Nautical Rise: Impel Down Loot Flutter And Momo

Chapter 35 I Will Take Good Care Of Them

"The ghost island in the sea is really gone!"

"Wanokuni doesn't have those pirates either!"

"Our country has truly been liberated from Kaido and Orochi!"

"It's General Mo De! It's General Mo De who took care of everyone! Saved us all!"


The heroic samurai who came back from the port of Babu, after returning to the towns of Wanokuni, informed the whole people of this event of concern.

Soon, the information spread like a frenzy, and within an hour, Wanokuni set off an upsurge of carnival across the country again.

It is even different from the period of the national announcement a few days ago. Compared with the absence of Orochi and the threat of Kaido, it is even more joyful.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, almost everyone in Wanokuni is laughing.

Even everyone directly entered the strike period. Craftsmen, geisha, samurai, etc., all joined the people, dancing to celebrate and celebrate in various parts of the Wanokuni land.

For several days in succession, Wanokuni was elected by countless people to hold a special National Celebration Ceremony, and the frenzy of celebration continued to be staged in Wanokuni.

Several images about Mo De are interspersed. Since the scene of the battle, the apotheosis has continued to rise.

There was a Shimotsuki Ryoma who slayed a flying dragon, and was regarded as the "sword god" by Wanokuni.

Although there is no time to kill the dragon, the country has been resolved from the mouth of the dragon and snake, and Mo De has become the most respected general in history.

Surrounding the general city, there are prostrate and kneeling common people everywhere.

Emotions such as respect, gratitude, and anticipation are widely accepted by Mo De.

Although it was only a skin trauma, Mo De was still wrapped in bandages all over his body, lying in the general's bedroom that had been reset.

There are not many people in the room, but they are all important figures from various regions.

Suzugo daimyo who regained freedom from Rabbit Bowl, Hananohei Goro, the underground leader of the Flower City, Nozomi and Shiraomai who came here once, and Kozuki who was transferred here.

The first four of them all came to visit Jiangjun City after an agreement.

Among them, although Kozuki sukiyaki has already been taken over, each big name has somewhat surrendered to Mo De in their hearts.

In the scene of fighting Kaido this time, and the deeds of completely saving Wanokuni, the daimyos have truly changed from "Kozuki vassals" to today's "Mo De vassals".

When I came to the general's mansion today, apart from visiting the "injured" general, the agreement reached with Kaido was more concerned by the four people who came here specially.

After being asked by Hyogoro, Mo De said: "The agreement I reached with Kaido is that the arms deal with Wanokuni will continue."

"Is this why there is no all-out war with Kaido?"

Shimotsuki Yasuie murmured, it was not unacceptable in his heart, compared with a full-scale war, he would suffer greater harm, such a condition was obviously more correct.

"But those weapons are not small. The land cannot be planted after being polluted, and the water source is also poisonous after being polluted!" Kozuki said from the side.

Shimotsuki Yasuie and Heigoro were relieved to know that Mrs. Shi was still alive, especially after the royal retainers and children traveled to the future.

However, at this moment, there has been a change in mood from Kozuki's vassal to Mo De's vassal, Shimotsuki Yasuie subconsciously wanted to refute Mrs. Shi's statement that seemed to deny Mo De's practice.

But before he could say anything, Mo De himself nodded faster and said with an approving expression: "You are right, so I don't want to continue to build the weapon factory in Wanokuni, but to build it on other islands superior."

"Don't forget, I have the ability to transport overseas islands to Wanokuni, and it's not a problem."

In the few days since the image of Mo De was circulated, the fluttering ability that can fly all objects and even islands has become a divine power praised by the people of Wanokuni, and there are no all kinds of exclusionary remarks against black magic.

"And to be honest with everyone sitting here, Wanokuni's land plate is not limited to this. In the future, I will make more islands a part of the power."

What Mo De wanted in his heart, he said it without any concealment in front of these loyal ministers.

"This is your wish, and everyone in Wanokuni will agree!"

The answer was also as expected by Mo De, after all, he is now the highest status person in Wanokuni.

After knowing Kaido's request and Mo De's injury is not serious, the four of them also plan to leave.

Among them, Heigoro and Yasuie, who have a fairly good relationship with Kozuki Oden, glanced at Kozuki who was still in the room, and the former said: "This is the situation now, what are you going to do, Oshi, if possible, I can Provide a place for you both, mother and daughter."

Heigoro didn't say to go back to Kuri, after all, Oden Castle had already been destroyed.

Kozuki shook his head and said, "General Mo De is willing to let us take refuge here, and Hiyori can live as a princess."

Hearing this, Mo De also said: "After all, the general on my body should also thank Kozuki Sukiyaki. Sukiyaki plans to live in seclusion. Naturally, my wife and Hiyori will be taken care of by me, which can be regarded as a return to Kozuki's family. "

What a profound and profound statement this is.

The four people felt respectful and awe-inspiring again. What Mo De did was definitely worthy of the succession of the former general Sukiyaki.

At this moment, he can treat the widow and children of the son of Sukiyaki sincerely. This kind of spirit is really the best general in history!

Although these are all from the heart, but being able to listen to the Mo De in his heart, he naturally showed an inexplicable smile.

Thinking about the time when he was just a jailer with a character of forbearance and calculation.

At this moment, after one stop in Gion, he awakened the sense of knowledge that can listen to the inner emotions of others, and with his Grandmaster calculations, he began to walk slowly on this road.

However, it is precisely because of this that he was able to come from the jailer to the unprecedented general height of Wanokuni so smoothly.

After the four of them left, Mo De looked at Kozuki and said, "I am very satisfied with the answer just now."

If we say that the biggest change after Wanokuni is completely resolved, it is Kozuki in front of us.

Just a few days ago, I still hated and panicked towards myself, but now my attitude has reversed 180 degrees.

Kozuki looked at the bandages all over Mo De's body, and there was some warmth in his eyes: "You are doing this for Wanokuni, but it's just to keep your ability to stay by your side. It's nothing compared to the whole country cheering at this moment."

"What do you mean I can do this for Wanokuni? My initial plan was only our bet!"

Although the truth of this statement is not certain, but Kozuki still can't hear this kind of speech, it is far from what her elm-headed Royal Palace would say, and when Kozuki's favor has risen because of Mo De's action to save the country, an expression appears on his face. Some unacceptable red clouds.

After all, the subtext of these words has more or less the meaning that the country is not as important as you, especially Mo De's scorching gaze, and Kozuki has this kind of thinking even more.

"This kind of flattery and embarrassment can only be found in places like Wanokuni when you spend time on the streets. You are now a respected general. How can you be so casual."

"I'm not that rigid general, and it's not against the law for a general to parade in Flower Street."

Mo De didn't care, and suddenly remembered something.

The last time he went to the Kaido base camp, there were no Fei Liubao and others there, but he remembered that Black Maria was from Wanokuni, and according to the plot, it seemed to be related to places like Huajie.

"It seems that there is indeed a need to go to Huajie."

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