by almost half of its height, Maud stared at the four seas, somewhat unable to hide his inner emotions at the moment.

Finally...success! A world ruled by me!"

Below the Red Line, to above where the fighting has subsided.

Whether it is the retainers of the Flying Kingdom, or the people of Carina's spiritual world, they are all waiting anxiously.

The thing that can be confirmed is that whoever emerges is the side that wins the war.

Because of the influence of abilities, even Carina's spiritual world can hardly observe that earth-shattering battle.

Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, the changes that affected the world and nearly half of the Red Line were annihilated. No matter which one they are, Maude and Im will become absolute existences that the public will not dare to resist.

It was originally just a war between Marines and pirates caused by Raftel.

No one expected the situation to gradually evolve into a battle for world supremacy, and even the level of war has changed from island level to world destruction level.

It's amazing.

"`々Someone's figure appeared!!"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

Immediately, everyone in the spiritual world focused their attention.

Black dots appeared in the sky, and they were slowly falling.

And yet to see the figure, just feeling the familiar and powerful aura, everyone in the Feikong Kingdom erupted in huge cheers.


"It's Lord Maud!!"

"Master Maud really defeated Im! It is our victory!"

At the same time, the figure of Moder appearing on the screen in the sky instantly touched the hearts of countless people present.

"It's the king of flying!!"

"He won the World Government! The Flying Kingdom is going to replace the World Government!!"

"The Celestial Dragons are over, the World government (Nuo Jihao) has been overthrown......

"OMG! What will happen to the world? Will Confederations still exist?!!"

"It's over! Everything is over! It's going to be ruled by people from an illegal country. I can already foresee my future life..."

"Not necessarily, don't those newspapers all record the rich country under the management of that king?"

Countless different voices resounded in the sky above the spiritual world, and a series of explosive news brought by the final victory made people's minds buzzing.

The world has been running on the track of government rule for eight hundred years, and today finally ushered in a new turning point!

Without the restraint of the world government, no one knows whether the sea will fall into more chaos in the future.

But today is a moment worthy of being remembered by the whole world. The flying king successfully replaced the government and became the well-deserved king of the world. .

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