Mo De, who has already left the office, naturally does not know what he wrote, which shocked Kozuki.

Although he doesn't know much about complicated things like politics, but as a compulsory course in his studies, combined with rote memorization of history and other things, he still has some key points that he can figure out now.

Moreover, it is very suitable to be placed in such a closed country.

Under the authorization of Mo De, Kozuki, the new general in charge, was mainly in charge. After the method and content contacted the major names and other major politicians, the policy began to be implemented.

For a while, the content about "poverty alleviation" began to spread throughout the country, and the widespread topic indicated that the general was going to start a big move to rectify Wanokuni at this moment.

"Did you see the announcement? From now on, General Mo De will focus on the townships and reduce the annual harvest handed over there. At the same time, there will be many preferential treatment."

"See, I've already made plans to return to Baiwu from the Capital of Flowers. It just so happens that I've been away from my hometown for a long time."

"Come on, I never told you to go back before!"


The benefits and preferential treatment driven by the policy have begun to make many people focus on the direction that Mo De is currently supporting.

The excessive wealth and labor force in the capital of flowers began to spread to the townships of Wanokuni as expected.

Following this, Mo De also once again demonstrated the so-called "divine power" in front of everyone, and brought several overseas islands, and placed them not far from the Rabbit Bowl, forming a new sea building and weapon processing zone.

In this way, while maintaining the external craftsmanship, Wanokuni's own industries such as planting and animal husbandry have begun to be effectively improved under the flow of manpower.

Two months after the introduction of the "Poverty Alleviation" policy, all townships developed at a visible speed.

Especially when it comes to planting.

The population began to increase, the labor force increased, and the land that was abandoned due to no one began to be replanted.

In just two months, the estimated grain output has already reached the national harvest in the past half a year. This is only the first two months. Under the policy of comforting development, the planting curve has gradually increased, which shows the degree of exaggeration .

In the third month, General City issued another announcement on the preliminary aspects of talent training.

Once again, it received a strong response from the whole country. After the hot wind of civilians returning to their hometowns, the frenzy belonging to the heroic warriors followed closely.

Martial arts hall, ninja training and swordsmanship hall, etc., the turnover has skyrocketed, and Wanokuni's future combat power background has also become more and more profound.

In the fifth month, near the time of 1503 in the Sea Circle Calendar, Mo De got a Devil Fruit when he visited the northern cemetery in Bell Queen.

According to his guess, this is probably the fox next to Shimotsuki Niuwan, the one that will be eaten in the future──Human Fruit · Phantom Beast Species · Great Enlightenment.

Reminiscent of Wanokuni as a country of treasures, there are indeed a lot of Devil Fruits, and even the ripe fruits that may not be eaten by Anin, Mo De began to pass on the knowledge of Devil Fruits, explaining through schools and bulletin boards It has always been considered the origin of "witchcraft".

At the same time, the power of the whole country is collected, and the strange fruit is handed over to the general city, and the country will return it with a generous reward.

Until March 1503, which was fixed in the Sea Circle Calendar, Wanokuni had generally understood the knowledge of Devil Fruit, and even Mo De in General City also harvested three Devil Fruit handed in by the common people.

It's just that Mo De doesn't know what the abilities are without the Devil Fruit illustrated book.

Under such limitations, it feels that there are still too many things in Wanokuni, and a plan to go to sea began to rise in Mo De's heart.

After learning about Mo De's plan, Yamato, who also had the dream of going to sea, began to pester Mo De as expected, and even Black Maria, although he didn't say anything similar, the twinkling stars in his eyes also showed his thoughts.

This time I went to sea, I didn’t want to rush to set off for Wanokuni like I did back then.

This time, Mo De can just figure out where he wants to go, and of course, going overseas to bring back some potential seeds is indispensable.

Naturally, Mo De also agreed to the request of Yamato and Maria, which just happened to broaden their horizons.

So, until the Fire Festival, the most important day of Wanokuni in previous years.

Whether it is a commoner or a samurai aristocrat, all towns and cities are devoted to the festive atmosphere of this day.

Although the economic level of each township has been significantly improved in the past half a year after the policy.

However, compared with the capital of flowers, the area where the general is located is still somewhat less prosperous.

At this time of night, the venue of the Flower City Festival was already decorated with lights and festoons, the lights were brilliant, and there was an endless stream of smiling people, and the whole city was shrouded in laughter.

Mo De stood in the castle tower on the Shogun Castle, holding sake and looking down at the flickering street below, as if he could see the same hilarious day and three women below.

Since the expansion of Devil Fruit knowledge, the general knowledge of different races in the world has also been popularized to the knowledge of the people of Wanokuni.

As far as Maria, Yamato and others who can play together below, it can be seen that the effect is still good.

"After tonight, I will temporarily entrust you to you, Ah Shi, for all the affairs of Wanokuni."

"I see, you flinging general."

Kozuki looked down at his daughter: "But do you really want to go without Hiyori, she really wants to go to sea with you."

Mo De shrugged and said: "I'm going to do business this time, and bring Maria and Yamato, because they are my future right-hand people, and I also want to increase their knowledge and facilitate other training for them."

"And there will be opportunities to take her out to sea in the future. For now, I have been in charge of the country for less than a year. As Princess Wanokuni, it will be better to stay with you in Wanokuni."

Kozuki looked at Mo De: "You really have a good plan."

Although it was a complaint, Kozuki's expression was a smile.

Looking at the strands of blue hair brushing against the face, the expression of anger and smile coexisted, it really has a different kind of beauty.

Mo De couldn't help throwing the wine glass in his hand, and fell back to the ground steadily under the floating ability, reaching out to hold the other party in his arms.

Since being forced to take the initiative, when hugging Kozuki, who has gradually become accustomed to it, he didn't struggle at first, but after seeing the face of the other party getting closer, he couldn't help but panic: "Mo De?!"

"Remember what I just said when we met, I'm a person who always pursues my goals and will work hard to achieve them."

Listening to Mo De's answer, Kozuki understood something and remembered something, but his body unexpectedly did not struggle.

For some reason, she thought a lot all of a sudden, especially listening to the happy laughter that could still be heard from below.

Obviously it was verbal coercion at the beginning, and the object that made her extremely angry in her heart. The scene at that time can still be recalled now, but she can't feel that feeling at all.

The impression of the other party has gradually turned into a profound rescue of Wanokuni, changing the entire ecology of Wanokuni, and is a rare Mingjun.

At the same time, there is meticulous care for her and Hiyori.

Even as a general, her calm attitude towards others, as well as her insight and insights beyond ordinary people, are all very attractive to her.

She didn't know which was true and which was false, but compared to the unpleasantness of meeting at the beginning, she was more inclined to get along with each other for more than half a year.

Only then did I realize that Mo De had already had such a big influence on me in just half a year.


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