Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 327 York Was Born Between The Heaven And The Earth, How Can He Live In Depression For A Long

"Hey! I seem to have a new idea in my mind!"

"Haha, since this is the case, do we want to increase the debugging of the war weapon? I just want to see the degree of damage between it and the Four Emperors."

"It's too bad! I haven't thought of that level yet! Pythagoras, please continue to adjust the weapon, I have to write down the new idea quickly! York, you can eat for me!"

Located on the R&D floor of Danjian Island, the five clones of Vegapunk at this time began to perform their duties because they witnessed the battle between the straw hat and the war weapon.

This is a special training trial that has been carried out almost every day recently. In the center of the virtual junction, the straw hats will fight against the developed machinery to stimulate the awakening of the straw hat fruits.

Only Sakyamuni, who represents "integrity", said nothing about it, and then silently walked in front of the main body Vegapunk and said: "I always feel that this is not a good thing."

Vegapunk: "Are you worried about supporting the country?"

"Of course, the guy over there is the most threatening pirate in the world right now, plus he has a group of dangerous people who want to overthrow the new country around him! ... It is absolutely impossible to ignore for Danjian Island Hidden hazard!"

After the Eternal Kingdom issued an order to eliminate pirates, with the Grand Line as the leader, all ships sailing under the pirate flag were sanctioned by the now powerful Eternal Kingdom

In addition, the faction of the Four Emperors Kaido was suppressed, and Kaido himself was sent to the Eternal Kingdom by force. Now the most powerful pirate is Si Gao's only straw hat.

Because of the policy of the Eternal Kingdom, the pirates who don't want to be arrested or give up their current life basically pour into the Straw Hat Fleet, which directly created the Straw Hat Fleet is almost the current... only all the pirate camps left.

Because of this reason, Ben has undoubtedly become a major crusade point in the Eternal Kingdom, coupled with the warriors who want to avenge the king of the world... and some of the revolutionary army who greedily want to get more things.

Danjian Island is already in danger of destroying the island simply by being involved with these people, let alone the Straw Hat who helped the biggest criminal among them.

[Integrity], there is no way around this, ancient weapons are an essential element in order to achieve a world where energy can be shared for free. "

Vegapunk sighed, then became impassioned about his dream.

"But as long as we pass the imperial examination system, we can directly enter the scientific research class of the eternal kingdom, and then we can also study Ancient Weapon. "There is no need to take such a big risk."

Listening to Sakyamuni's words, Vegapunk shook his head and said:

"Not to mention that the imperial examination system still has more than two years to go, according to ancient historical records, Nika's ability is an indispensable element! As long as you can master the awakened Nika factor, everything will be successful!"

"As for Duorag's son, that level is almost there. As long as I can continue to conceal the time and fulfill my ultimate long-cherished wish, I will die without regret.

Crazy on the left, genius on the right.

Vegapunk, as the world's undisputed No. 1 genius, naturally can turn into a desperate lunatic when it comes to his lifelong dreams.

Especially now that the four seas are united, and peace has been preliminarily realized under the new eternal kingdom.

He just needs to create the era of brilliant technology for this world.

"I understand." There was silence for a while, Sakyamuni Kaidō.

The dream of the main body is also the dream of them as avatars.

And according to the time, the straw hat has been here for more than a month, maybe it can really hide the past.

After all, Danjian Island is an island of Vegapunk, but it is an absolutely independent island in the world. Especially there are many device jammers on the island, plus the virtual projection mode and the boundary dome, the security is not generally high.


Thinking in this way, on the many screens on the R&D floor, among them the screen observing the open sea, a warning sound suddenly came out.

Sakyamuni and the ontology leaned forward in a hurry, and the scene in the screen immediately made Vegapunk burst into a cold sweat.

On the islands dozens of miles away from Danjian Island, there are all the ships of the Straw Hat Fleet and the Revolutionary Army.

But at this moment, all of them have suffered a terrible disaster.

Pluton Pluto!

Uranus Uranus!

There are thousands of meters or even thousands of meters of Sea Kings!

The three ancient weapons are currently clearing away the cancerous tumors considered by Sakyamuni as unstable factors.

The so-called crowd tactics and New World powerhouses are as fragile as tofu in front of this level of weapons, and they will be broken every day.

Sakyamuni was also not calm and panicked: "The people from the eternal kingdom are here!!! Who leaked the secret? It's been more than a month since they have been safe and sound!"

"Is it the guys on the outskirts! They obviously took them in with good intentions!" Lilith followed and said angrily: "Sure enough, we should just let the weapons tear them apart!"

Pythagoras scratched his head in a panic: "Impossible! I obviously let the robot also set the shielding mode there."

"It's not an issue at all now!"

After Sakyamuni opened his mouth, he walked out immediately: "Let the straw hats and the main body hide directly, maybe the Eternal Kingdom doesn't know the exact situation of Danjian Island."

"Even if we know, we can still transfer the straw hat and the main body secretly through the bear's ability!"

The rest of the avatars followed immediately, and Lilith said: "Do you still want to be a good student at this time! Honest! Why do you want to do that? Wouldn't it be better to just abandon them? Anyway, those people are outsiders from Danjian Island."

"Because the straw hat carries the dream of the ontology."

When Shakya said a word, Lilith stopped talking.

"`々I'll notify the straw hat warriors to come out of the special training ground!" Edison ran to the operating table and quickly operated.

At this moment, the voice of warning spread directly throughout the entire Danjian Island.

Beep! Beep!

One by one the Boundary Dome is closed!


"Edison what are you doing? Close the border at this time?!"

Hearing the reminder that resounded through the sky, the avatars who were taking steps outside hurriedly turned around.

"not me!"

Edison hurriedly adjusted the system and said quickly: "The center is out of control now, the system has been hacked!"

"That's right, the R&D layer is now closed."

While everyone gasped, a tall figure slowly walked in from the outside.

"York? What do you mean, is this situation related to you now?!"

Lilith opened her mouth excitedly, but York laughed foolishly.

"That's right, I have already informed the Eternal Kingdom of your actions, and I will also become the master of the Eternal Kingdom."

Looking at the girl with explosive figure and sweet appearance, this is the first time the other five avatars and the main body have seen York (is this Zhao) smiling like this.

It is obviously a happy smile, but it makes people feel creepy and uncomfortable psychologically.

Is this still the York who helps them share their desires and only knows how to eat and drink?

"Are you kidding York! You are violating the original intention..."

- Boom!

The gunshot directly interrupted Sakyamuni's unfinished words forever.

"I've heard a lot of honest words, and I always feel irritated, but now it's much quieter.

After blowing on the unextinguished hot smoke from the pistol, York asked the stunned crowd!


"Frenzy" Atlas said angrily.

In the next second, countless shadow guards who had been buried in Danjian Island for many days filed in, instantly controlling all the avatars and the main body.

Immediately afterwards, York walked towards Vegapunk step by step, squatting down, and the huge figure still directly covered the main body.

"It's all Vegapunk is too much trouble."

York smiled and said: "Ontology, I have always thought that as long as there is a Vegapunk in the world... I will be happier!".

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